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Use this image to search for clues: According to the image, what was Washington “first” at?

Discover why George Washington was an important president and the precedents he set for future leaders. Explore his first term, his cabinet, and the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson. Learn about the Whiskey Rebellion, American neutrality, and Washington's Farewell Address.

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Use this image to search for clues: According to the image, what was Washington “first” at?

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  1. Use this image to search for clues: According to the image, what was Washington “first” at? Why was George Washington an important president? What is a precedent?

  2. George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Q. Adams Andrew Jackson When the Constitution was ratified in 1789, George Washington was elected America’s 1st president: He was the unanimous choice for president Washington helped shape the new nation & created precedents for future presidents & leaders

  3. Washington’s 1st Term: 1789-1793

  4. Washington as President • During his 1st term, Washington helped shape the new nation: • He approved the Judiciary Act of 1789whichcreatedfederalcourts • Congress created the Treasury, State, War, Justice Departments • Created the 1st cabinet (group of advisors who head departments) • Focused on the U.S. economy

  5. Washington’s Cabinet Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury Henry Knox, Secretary of War George Washington, President Edmund Randolph, Attorney General Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State

  6. Hamilton & Jefferson were the most influential of the cabinet members but they had different views on the role of gov’t for the new nation

  7. Comparing the Ideals of Hamilton & Jefferson Activity

  8. Hamilton People are motivated by self-interests Only the “elite” should govern Jefferson The “common” man can make good decisions Corruption occurs when power is in the hands of the “elite” Hamilton vs. Jefferson:The Nature of Human Beings

  9. Hamilton Powerful national government Articles of Confederation was too weak Jefferson Power should remain with state governments Keep the national gov’t small Hamilton vs. Jefferson:The Best Type of Government

  10. Hamilton Federalist Strong national government & fewer states rights Jefferson Republican (Democratic-Republican) Limited national government & more states rights Hamilton vs. Jefferson:Political Party & Its Ideas

  11. Hamilton Economy based on industry Jefferson Economy based on small, independent farmers Hamilton vs. Jefferson:Ideal Economy

  12. Hamilton Supported the Constitution Constitution can be “loosely” interpreted with the “necessary & proper” clause Jefferson Supported the Constitution because of the Bill of Rights Constitution should be strictly interpreted Powers not given to the national gov’tarereserved for state gov’ts Hamilton vs. Jefferson:View on the Constitution

  13. Hamilton’s Financial Plan • Components of the Financial Plan: • The national gov’t should take all the state debts (assumption) & paythemoffat fullvalue(funding) • Create a “Bank of the U.S.” to regulate American currency • Create a “protective tariff” on British manufactured goods to get people to buy American goods Jefferson opposed the “BUS” because it would give too much power to bankers & the Constitution did not give Congress the power to create a national bank This was the only part of Hamilton’s financial plan that was not approved Funding & assumption passed, but only after a deal was made with Southern states to move the national capital to Virginia (Washington D.C.) It passed when Hamilton used the “Elastic Clause” (Article 1, Section 8) to argue that the bank was “necessary & proper”

  14. Disagreements between Hamilton & Jefferson led to the 1st American political parties

  15. Washington’s 2nd Term: 1793-1797

  16. Whiskey Rebellion • Washington faced a big challenge in 1794 with the Whiskey Rebellion: • 7,000 farmers marched on Pittsburgh to protest a whiskey tax • Washington viewed the protest as a threat to safety & led the U.S. army to put down the rebellion • With the Constitution, the national gov’t was strong enough to end the threat (the gov’t of the Articles couldn’t end Shays’ Rebellion)

  17. The presence of Washington & 13,000 soldiers was enough to end the Whiskey Rebellion

  18. American Neutrality • Washington faced another serious challenge when war broke out between England & France in 1793 • Americans were divided: • Hamilton supported Britain • Jefferson supported France • In 1793, Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality because the best way to protect American interests was to stay out of the fight Why would some Americans want to support France? Why would some Americans want to support Britain?

  19. The French Revolution led to war between England & France

  20. Washington's Farewell Address • In 1796, Washington chose not to run for a 3rd term; This created the two-term precedent for presidents • Washington’s Farewell Address: • Warned against political parties • Warned against “entangling alliances” with foreign nations (led to the precedent of non-intervention in foreign affairs)

  21. The Adams Presidency1797-1801

  22. George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Q. Adams Andrew Jackson Former vice-president John Adams defeated Thomas Jefferson in the presidential election of 1796 Former VP John Adams (Federalist) Thomas Jefferson (Republican)

  23. The war between England & France caused Adams problems: France was mad that we did not ally with them to fight England & started to seize merchant ships Adams sent diplomats to France but 3 unnamed French officials (“X”, “Y”, “Z” ) demand bribes Many thought the XYZ Affair was reason to go to war with France, but Adams kept his cool The Adams Presidency “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!”

  24. The Alien and Sedition Acts • Adams’ handling of the conflict with France led to criticisms from the Democratic-Republicans • The Federalists in Congress passed the Alien & Sedition Acts: • Made it a crime to criticize the president or gov’t leaders • This attack on free speech backfired & badly damaged the Federalist Party & Adams

  25. Virginia & Kentucky Resolves • Jefferson & James Madison were outraged & wrote the Virginia & Kentucky Resolves in 1798-99: • Presented a “states’ rights” argument suggesting that states could ignore (nullify) national laws that they viewed as unfair • The“states’rights”&“nullification” arguments will be used by the South to secede from the USA during the Civil War in 1860-61

  26. The “Revolution of 1800” • By 1800, President Adams & the Federalist Party were wounded: • Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency beginning nearly 30 years of dominance by the Democratic-Republicans • This election marked the first time power was transferred from one party to another

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