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Mission 3

Mission 3 . Life in the Colonies 1609-1732. Separatist. A Puritan who broke away from the Anglican Church ( p . 66) . Pilgrim. A Separatist who journeyed to the American colonies in the 1600s for religious freedom. ( p . 67). pacifism.

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Mission 3

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  1. Mission 3 Life in the Colonies 1609-1732

  2. Separatist • A Puritan who broke away from the Anglican Church (p. 66)

  3. Pilgrim • A Separatist who journeyed to the American colonies in the 1600s for religious freedom. (p. 67)

  4. pacifism • Opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes. (p. 75)

  5. Cash Crop • A crop grown primarily for profit (p. 85)

  6. Plantation • A large, commercial, agricultural estate (p. 85)

  7. Indentured servant • An individual who contracts to work for a colonist for a specified number of years in exchange for transportation to the colonies, food, clothing, and shelter. (p. 86)

  8. Gentry • Wealthy landowners in the South, also called the planter elite (p. 86)

  9. Subsistence farming • Farming only enough food to feed one’s family (p. 87)

  10. Middle Passage • The difficult journey slave endured in crossing the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. (p. 89)

  11. Slave code • A set of laws that formally regulated slavery and defined the relationship between enslaved Africans and free people. (p. 90)

  12. Town meeting • A gathering of free men in a New England town to elect leaders which developed into the local town government. (p. 94)

  13. selectmen • Men chosen to manage a town’s affairs (p. 94)

  14. Bill of exchange • Credit slip given by English merchants to planters in exchange for sugar or other goods. (p. 95)

  15. Triangular trade • A three-way trade route that exchanged goods between the American colonies and two other trading partners (Africa, Europe, and West Indies) (p. 95)

  16. Entrepreneur • One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise (p. 97)

  17. capitalist • Person who invests wealth, particularly money, in a business (p. 97)

  18. mercantilism • The theory that a state’s power depends on its wealth (p. 98)

  19. Natural rights • Fundamental rights all people are born possessing, including the right to life, liberty, and property. (p. 102)

  20. Enlightenment • Movement during the 1700s that promoted science, knowledge, and reason. (p. 108)

  21. Great Awakening • Movement during the 1700s that stressed dependence on God. (p. 108)

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