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Introductory to the English “NMS” Model

Introductory to the English “NMS” Model. T he English National Measurement System ( NMS ) is –in short – descri bed , as illustration of an efficient National Programme and S trategy with regard to the scientific output

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Introductory to the English “NMS” Model

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  1. Introductory to theEnglish “NMS” Model The English National Measurement System (NMS) is –in short – described, as illustration of an efficient National Programme and Strategy with regard to the scientific output of thecountrylaboratories and its impact to the UK’s Economy and development. NMS*was conceivedto: assure / provide Valid Analytical Measurements, in accord to the international standards and requirements, maintain the highest level of knowledge and expertise, maintain a continuous relationship with the most advanced UK research institute -Nuclear Physical Laboratory (NPL)- so that to benefit of the last information required /provided by metrology in the field of applications, keep a permanent relationship with industrial enterprises and institutions involved in various social- economic fields, so that to can be involved in national industrial projects that provide financial benefits and to keep upthe UK priority in as much as possible fields on the European market, have a permanent information regarding the international market, its specific needs / requirements • *The information is taken from the public NPL websitehttp://npl.co.ukand www.dti.gov.uk.nms

  2. Review of the Rationale for and Economic Benefit of the UK NMS • Strategic framework of the NMS • 1.  The NMS is the infrastructure of laboratories and services that underpins measurement standards and develops measurement technology essential to the UK economy and the quality of life of UK citizens. • Mission: to meet the needs of users in industry and the community by driving up measurement standards, whilst continuing to work at, and exploit, the leading edge of measurement research. • 2.  The NMS has a wide scope of its diverse activities: • ● In conjunction with fundamental research into measurement, it supports innovation, ● stimulates the continuing development of better measurement techniques and equipment; ● provides high-accuracy calibration and testing services; ●maintains primary national standards; ●provides traceability in measurements; ● disseminates good measurement practice; ● supports international links. • 3.Why should Government fund the NMS ? • The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) sees a clear link betweenhaving the best measurement capabilities in the world (being the international leader) and accelerated scientific discovery • that leads directly to higher productivity through industrial R&D. • 4.  … due to ... its huge contribution and the excellence of its measurement laboratoriesNMS makes a significant contribution to the UK economy (Ł 5 billion of GDP in 1999). By comparison, funding for NMS programmes in that year was Ł 38 million.

  3. Website Map • National Programmes - Respondto market and social needs • NPL sits at the heartof the National Measurement System. NPL is the main provider of the measurement and materials research programmes and infrastructure, working with business to ensure the measurement accuracy vital to the UK economy by means of the National Programmes: Acoustical Metrology;Electromagnetic Metrology; Ionising Radiation Metrology;Length Programme;Mass Metrology Programme;Materials;Measurement for Emerging Technologies (MET) Programme;Optical Radiation;Photonics; Quantum;Software Support for Metrology Programme;DTI website | NPL website;Thermal;Time and Frequency;Valid Analytical Measurement;International For more information visit website www.dti.gov.uk/nms/

  4. Valid Analytical Measurement Programmewww.vam.org.uk = the Valid portfolio of programmes supporting the development of the UK’s NMS TheVAM Programme ….provides a basis for analytical measurement in the UK. The NMS is the technical and organisational infrastructure that….. enables organisations to make valid measurements that are fit for their intended purpose Analytical measurement: - is vital to the everyday functioning of modern society, and is essential to innovation, competitiveness, and quality of life, - are carried out widely by industry,to assure the composition of products, - …..as well as… in researchand development. It is estimated that the UK spends around £7 billion per annum making analytical measurements. It supports the development and maintenance of the reference methods and standards needed for : • traceable quantitative measurements of chemical and biochemical species, • determination of the composition of materials and compounds. The VAM Programme enables the UK to demonstrate the comparability of analytical measurements with those of its partners, helps laboratories ….to demonstrate the validity of their results, and… it encompasses both the traditional analytical measurement techniques and newer ones .

  5. The English Model the UK's National Measurement SYSTEM {NMS} From National Programmes through Valid Analytical Measurements and, through Ionising Radiation - Clubs and Ionising Radiation Metrology Forums to the Ionising Radiation User’s Forums

  6. NationalMeasurement Clubs( listed below under its science areas) NPL managed National Measurement Clubs bringing together companies, instrument end- users, academics and user groups. Each club covers a specific area. They publish newsletters, hold regular meetings and have specialist working groups to share and solve technical problems, ..to carry out collaborative research of mutual benefit an input national/ international associations Ionising Radiation TopNuclear Spectrometry Users Forumacts as a focal point for discussion of problems and dissemination of informationbetween users of alpha and gamma-ray spectrometry.   Ionising Radiation Metrology Forumfacilitates the exchange of information about UK calibration and testing facilities, for those who must comply with the requirements of the current Ionising Radiations Regulations .   Radionuclide Calibrator Users Forumacts as a focal point for discussion of problems and dissemination of information between users of radionuclide calibrators Neutron Users Clubis a club to promote information exchange production, use and metrology of neutron fields, and the calibration and use of neutrondetectors.   MS Airborne Radioactivity Monitoring Users Groupwill provide a forum for discussion of all aspects of air monitoring for radioactivity, including monitoring for particulate or gaseous radioactivity at environmental, ~ / ~

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