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IPA Educational Material on Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

IPA Educational Material on Universal Periodic Review (UPR). “All victims of human rights abuses should be able to look to the Human Rights Council as a forum and a springboard for action.” Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, 12 March 2007, Opening of the 4th Human Rights Council Session.

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IPA Educational Material on Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

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  1. IPA Educational Material on Universal Periodic Review (UPR) “All victims of human rights abuses should be able to look to the Human Rights Council as a forum and a springboard for action.” Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, 12 March 2007, Opening of the 4th Human Rights Council Session

  2. Purpose of this Presentation The purpose of information is to assist in understanding the value of contributing to UPRs, which are regularly done with each country and relate to their practice of human rights. The hope is that through these slides Presentation People will be encouraged to follow up the UPRs, to affirm positive action and hold the country accountable for their promises.

  3. Human Rights Council (HRC) The UPR is one of the key elements of the Human Rights Council which reminds States of their responsibility to fully respect and implement all human rights and fundamental freedoms. HRC Website: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/Pages/HRCIndex.aspx

  4. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique process for reviewing the human rights records of all UN Member States. It is a State-driven process, giving each State opportunity to show actions taken to improve human rights in their countries and to fulfill their human rights obligations.

  5. This all relates very closely • to our IPA commitment to: • Address the root causes of poverty, especially by confronting personal and corporate greed which exploit earth, her peoples and the whole community of life.

  6. IPA commitment continued: • Form international working groups when needed to assist in bringing information and experience from those engaged in grassroots ministry to our IPA personnel at the UN. • Enhance communication by using technology creatively: • To share resources • To promote interest groups • To provide educational material about the work at the UN. Country context

  7. The following slides give a brief introduction to a number of web pages to assist in understanding the UPR process and preparing information for a Non-Government Organization (NGO) submission to a UPR.

  8. This web page presents an introduction to the Universal Periodic Review. It is a short video (3 minutes) explaining what and how a UPR is done. • http://www.upr-info.org/-UPR-Process-.html • To access web page click on link in slide show or copy and paste URL to the browser

  9. This web page informs us about the Universal Periodic Review: • basic facts • what it is • how it came about • what a UPR hopes to achieve • who conducts a UPR • how is it done • what NGOs (IPA) can do • how human rights are addressed • and follow up to a UPR. • http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/BasicFacts.aspx

  10. This page gives a short video that explains what NGOs can do in UPRs; it has short notes on the importance of a broad consultation in preparation for writing a submission and submitting information on human rights situations. http://www.upr-info.org/-NGOs-.html

  11. This page gives practical information on what to include in a submission. • http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/UPR/TechnicalGuideEN.pdf • The key points are: • 6c Promotion and protection of human rights on • the ground: • implementation of international human rights, • national legislation and voluntary • commitments, • national human rights institutions activities, • public awareness of human rights, cooperation • with human rights mechanisms;

  12. (Contd) 6e Identification of achievements, best practices, challenges and constraints in relation to the implementation of accepted recommendations and the development of human rights situations in the State; Page 3 explains simply the Form (length, format, identification, language) for writing a submission. Page 4 says when to submit contributions, Page 5 explains how to submit a contribution.

  13. This web page presents UPR Sessions: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/UPRSessions.aspx • The first UPR Cycle took place from 2007-11 • All 193 countries of the UN participated in it • The national reports, reports by other stakeholders including NGOs, and recommendations by the HRC Working Group can be found by Session and Country in the following link : http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/Documentation.aspx

  14. During the first UPR cycle Out of 22 countries where IPA has a presence, Presentation people from five countries submitted reports in partnership with others: Australia; Canada; Ireland; New Zealand; USA. A second UPR cycle is in progress from 2012. Presentation people in Zambia participated in preparing a joint submission. Reference to it can be found in this link: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/ZMSession14.aspx

  15. The HRC Working Group on UPRmade recommendations to the Government of Zambia. During the next four years, the government will implement the recommendations. NGOs and other stakeholders will engage with the government carrying forward the recommendations. The implementation of the recommendations will be one of the main focus for the next UPR for the government of Zambia and for other stakeholders.

  16. This slide shows three of the many recommendations to the government of Zambia: Increase its efforts to further strengthen the national mechanism for the advancement of women and to provide such mechanism with adequate resources. Explore the possibility of utilizing human rights training and programs, and other similar efforts to further mainstream the promotion of the rights of women and children. Cooperate with the Special Rapporteurs visiting the country and take into account their views.

  17. The Second UPR Cycle is in progress The following slide presents… The schedule of UPR sessions for the countries where IPA has a presence Deadline for submissions by various stakeholders including NGOs

  18. We hope this educational PowerPoint… • gives us some idea of the UPR processes • calls us to educate ourselves and our networks re the importance of the UPR • urges us to study recommendations for our respective countries and collaborate with our governments in their implementation

  19. We hope this educational PowerPoint… • invites us to use the UPR processes to hold our governments accountable • encourages us to identify and partner with others in our country in preparing written submissions to UPRs • empowers us to participate in UPR Sessions in Geneva and on webcast.

  20. ‘…Energized by this evolving consciousness we engage in expansive partnerships that move us to personal and systemic transformation’ (IPA Direction Statement 2012)

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