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Part Two Personal Documents Unit Six Name Card and Certificate

Part Two Personal Documents Unit Six Name Card and Certificate. Part one Name Card. I. Background Information 在商务活动中,交换名片是一项很流行,也很重要的活动。在对外交流中,将自己的名片印上英文是很有必要的。这就要求名片上的英文写法要规范,顺序符合英语规则。. II. Types Personal name card Business name card 公务名片格式为: 正上方:供职单位名称 正中间:姓名及头衔或职称 左下方:地址及邮编

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Part Two Personal Documents Unit Six Name Card and Certificate

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  1. Part Two Personal DocumentsUnit SixName Card and Certificate

  2. Part one Name Card • I. Background Information • 在商务活动中,交换名片是一项很流行,也很重要的活动。在对外交流中,将自己的名片印上英文是很有必要的。这就要求名片上的英文写法要规范,顺序符合英语规则。

  3. II. Types • Personal name card • Business name card • 公务名片格式为: • 正上方:供职单位名称 • 正中间:姓名及头衔或职称 • 左下方:地址及邮编 • 右下方:电话、电传及因特网址等

  4. 私人名片的格式为: • 正上方或正中间:姓名及头衔或职称 • 正中偏下方:供职单位名称及职务 • 左下方:地址及邮编 • 右下方:电话、电传及因特网址等

  5. III. Requirements • 一般的名片上的信息可分为七个部分: • 1、公司名称(the name of company) • 2、本人姓名(person’s name) • 3、职位、职称、衔头(position, title) • 4、公司地址(the address of your company) • 5、电话号码(telephone number) • 6、传真号码(fax number) • 7、电子邮箱( E-mail address) • Sample

  6. MING YING ENGLISH SCHOOL • Harry ChenAdd: No. 26, Zhongshan East Road, • Shijiazhuang City Hebei Province, 050000, P.R.China Tel: 0311-6081514 6075767Fax: 0311-6081514E-mail: 5663@sohu.comWeb site: www.sjzmingying.com

  7. Some Tips: • (1)关于地名的写法,一般遵循从小地名到大地名的写法。 • 一般顺序为:室号—门牌号—街道名—城市名—省(洲)--国家 • Room ** No. ** *** Road (Street), *** City **** Province ******(邮编)***** (country) • (2)地址在名片上,应该保持一定的完整性。门牌号与街道名不可分开写,必须在同一行,不可断行。名种名称不可断开。

  8. (3)门牌号英美写法可有不同,英语写No. 26美语可写26# • (4)汉语的人名,地名一般写汉语拼音。

  9. IV. Useful expressions • 名誉董事长 Honorary Chairman • 董事长 Chairman 执行董事 Executive Director • 总裁 President 总经理 General Manager; • C.E.O (Chief Executive Officer) 经理 Manager 财务主管 Controller 公关部经理 PR Manager • 营业部经理 Business Manager 销售部经理 Sales Manager • 推销员 Salesman 采购员 Purchaser

  10. Accounting Manager 会计部经理 • Accounting Staff会计部职员 • Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 • Administration Manager 行政经理 • Customer Representative 客户代表

  11. V. Practice • Write a name card according to your information.

  12. Part Two Certificate • I. Definition • 对一个人的身份、学历、婚姻状况、身体情况等或某一件事情的真实情况提供证明的一种专用文书,内容要求真实可靠、实事求是、言简意赅。

  13. II. Formats • 证书根据发证单位的不同,具有多种多样的表现形式,通常套用发证单位提供的固定格式。 • 证明书的写法通常采用一般信件格式,但一般省掉收信人的姓名、地址和结束用语。

  14. III. Content • 开头:正中写上“Certificate” • 称呼:多用“To Whom It May Concern”意即“有关负责人”,但此项也可省略 。 • 正文:另起一行,空两格写被证明的事项,若内容较多,可以分段写。 • 结尾:另起一行,顶格写”特此证明“ • 署名:写证明单位名称或个人姓名,并盖上公章或私章,写上证明的年、月、日。

  15. Doctor‘s Certificate June. 18, 2000 This is to certify that the patient, Mr. Tomas, male, aged 41, was admitted into our hospital on June. 9, 2000, for suffering from acute appendicitis. After immediate operation and ten days of treatment, he has got complete recovery and will be discharged on June. 19, 2000. It is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work.Jack Hopkins Surgeon-in-charge

  16.   医生证明书2000年6月18日   兹证明病人托马斯先生,男,41岁,因患急性阑尾炎,于2000年6月9日住院。经立即施行手术和十天治疗后,现已痊愈,将于2000年6月19日出院。建议在家休息一个星期后再上班工作。   主治医生:杰克·霍普金斯

  17. Diploma • (photo) • (Embossing Seal: Shanghai International Studies University) • DN.:990987 • This is to certify that the student Zhang Xiaohong, female, born on January 30, 1983, majoring in Business English in the school of International Education, completed 4-year undergraduate courses at Shanghai International Studies University from September 1999 to July 2003, and finished all the courses stipulated in the teaching program with satisfactory results. With the qualified records in all the examinations, Miss Zhang Xiaohong is hereby permitted to graduate. • President: Dai Weimin • Shanghai International Studies University • (Seal: Shanghai International Studies University)

  18. IV. Useful Patterns • 1. This is to certify that Mr. Li Ming, male, born on …, studied with a Bachelor’s degree course program in Business English at New Technology University from September 1999 to July 2003. • 2. Liming, male, born on May 4, 1987, was admitted to Shanghai No.1 Middle School in September 1999. • 3. Liming obeys all rules, respects teachers, unites with students, takes active part in all kinds of activities and is a student of good character and scholarship.

  19. 4. I am willing to bear all the responsibility if any problems happen. • 我愿意承担一切责任! • 5. I hereby guarantee! • 特此担保! • 6. Hereby Certificated! • 特此证明!

  20. V. Practice • Write your Diploma.

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