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The Stonewall Riots

The Stonewall Riots. New York City, June 27-29, 1969. The 1960’s. Age of Experimentation in Sexual Areas, Psychology, Psychiatry… All the rules were off in the 60’s… Freedom… but not for gay men and lesbians. The 1960’s & Homosexuality. In most cities, it was illegal to be a homosexual.

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The Stonewall Riots

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  1. The Stonewall Riots New York City, June 27-29, 1969

  2. The 1960’s Age of Experimentation in Sexual Areas, Psychology, Psychiatry… All the rules were off in the 60’s… Freedom… but not for gay men and lesbians.

  3. The 1960’s & Homosexuality • In most cities, it was illegal to be a homosexual. • Homosexuals that were “caught” would endure public humiliation. • Homosexuals were often hospitalized and treated with shock therapy.

  4. Public Service Announcements • Scared Straight Tactics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P04-ccuRXs • Mike Wallace CBS News “The Homosexuals” (1966) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AXAOT_swIE&feature=related

  5. DO NOW • How did you feel after watching the video? Remember your viewpoint does not have to be shared with the class.

  6. Civil Rights Weren’t For Homosexuals • New York had an 1845 Statute that made it a crime to masquerade. • Being in “drag” was a crime • A person must be in 3 articles of clothing of their gender or could be arrested—socks did not count!

  7. 1960’s & Political Upheaval • President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. • Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968. • The Black Panther’s Party in Oakland was advocating armed self-defense against police brutality. • Race riots in Watt’s, CA (1965); Detriot, MI (1967); & Newark, NJ (1967). • Vietnam War protesters rioted in Chicago outside the Democratic Nation Convention in 1968.

  8. Homophile Organizations Before Stonewall Riots • Daughters of Bilitis (1955) • Founded by 8 women in San Francisco • Mattachine Society of New York (1951) • Founded by Harry Hay

  9. New York Before Stonewall Riots • Police would use many different tactics to “catch” and arrest homosexuals. • In New York alone 500 people per year were arrested for ‘crimes against nature’. Approximately 3,000 to 5,000 arrests were made for various solicitation and loitering crimes. • New York State Liquor Authority made it nearly impossible for any bar to get a liquor license that would serve homosexuals.

  10. The Stonewall Inn • Located in Greenwich Village, downtown New York. • Patrons were primarily to gay men and “drag queens” • Owned and operated by the mafia

  11. Summer of 1969 • New York City was amidst a re-election year for its current mayor. • Increase in raids • Police resume “entrapment” tactics • Vigilantes began coordinating attacks

  12. The Perfect Storm • At 1:20 a.m. on June 29, 1969, 4 police officers in dark suits, 2 patrol officers in uniform, 1 detective (Charles Smith) and 1 deputy (Seymore Pine) entered the Stonewall Inn. • 4 undercover officers were already inside gathering information. • It was the 2nd raid that week.

  13. The Last Straw • Some say… “it was the heat of the night” “it was spontaneous” “it was a collective feeling” “we weren’t going away, and we didn’t”

  14. The Riot Begins http://youtu.be/jrgtyIAv2bY

  15. “Gay Power”

  16. Stonewall Liberation • Gay Liberation Front • Gay Activists Alliance • June 28, 1970—1st Gay Rights March in New York City • 3 Newspapers were est. to promote rights for gays and lesbians • 40 Years after Stonewall Riots http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDAGF5WHpmc&feature=related

  17. “The true legacy of the Stonewall Riots is the ongoing struggle for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality.” David Carter

  18. POST-STONEWALL 1970 - First Gay Liberation Day March held in New York City, First Gay Freedom Day March held in Los Angeles, first Gay-in held in San Francisco 1972 - Sweden becomes first country in the world to allow transgendered people to legally change their sex, and provides free hormone therapy. Norway decriminalizes homosexuality 1972 - Ann Arbor, Michigan becomes first city in United States to pass gay rights ordinance 1973 - The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, based largely on the research and advocacy of Evelyn Hooker

  19. POST-STONEWALL 1977 - Harvey Milk is elected city-county supervisor in San Francisco, becoming the third out American elected to public office 1977 - Dade County, Florida enacts a Human Rights Ordinance; it is repealed the same year after a militant anti-gay-rights campaign led by Anita Bryant 1978 - The first Gay Pride Flag is flown in San Francisco 1978 - San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone are assassinated by former San Francisco Supervisor Dan White. 1979 - First national gay rights march on Washington, DC 1980 - The Democratic National Convention becomes the first major political party in America to endorse a gay rights platform plank.

  20. Harvey Bernard Milk Harvey Milk won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and is responsible for introducing a gay rights ordinance protecting gays and lesbians from being fired from their jobs. Milk also leads a successful campaign against Proposition 6, an initiative forbidding homosexual teachers. A year later, on November 27, 1978, former city supervisor Dan White assassinates Milk. White's actions are motivated by jealousy and depression, rather than homophobia.

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