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Information Meeting 2017

Nursery and Primary 1. Information Meeting 2017. Aims of today’s meeting:. To share the rationale for learning at Early Level in both Nursery and P1 at Farr Primary School To meet key staff in the Early Level (Nursery and P1 team)

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Information Meeting 2017

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  1. Nursery and Primary 1 Information Meeting 2017

  2. Aims of today’s meeting: • To share the rationale for learning at Early Level in both Nursery and P1 at Farr Primary School • To meet key staff in the Early Level (Nursery and P1 team) • To share essential practical information about starting nursery/school • To answer any questions you may have

  3. Meet the team: Miss S Martin Early Years Practitioner (Mon-Tues) Mrs Clark Early Years Practitioner (Wed – Fri) Mrs McInnes Early Years Practitioner Miss Kuhlwilm P1/2 Class Teacher

  4. Learning at Early Level The Early Level curriculum starts at age 3 (Nursery 3 year) and extends to the end of P1. Some children will achieve this curriculum before/after expected stages. • Languages • Mathematics • Health and Wellbeing • Sciences • Social Studies • Expressive Arts • Religious and Moral Education • Technologies

  5. Learning Rationale • Children learn through play-based experiences led by their own interests and curiosities. • Adults plan for learning according to children’s interests and identified learning needs/stage of development. • Learning at Early Level should encourage children to develop their creative, collaborative and communication skills. • Both nursery and P1 classrooms are organised to support learning in a fun and active manner. • Children are encouraged to learn through exploration and in a cross curricular way, and allow children an element of personalisation and choice.

  6. Learning Rationale • P1 children will experience both direct teaching experiences and child led play/exploration in all curriculum areas. These direct teaching experiences increase as the year goes on and children’s stage of development matures. • Outdoor learning features heavily in both Nursery and P1 and children will be learning outdoors daily. • The pupils are the leaders of their learning and we actively encourage them to explore, question, problem solve and challenge themselves everyday. • This may look very different from your own (or previous children’s) experience of nursery/P1!

  7. Tools to record learning • Nursery pupils each have a Learning Journey which is established when they enter nursery and stays with them. It is populated by the child and their key worker through observations of key learning moments in their play and learning. • P1 pupils will record some learning more formally in a jotter as the year progresses – some key assessment tasks which showcase children’s learning will be shared with you over the year.

  8. Parental involvement in learning • We welcome active involvement from parents/carers in their children’s learning and will aim to share children’s learning (including targets and next steps) with you on a very regular basis • This is a school improvement priority next year and we welcome your feedback • Please follow the school and your child’s class blog for regular learning updates!

  9. A Typical Day of Learning in Nursery There are many different types of purposeful play which happen in the Nursery setting. Investigating/ exploring Focused Events Planned Spontaneous

  10. A Typical Day of Learning in Nursery • During children’s time in Nursery they will follow some routines and structure planned by staff which includes: • Free play • Group time • Story/Song • Outdoor play • Snack • But…this is always flexible!

  11. A Typical Day of Learning in P1 • A P1 day is naturally more structured than in Nursery which many children adapt to quickly. • Much of the first term is spent learning routines and expectations • Children will always come into a soft start – play activities • Children’s day will be split between play based experiences and more formal teaching groups (although these are very practical and hands on!) • The day is structured around break-times and lunch times.

  12. Times and Routines Nursery • Nursery starts at 8.50am. The cloakroom will open approximately 5-10min before this to allow children time to change. • Nursery finishes at 12pm. Parents are welcome to wait in the cloakroom to collect their child as this time approaches.

  13. Times and Routines School • From August 2017 the school day will run from 8.45am – 3.15pm Mon – Thursday, and 8.45am – 12pm on a Friday. • Children will have a 20min break from 10.25am – 10.45am in the morning • Children will have a 1hr lunch from 12.15pm – 1.15pm • Children will have a 15min break from 2.15pm – 2.30pm in the afternoon.

  14. Playtime and Lunchtime • P7 buddies will accompany the pupils to help them settle, find their way around the school and to encourage them to play and make friends • Adults outside at all times to supervise • Weather – please dress your child appropriately. We cannot apply sun-cream but can encourage them to apply this themselves and support them to do so. In severe weather conditions, a decision will be made for ‘indoor break.’

  15. Lunches • All P1 children are entitled to a free school lunch. Pupils have the choice of bringing a packed lunch, ordering a school dinner or going home for lunch. It is really important that you talk to your child about what they are doing for lunch that day. Please make sure that your child likes the options for school dinners as this can be a very challenging time for them. • P1 pupils will go to the dinner hall slightly earlier than the other pupils to help them get used to the routines at break and lunch. P1 teachers will accompany the pupils until they are settled.

  16. School Dinners • School dinners are currently priced at £2.30 per meal. P1-P3 pupils are granted free school meals as part of a Scottish Government initiative – but we cannot make your child eat! • Pupils are given two choices of meal each day and a vegetarian option will always be available. Menus will be issued at the start of the term and a digital copy will be available on the school blog and the Highland Council website.

  17. Snack • Through SCBF a healthy snack is provided for all children from Nursery – P7 daily. • From August 2017 Nursery snack will return to being held in the nursery room and prepared by children and staff. However children will join the main school for snack at appropriate times e.g. celebrations and events. • P1 children will have snack in the hall prepared by the kitchen with their peers. This is usually toast and fruit, with variety of tray bake or crackers a few times per week. • It is hoped to provide fresh fruit for afternoon snack from next session too.

  18. School Uniform • Uniform is available from: • Tesco Online – shortly! • Gilmour Sports, 57 Harbour Road, Inverness (01463 222022) We strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform, accompanied by black or grey trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore. Please ensure your child is always dressed for the weather conditions and in practical school clothing!

  19. P1 other essentials… • Outdoor Learning – jacket, wellies and weather appropriate clothing. • PE Kit – t-shirt, shorts and indoor shoes. • Art and crafts – Please bring in an old large t-shirt or shirt for your child to wear during messy activities ALL LABELLED!!!

  20. Indoor Shoes • Please check that they fit • Must have a good sole and easy to take on and off – we recommend gym plimsolls or trainers

  21. Absences and Sickness • If your child will be absent from school please contact by phone before 8.45am. • If the absence is known in advance (for example family events or appointments), please let the school know in writing of the date(s). • If a child goes home for lunch and is not able to return, please also contact the school immediately so that we are aware. • If a pupil is sick or has diarrhoea, they need to be off school for 48hrs. For other medical conditions, such as chicken pox, please inform the office staff. • It is Highland Council policy to attempt to make contact with any parents of children who are absent, and if we receive no response then these attempts will be increased over the first 3 days of absence.

  22. Allergies and Medication • You will be asked to provide medical information about your child at the start of the school year. • Please let us know about allergies or any medical conditions that we need to be aware of on day one. • We ask that nut based snacks are avoided if at all possible. • You will need to complete a form if your child is required to take medication during school hours (even for temporary medications such as antibiotics). We cannot give medication that is not prescribed e.g. Calpol. • Inhalers, allergy medication, epi-pens etc will be kept in a secure cabinet in the school office or classeoom. A form will be completed when it is administered and the expiry dates will be checked regularly. We may need a protocol from your GP.

  23. P1 Homework links • All P1-P7 children will be provided with a Home-school diary from next session – this should be signed and returned to school daily. • Any school communication, such as school letters and teachers notes will be sent home in the diary. • Children will complete a behaviour note daily as part of their diary to indicate whether they have been Green, Yellow or Red that day in line with the school positive behaviour policy. • Do not expect to see homework too early on in P1!! We need to get to know children first in order to best identify how to support them at home! • Homework links with learning that has taken place in the classroom. • Please do not necessarily expect a reading book to be sent home with your child before Christmas of P1 – this may or may not happen depending on their developmental stage. • It should never be a battle!

  24. Nursery Induction session August starts • Wednesday 21st June 9am or 10.30am • Stay and play for 1 hr with your child • Please note our nursery is transitioning from an Early Level class this session so not all furniture/equipment will be in place! 

  25. Moving Up day P1 • Wednesday 21st June 9.30am – 11.45am • Child should attend nursery as normal but is welcome to come dressed for school • Transition lunch follows in school hall – please attend with your child to sample and experience school lunches!

  26. What will happen on the first day?Tuesday 15th August 2017 Nursery • Children due to start/return at the start of term should arrive at Nursery for a 8.50am start – you are welcome to stay for a short time with your child should you wish to allow them to settle. However, if your child is struggling with this separation the longer you prolong it the harder it will be. Please be guided by our experienced nursery staff in this situation! • Please arrive no later than 12pm to collect your child at the end of session.

  27. What will happen on the first day?Tuesday 15th August 2017 • P1 pupils should come to school as normal for 8.45am on day one and be collected at 3.15pm. • If your child accesses school transport it is entirely your choice as to whether they use this from day 1 or not! • We would like to warmly welcome all P1 parents to come and join their child for a soft start on the first day from 8.45am – 9.30am!  • If you are collecting your child at the end of the day please wait in the school playground near the nursery garden where the P1 teacher can see you. • It is likely that your child will be very tired after day/week/term 1!

  28. What should my child bring to nursery? “The Kit List” • Bag • Indoor shoes • A change of clothes and underwear PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!

  29. What should my child bring to school? “The Kit List” • School bag • Water bottle (no juice please!) • Indoor shoes • PE kit – t-shirt, shorts and gym-bag • A change of clothes and underwear • Pupils will be given homework packs and diaries • Packed lunch or being aware that they will be having a school dinner (a little note helps!) PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!

  30. What do I do if I need to speak to someone? • In person: Feel free to speak to us before/after session or school for an informal chat or to arrange an appointment. • By telephone: 01808 521246 • By email

  31. Health Visitor Alison Grant Tel: 01463 706700

  32. Toilet training Boundaries Routines Fussy Eating Behaviour management Parenting Signposting/ Referrals to agencies i.e; Speech & Language Dietician Opthamology Community Paediatrician Housing/ Job Centre Area’s that the health visitor can help with

  33. Any questions? Cat.kennedy@highland.gov.uk 01808 521246

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