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Automating Visualization

Automating Visualization. Dinoj Surendran dinoj@cs.uchicago.edu http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~dinoj. What do we mean?. Making interactive 3d graphics should be as easy to do as making static 2d graphs Nothing to install No graphics programming

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Automating Visualization

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  1. Automating Visualization Dinoj Surendran dinoj@cs.uchicago.edu http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~dinoj KICP Viz 2005

  2. What do we mean? • Making interactive 3d graphics should be as easy to do as making static 2d graphs • Nothing to install • No graphics programming • No funny formats (straightforward formats ok?) • Does not have to deal with large datasets - 100 000 points ok KICP Viz 2005

  3. What do we mean? • Does not have to be optimal - just has to be ‘good enough’ • Ideally, web interface • Get your data in text files (csv, etc) • Upload data • Get a drink • Get a zip file (or vrml? X3d?) • Unzip zip file • Click (prayer not required) KICP Viz 2005

  4. Examples already out there • Large Graph Layout : Adai et al, 2004 • Bioinformatics • Provide nodes + edges  returns VRML • Holodraw : Simkin, 2001-5 • Provide set of points, etc  returns VRML • Not online yet, would be easy to make it so • Vermalizer : SubbaRao & SubbaRao, 2004 • Give points, get VRML (applied to SDSS queries) KICP Viz 2005

  5. Questions • Why aren’t more of these services available? • Are these services of any use at all? • Would anyone use them if they were available? KICP Viz 2005

  6. More Questions • What kinds of inputs would these services handle? • Do the visualization techniques required to support these services exist? • How do you trade-off flexibility vs usability? KICP Viz 2005

  7. Prototype: Ndaona • Experiment in creating Partiview files in Matlab • positions + glyphs + edges  scatterplots+graphs • Why Partiview? • Fast, interactive • To stop people in my department bugging me to make them pretty pictures • Why Matlab? • Standard package in my research community • Great for prototyping KICP Viz 2005

  8. What is Partiview? http://niri.ncsa.uiuc.edu/partiview Stuart Levy (2001): "Interactive 3-D visualization of particle systems with Partiview” Proc. IAU. (Vol 208) Symposium on "Astrophysical Supercomputing Using Particles". KICP Viz 2005

  9. Ndaona demo • Examples • Handwritten Digits • Putonghua Tones • Stanford Biomotion Lab • World Networks KICP Viz 2005

  10. Conclusion & Outlook • Is this a waste of time? • What formats are required? • Who should host this? • GUI : programmable? (hello, Toshi…) KICP Viz 2005

  11. Thanks! • Stuart Levy • Randy Landsberg • Mark SubbaRao • Gina-Anne Levow KICP Viz 2005

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