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Infra-annual statistics on capital expenditure and company profits (Future work)

Infra-annual statistics on capital expenditure and company profits (Future work). 26 June 2007 Eun-Pyo HONG OECD/STD/STES. For future work on Infra-annual statistics on capital expenditure and company profits, WP members were invited to express their views on 6 questions.

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Infra-annual statistics on capital expenditure and company profits (Future work)

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  1. Infra-annual statistics on capital expenditure and company profits(Future work) 26 June 2007 Eun-Pyo HONG OECD/STD/STES

  2. For future work on Infra-annual statistics on capital expenditure and company profits, WP members were invited to express their views on 6 questions

  3. Q1: whether it would be useful to prepare an inventory of national practices for the collection, etc. of infra-annual statistics on (private) new capital expenditure? Useful: CAN, CHN, CZR, FIN, KOR, LUX, NDL, NOR, CHE, USA No need or priority: BEL, SLV, ITA

  4. Q2:Who are (and should be) target users of infra-annual national statistics on capital expenditure (e.g. Central Banks, Treasuries, Private Sector) and what are their needs? All areas: CAN, FIN, KOR, NDL, SLV, USA NA: CZR Can & USA specified the needs: - FRB: improve estimates of investment indicators for monetary policy. - BEA: refine annual estimates of investment in structures and equipment in the national income and product accounts, and to improve estimates of capital stock. - Department of Treasury: analyzing depreciation. - BLS: improve estimates of capital stock for productivity analysis

  5. Q3: Which sectors should be covered, e.g. total economy vs. sub-sectors or private vs. public? Total economy: CHN, CZR, NDL, CHE Total economy with sub-section: FIN, ITA, KOR, SLV, USA (not too detail) Some sectors: CAN

  6. Q4: What are possible (or plausible) sources of information for various sectors, e.g. survey or administrative sources in their country? Survey: CHN, CZR, FIN, ITA, NDL, USA Survey and Administrative: KOR, SLV

  7. Q5:What are the quality implications of using partially related data provided by other sources, or calculated as a residual in NAs, in the absence of survey or administrative data? Countries replied (e.g. FIN, USA, ITA, etc.) think that direct data collection will improve the quality of NA

  8. Q6: What would be the preferable (or practical) definition for capital expenditure and which variables should be collected? NA definition: BEL, FIN, KOR, LUXSLV, USA

  9. Proposal for future work On infra-annual quantitative statistics on private new capital expenditure, WP could work: to identify and promote good practices for the collection, compilation and dissemination of data; and to enhance the availability of such statistics across the OECD area.

  10. Proposal for future work (Continue) MCs to provide information on infra-annual capital expenditure: Data (total and sub-sectors) Methodological information (e.g. definition, compilation method, etc.) Sources * OECD will provide MCs with a questionnaire in July

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