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Project organisation

Project organisation. Kick - off meeting Crete , 9-10 April 2013 Mateja Softić, Alianta d.o.o. In this presentation:. Project partnership Project bodies and roles How will we work together Project Meetings and Study visits Communication flow Project monitoring More about :

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Project organisation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Project organisation Kick-offmeeting Crete, 9-10 April 2013 Mateja Softić, Alianta d.o.o.

  2. In this presentation: Project partnership Project bodiesandroles Howwillweworktogether Project MeetingsandStudyvisits Communicationflow Project monitoring More about: Contractualobligations Financialand administrative management Reportingprocedures willbepresentedbyMsTsveta Aleksandrova andMs Stanka Klemenčič

  3. Workingtogether in (andfor) GreenPartnerships:

  4. Workingtogether in (andfor) GreenPartnerships: Who? What? (By) When? Forhowmuchmoney?

  5. Theaimofthispresentation: To presentthewaywewillorganisetheimplementation ofourproject so that: weassure a unified approach used by all project partners for implementing activities and delivering all outputs and results. weavoidconfusion, easetheadministrationandenablefocus on thecontent everyoneunderstandstheirrole andresponsibilities in theproject there is a clearandefficientflowofinformationwithinthepartnershipandtowardsoutsidestakeholders weproducehighqualityoutputs,and achieveprojectresultsthatwillaffect a positivechange in thelong run

  6. Project partners:

  7. Project bodiesand partner roles: Project Management Team KGZS MB & Alianta SteeringCommittee 1 representativeofeachproject partner AdvisoryBoard WP Leaders: KGZS MB, KyotoClub, AREANATejo, TUC Externalpartners Project participants Partnersparticipating in activities LocalActionGroups ActivityLeaders Expertgroupscoordinators Pilot Activitycoordinators LocalPartnerships

  8. Project managementteam: KGZS MB: Veronika Valentar, Project Manager Stanka Klemenčič, FinancialManager Alianta – externaladvisors: Urška Dolinar Mateja Softić Role: overallprojectcoordination responsiblefortheoverallqualityoftheproject chairingtheSteeringCommitteeandAdvisoryBoard

  9. Rolesofprojectbodies: SteeringCommittee: maindecision-makingbody jointsteeringofprojectworkandcooperation meets 7 timesduringtheprojectduration AdvisoryBoard: responsibleforinternalqualityassurance jointplanningofworkingmethodology qualitycontrolandreviewofprojectoutputs

  10. Rolesaccording to project structure: WorkPackageLeaders: plan theworkoftheworkpackages reposnsiblefortheoverallqualityofoutputswithin one workpackage ActivityLeaders: planning, organisationandcoordinationofeachactivity responsibleforguidingpartners in implementingtheprojectactivitiesandproducingprojectoutputs

  11. Rolesaccording to project structure: ExpertGroupcoordinators: exchangeofknowledge, experienceandexpertiseforthepurposeofachievingprojectresults made up ofpartnersexperienced in specificfieldof EE or RES Pilot ActivityCoordinators: responsiblefortheplanningandimplementationoftheir pilot activities in line withtheapproved AF

  12. Howwillweworktogether: Steering Committee meetings Trainings (workshops) for partners in WP3 Best practices brought togetherandexchanged at studyvisits Ideas shared and upgraded Proposals recommended and shared Events with stakeholders Project promotion

  13. Project meetings: 7 meetingsin theprojectlifetime Locations: Crete (M1  M4) Portugal (M10  M7) Outside MED area (M5  M9-11?) BosniaandHerzegovina (M15) Cyprus (M20) Montenegro (M24) Slovenia (M29) Jointplanningofworkandoverviewofwork done Partner workshopsin WP3 (combinedwithmeetings) Obligatoryparticipationofallpartners

  14. Studyvisits: Togetherwitheachprojectmeeting Part ofthecontentoftheprojectandobligatoryforpartners Not a touristactivity Shouldprovideknowledge, examplesthatcanbe used bypartnersforourjointwork 7 studyvisitsplanned  1 visitoutsideofthe MED programme – Ideas?

  15. Communicationflowwithinthe partnership: Steering Committee meetings (obligatory) Workshopsfor partners StudyVisits Regularphone (skype) conferences Regulare-mailcommunication WP leaders/activityleaders are responsible to knowthe status of WP/activity projectcontact list – updatedregularly IMPORTANT! Communicateanychanges, delaysetc. on time Beproactive!

  16. Project monitoring: Content WORK PROGRAMME • What you have to do? • How does it have to be done? • How are we doing with the implementation? • Monitoring the project indicators • Who to contact for what? INSTRUCTIONS AND OUTPUT STANDARD CHECKLISTS INDICATOR TABLE CONTACT LIST INFORMATION FLOW: PARTNER  ACTIVITY LEADER/WORK PACKAGE LEADER  LP

  17. Project monitoring: Finances • What is myplannedbudget? • Financialmonitoring? • Reportingrules DETAILED PARTNER BUDGET; SUBSIDY CONTRACT, IPA CONTRACTS SYSTEM FOR MONITORING FINANCIAL PROGRESS PREPARED BY LP UPCOMING PRESENTATIONS MORE INFORMATION ABOUT PROJECT ORGANISATION: GreenPartnershipsImplementationHandbook – preparedbythe LP

  18. Questions? Dilemmas?

  19. Thankyouforyourattention! Let’s make GreenPartnershipswork!

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