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Setting Ambitious & Attainable Student Goals

Setting Ambitious & Attainable Student Goals. OrRTI Spring Training May 3 rd , 2011. Talk to your neighbor. What is your current role in your school/district? How do you or your staff currently set goals for students in interventions? Benchmarks? Percentile Ranks? Growth Rates?.

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Setting Ambitious & Attainable Student Goals

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  1. Setting Ambitious & Attainable Student Goals OrRTI Spring Training May 3rd, 2011

  2. Talk to your neighbor • What is your current role in your school/district? • How do you or your staff currently set goals for students in interventions? • Benchmarks? • Percentile Ranks? • Growth Rates?

  3. Setting Appropriate Goals Is Important Benchmark 18 WCPM Oral Reading Fluency (Words Correct Per Minute) 36 WCPM

  4. Objectives • Progress monitoring as an “indicator” • Writing objective and complete goals • Things to consider when setting goals: • What is the goal? • When will they get there? • What progress can we reasonably expect?

  5. Progress Monitoring as an “Indicator”

  6. Progress Monitoring Tools Sensitive to growth Brief & Easy Equivalent forms!!! Frequent

  7. Progress Monitoring Tools Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) General Outcome Measures (GOMs)

  8. What are some commonly used progress monitoring tools?

  9. What are NOT good progress monitoring tools? * when not administered and scored in a standardized and reliable way, or checked for consistency of multiple probes

  10. Using the Right Tool The progress monitoring tool should match the skills being taught.

  11. Additional Progress Monitoring Tools For more info and a review of available tools, visit www.rti4success.org (Progress Monitoring Tools Chart)

  12. What information does it give you? Reading Curriculum Fluency Passages/Weekly Tests Progress Monitoring Tools (CBM) VS.

  13. What information does it give you? Reading Curriculum Fluency Passages/Weekly Tests Progress Monitoring Tools (CBM) VS.

  14. What information does it give you? Reading Curriculum Fluency Passages/Weekly Tests Progress Monitoring Tools (CBM) VS.

  15. Do we have the right “indicators”? Most Miserable U.S. Cities Least Miserable U.S. Cities Seattle Cleveland Minneapolis Denver Detroit Portland Chicago New York Phoenix Based on 1) Unemployment, 2) Gas Prices, and 3) Home Values Wall Street Journal, 2011

  16. Questionable data leads to questionable decision-making

  17. Talk to a Neighbor • In what areas does your school/district have good progress monitoring measures? • In what areas does your school/district need additional progress monitoring measures?

  18. Writing Objective and Complete Goals

  19. What are the 6 essential parts of a Goal? • Goal Date– date by which student is expected to reach goal • Condition under which student will perform the behavior • Student • Behavior – clearly defined, observable, measurable behavior • Criterion – performance level required to achieve mastery of the goal • Evaluation Schedule– frequency of assessment

  20. Sample goal format • By (goal date), when given (condition), (student)will (behavior)(criterion).Progress will be monitored (evaluation schedule). By June 1, 2011, when given a DIBELS PSF probe, Mikhail will segment words at a rate of 35 sounds per minute. Progress will be monitored weekly.

  21. What’s missing? • In 36 weeks, Edward will read aloud at a rate of 85+ words per minute with 4 or fewer errors. Progress will be monitored weekly. condition • In 36 weeks, when given a 4-minute, 4th grade AIMSweb M-CBM math computation probe, Jackie will perform at grade level. Progress will be monitored monthly. behavior • When given a 3-minute story starter, Keith will write 40+ total words in three minutes. Progress will be monitored once every other week.goal date 1-goal date 2-condition 3-student 4-behavior 5-criterion 6-eval schedule

  22. What’s missing? • By June 7th 2010, when given a DIBELS PSF probe, Frank will orally segment 35 phonemes per minute. eval schedule • By May 28th 2010, Sarah will complete a math probe with 45 digits correct with less than 4 errors. Progress will be monitored monthly. condition • In 36 weeks, George will get 80% correct on a 2nd grade math probe. Progress will be monitored once every other week.condition behavior 1-goal date 2-condition 3-student 4-behavior 5-criterion 6-eval schedule

  23. Goal Setting • Goals should be: By June 9, 2011 when given a 2nd grade level DIBELS passage, Harry will read 80 wcpm with 95% accuracy. Progress will be monitored weekly. Meaningful Measurable Able to be Monitored Moves Harry from needing intensive support to needing strategic support AND 3 wcpm per week growth

  24. Goal Setting: Things to Consider • What is the goal? • By when will they get there? • What does reasonable growth look like?

  25. Goal Setting: Things to Consider • What is the goal? • Criterion-based • Research-based benchmarks/proficiency • Norm-based • Minimum of 25th percentile (bottom limit of average) • School, District, State, National How do you define success?

  26. Goal Setting: Things to Consider • By when will they get there? • Long term goals always at proficiency (i.e., grade placement benchmark) • Short term goals may be an incremental step towards proficiency (i.e., instructional level material) Does your goal close the gap?

  27. Progress Monitoring Level How do we determine appropriate materials for progress monitoring? Do we monitor at grade level or instructional level?

  28. Survey Level Assessment • A process used to determine a student’s instructional level • Step 1: Administer 3 separate passages at grade level. Record median words correct per minute (WCPM) and errors.

  29. Survey Level Assessment • Step 2: Compare median scores (WCPM & errors) to a performance criteria From Hosp, Hosp, & Howell, 2007

  30. Survey Level Assessment • Step 3: • If student performance falls within expected range on WCPM and errors, progress should be monitored at that level or a level higher. • If student’s performance falls below expected range on WCPM or errors, administer 3 passages from next lowest level and evaluate as compared to performance criteria

  31. Survey Level Assessment • Step 3: • If student performance fails to meet criteria at 1st grade instructional level, administer early reading measures (e.g. DIBELS PSF or NWF, easyCBM PSF, etc.)

  32. Example: 4th Grade Student

  33. Progress Monitoring Level:Things to consider • Accuracy is more important than fluency and typically develops first • If a student is accurate (>95%) on grade level, consider monitoring at grade level • If a student is not accurate consider monitoring accuracy in addition to fluency • Can monitor at both grade levelANDinstructional level • More frequently at instructional level

  34. Goal setting at a lower instructional level • Set goal based on instructional level benchmark (DIBELS Next Example)

  35. Example: DIBELS Next Guidelines • When monitoring a student in below-grade materials, the following steps are recommended: • Step 1: Determine the student’s current level of performance. (Survey Level Assessment) • Step 2: Determine the score to aim for based on the end-of-year goal for the level of materials being used for monitoring.

  36. Example: DIBELS Next Guidelines • Step 3: Set the timeframe so that the goal is achieved in half the time in which it would normally be achieved (e.g., moving the end-of-year benchmark goal to be achieved by the mid-year benchmark date). The intent is to establish a goal that will accelerate progress and support a student to catch up to their peers • Step 4: Draw an aimline connecting the current performance to the goal.

  37. Goal setting at a lower instructional level • Set goal based on instructional level benchmark (DIBELS Next Example) • Set goal based on instructional level growth rates

  38. Goal Setting: Things to Consider • What does reasonable growth look like? • National Growth rates (Fuchs, AIMSWEB, Hasbrouck & Tindal) • Local Growth rates • District, School, Classroom, Intervention Group What progress can we expect?

  39. “Using national normative samples allows comparisons to be made with the performance levels expected of typical performing students from across the country and equates more closely with data sets that are used in well developed, published, norm-referenced tests.” Shapiro, 2008

  40. National Growth Rates: Reading *Fuchs et al (1993), **Fuchs & Fuchs (2004)

  41. National Growth Rates: Writing Based on AIMSWEB Norms

  42. National Growth Rates: Math Based on Monitoring Basic Skills Progress (MBSP) Probes

  43. Not all available probes from different sources are created equally AIMSWEB ≠ DIBELS ≠ easyCBM

  44. National growth rates may be well below those obtained in highly successful interventions and… …they may not be consistent across the range of your students receiving your instruction

  45. Local Growth Rates What does typical growth look like in… …your district? …your school? …your classroom? …your intervention group?

  46. “…use of the combination of local and national norms provides the user of these data with opportunities to evaluate how student performance compares with a national sample of same-grade peers, as well as against the local peers within the particular school.” Shapiro, 2008

  47. Calculating Local Growth Rates • Determine the normative group: • All students in your district? • All students in your school? • All students in your classroom? • All students in your intervention group?

  48. Calculating Local Growth Rates • Determine the beginning-of-year and end-of-year level of performance for the normative group: 46.9 93.3

  49. Calculating Local Growth Rates • Calculate the difference to get the average yearly student growth. 93.3 46.9 46.4 words

  50. Calculating Local Growth Rates • Calculate the # of instructional weeks between beginning-of-year and end-of-year performance. 93.3 46.9 2nd week of September 4th week of May 46.4 words 34 weeks

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