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Nuclear energy in the Czech Republic

Nuclear energy in the Czech Republic. Czech Republic vs Canada. * Operating ** Amount of electricity produced by nuclear power. http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Countries-A-F/Canada--Nuclear-Power /

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Nuclear energy in the Czech Republic

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  1. Nuclearenergyin the Czech Republic

  2. Czech Republic vsCanada *Operating **Amountofelectricityproducedby nuclearpower http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Countries-A-F/Canada--Nuclear-Power/ http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/country-profiles/countries-a-f/czech-republic/

  3. Nuclearpower in the Czech republic • 2 nuclearstations: Temelín & Dukovany • 1/3 ofelektricity isproduced by nuclearpower • More than 65% oftheczechsagreewiththe use ofnuclearpower

  4. FightwithAustria

  5. Greenpeace against Temelín

  6. Pros ofnuclearpowerplants • Cheapenergy= producedenergyisactuallycheaperthantheothers • Ecofriendly= lesscarbon dioxide emissions by about 2,6 billiontons per year; otherdangerousgasses by aboutmillionstons per year; and has NO influence on globalwarming • Relativelysafe= ‚only‘ 3 catastropheswhichisquitesmallfigure in contrast to industrialcatastrophes • Long term source ofenergy= a littlechance to run outtheresourcesof Uranium whichwehavefor 85 years and thenextuseable element- Thorium- resources in Australiafor 6000 years and WHAT‘S MORE- thehalftimeof Thorium isshorterthanof Uranium ->itbringslessenvironmentalburden

  7. Pros ofnuclearpowerplants • A smallvolumeofconsumedfuel and spentfuelwaste= 1 blockwith a capacityof 1000MW consumed 32 tonsoffuel per year; thermal power plants consumed 60 million tons per year intheCzech Republic • A lowamountofspentfuelwaste • Lowoperatingcosts • A quiteconcentrated source od energy= a small area per unit ofenergysupplied • Thepower plant with long lasting • Thepower plant isonlyslightlyinfluenced by weather= onlygeologicallystablesurface and source od waternearthepower plant; NO influence on windorsunshine

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