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Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Initiative EDRMS Lunch and Learn

Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Initiative EDRMS Lunch and Learn Rob Lake and Andrea Hare November 21, 2013. EDRMS – What is it?.

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Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Initiative EDRMS Lunch and Learn

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  1. Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Initiative EDRMS Lunch and Learn Rob Lake and Andrea Hare November 21, 2013

  2. EDRMS – What is it? A content management system that will enable the university to manage its records throughout their lifecycle, from creation to final destruction or preservation at the University Archives. A system that will facilitate business critical collaboration and automation of record-intensive business processes.

  3. EDRMS – Why do we want it? Disaster recovery Search and access capabilities Space recovery Better efficiencies with workflows A greener environment Better adherence to audit and regulatory standards Cost savings in the long term

  4. EDRMS – What are the underlying key principles? Project sponsors: Vice-President (Finance and Administration) and Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President (Information Technology) A single University supported records management system Housed in the IST secure server room in GSB Integration with PeopleSoftand the IMS Will adapt our business processes to match the software

  5. EDRMS – What do we have? Alfresco Enterprise Edition 4.1.6 (in production) Uses the CCID and SSO Currently integrated with Gmail and Google Docs Dropbox Form builder

  6. EDRMS – Who is involved? Rob Lake (Project Owner) Sandra Kereliuk (F&A Liaison) Osama Al Baik (Program Manager) Andrea Hare (University Records Officer) Suresh Joshee (Alfresco Developer) Business Analysts and other resources Abstractive Consulting

  7. EDRMS – Current status An Alfresco production system running on campus (https://edrms.srv.ualberta.ca) Purchase of a five year Alfresco license has commenced Security model and procedure nearing completion Privacy impact assessment underway Graduate student records – 5000+ records in production E-transcript project in production Three projects underway: Office of the Registrar, Human Resource Services, Office of Advancement. Two working groups established Ephesoft pilot to commence in late November

  8. EDRMS – Future work Full integration with PeopleSoft Implementation of the security model (and with LDAP) Implementation of student, HR, and donor records Full integration with an imaging solution University Governance, Financial Services, General Counsel, Digital Archives, Research Services Office, and other units

  9. EDRMS – Records management To facilitate consistent management of records through life-cycle and to ensure legal and business requirements are met: Records management policy Function-based file classification plans Recordkeeping metadata standard and guideline Naming conventions Controlled vocabularies Scanning standards Record retention and disposition schedules

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