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พยานวัตถุประเภทผ้าและเส้นใยในเหตุการณ์ถูกแทง Forensic evidence in apparel fabric due to stab events โดย ศริญญา สงเคราะห์ รหัส 51312325 S.E Kemp , D.J. Carr , J. Kieser , B.E. Niven , M.C. Taylor. Introduction. Fabric construction. purpose. 1. Mechanism of human impact

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  1. พยานวัตถุประเภทผ้าและเส้นใยในเหตุการณ์ถูกแทงForensic evidence in apparel fabric due to stab events โดย ศริญญา สงเคราะห์ รหัส 51312325 S.E Kemp , D.J. Carr , J. Kieser , B.E. Niven , M.C. Taylor

  2. Introduction

  3. Fabric construction

  4. purpose 1. Mechanism of human impact 2. Impact rig

  5. Material and methods Components of the instrumented

  6. Drill fabric Knit fabric

  7. Test methods.

  8. Analysis- Visible • - Light microscope • - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

  9. Result

  10. Fig. 3. Typical mechanisms of penetration; (a) penetration, (b) runthrough, (c)guard impact, (d) bounce.

  11. Fig. 4. Kitchen blade ((i) drill fabric, (ii) knit fabric; (a) macroscopic image, (b and c) light microscopy (x12), upper and lower edge, (d and e) fibre ends from upper edge, (f andg) fibre ends from lower edge).

  12. Fig. 5. Hunting blade ((i) drill fabric, (ii) knit fabric; (a) macroscopic image, (b and c) light microscopy (x12), upper and lower edge, (d and e) fibre ends from upper edge,(f and g) fibre ends from lower edge).

  13. Fig. 6. Screwdriver blade ((i) drill fabric, (ii) knit fabric; (a) macroscopic image, (b) light microscopy (x12), upper and lower edge, (c and d) fibre ends).

  14. Fig. 7. Planar array in new and degraded specimens (drill fabric).

  15. Fig. 9. Typical example of fibre damage due to laundering (drill fabric).

  16. Fig. 10. Comparison of a typical new and degraded fibre end (kitchen blade, scalloped edge; drill fabric).

  17. Fig. 11. Typical example of flattened fibres observed in impacted fabrics laundered60 times (drill fabric).

  18. Discussion Blade type Fabric construction Degradation

  19. Special Thanks Aj. sant sukhavachana;Adviser Thanks my teachers and everyone for your attention!

  20. Question?

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