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Healthy Juicing with The Smoothie Diet..

How to lose weight in 21 days with the Smoothie Diet and Healthy Juicing...<br>

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Healthy Juicing with The Smoothie Diet..

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  1. You’re And Lose Weight in 21 Days With The Smoothie Diet

  2. Healthy Juicing Disclaimer This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this e-book as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this e-book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source. The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this e-book. 2

  3. Healthy Juicing Lose weight with the Smoothie Diet. 3

  4. Healthy Juicing Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................. 7 The Pros of Juicing ...................................................................... 7 The Cons of Juicing ..................................................................... 8 Thoughts on the Health Benefits of Juicing ..................................... 9 Chapter 1: Pros And Cons Of The Raw Food Diet ..................... 10 How A Raw Food Diet Can Help Type 2 Diabetes .......................... 13 How A Raw Food Diet Can Counteract Type 2 Diabetes .................. 14 Eating a Raw Food Diet ............................................................. 14 Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet On Type 2 Diabetes .......................... 15 Chapter 2: Green Juice For A Healthy Heart ............................ 16 Juicing And Heart Health ........................................................... 17 Eat Your Greens ...................................................................... 18 What Are Greens?..................................................................... 19 Benefits Of Eating Greens .......................................................... 21 Chapter 3: 10 Foods That Are Most Nutritious When Eaten Raw ............................................................................................... 23 Fermented Vegetables ............................................................... 23 How Adding Turmeric To Your Juices Benefits Your Health ............ 27 Reducing Osteoarthritis Pain ...................................................... 27 Anti-Inflammatory Aid ............................................................... 28 Fighting Heart Disease .............................................................. 28 Promoting Better Digestion ........................................................ 28 Boosting Antioxidant Levels ....................................................... 29 Turmeric In Juicing ................................................................... 29 4

  5. Healthy Juicing Chapter 4: Tips To Make Your New Juicing Habit Stick ............ 30 Set Up A Juicing Plan ................................................................ 30 Stock Up On The (Right) Ingredients ........................................... 31 Solve The Taste Dilemma .......................................................... 31 Invest In A Quality Juicer .......................................................... 31 Focus On Your Calorie Intake ..................................................... 32 Easy Storage ........................................................................... 32 Watch Your Sugar Intake ........................................................... 32 Buy A Portable Container ........................................................... 33 Health Benefits Of Carrots And Some Eating Ideas ....................... 33 The Nutrition In Carrots ............................................................ 33 Carrots Prevent Cardiovascular Disease ....................................... 34 Carrots Lower Blood Pressure ..................................................... 34 Carrots Enhance The Immune System ......................................... 34 Carrots Promote Digestion ......................................................... 34 Carrots Help Prevent Cancer ...................................................... 35 Carrots Help The Eyes ............................................................... 35 Carrots Help In Mouth Health ..................................................... 35 Carrots Prevent Strokes ............................................................ 35 Carrots Are Protective In Diabetics ............................................. 36 5 Healthy Ways to Eat Carrots.................................................... 36 Chapter 5: Body Detox And Cleansing Myths And Facts .......... 37 Best Raw Food And Juices For Energy To Jumpstart Your Day ....... 40 Can Juicing Help Menopausal Symptoms? ................................... 42 Juicing For Menopause .............................................................. 42 Juicing and Constipation ............................................................ 43 Juices and Heart Disease Prevention ........................................... 44 Does Juicing Help Menopausal Symptoms? .................................. 44 5

  6. Healthy Juicing Chapter 6: Juice Your Way To A Great Life .............................. 46 How To Fit Juicing Into Your Daily Routine .................................. 48 Chapter 7: How To Make Juice Like A Pro ............................... 50 How To Make Juice - Tips For Everyone ...................................... 52 Chapter 8: What You Need To Know About Juicing ................. 54 Easy Ways To Include Juicing In Your Diet .................................. 56 Conclusion .............................................................................. 58 6

  7. Healthy Juicing Introduction ____________________________________ In the diet and health world, you’ll find many fads and trends. Juicing has become popular as a way to cleanse the body, lose weight, and greatly increase intake of vitamins and minerals. It’s always valuable to look at the science behind a diet trend, so just how healthy is juicing? On the one side of the juicing trend, we have a lot of marketing effort. If fruits and vegetables are good for you and your body, then drinking them in one go each day, must surely be of benefit? However, the science behind it is more complex than the marketing line, and the reality is a tale of both pros and cons that are well worth considering before integrating juicing into a diet regimen. The Pros of Juicing Many people juice vegetable and fruits on a daily basis without thinking too much about the pros and cons of the activity. However, it’s always wise to look beyond the marketing lines and examine the nutritional value and science behind it. 7

  8. Healthy Juicing In this spirit, here are some of the health benefits of juicing: •If your daily diet is poor, then juicing even on a semi-regular basis can provide your body some much needed nutrition. The striping away of much of the fiber content in fruits and vegetables by the pulverization process makes it easy for your body to absorb the nutrients faster, thus giving you a high dose of nutrients. These nutrients contribute to your overall health and well-being and boost your immune system. •The pulverization of much of the fiber also unlocks some of the enzymes found in some fruits and vegetables and makes them available for digestion and absorption. •If you juice regularly, you’re habituating yourself to a dietary activity that is actually of great benefit. You’re thinking of your body, your health and what you’re putting into your body, and developing this habit is of massive psychological benefit, particularly for those who have had previously poor eating habits. This change in habit can lead to other positive life changing activities, including regular exercise and eating more foods of greater nutritional value. Many of us don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, so drinking even one small cup of freshly juiced vegetables and fruits can help our bodies. The Cons of Juicing Despite the strong marketing line, juicing has quite a couple of pitfalls. Much of the nutritional science behind it is still being debated in diet circles, but there are some very specific problems that are slowly becoming more well-known. Read on to find out some of the cons of juicing to put the debate into a sharp perspective: 8

  9. Healthy Juicing •Juicing fruits and vegetables actually strips away most of the insoluble fiber content due to the pulverization process. Eating fiber regularly is essential to a smooth digestive process and helps us to maintain a healthy weight because it causes us to feel fuller for longer. •As our bodies absorb a super hit of nutrition due to the stripping away of much of the fiber, we also absorb a lot of natural sugar, this is especially critical when juice blends consist mostly of fruits. This creates an abnormal spike in sugar levels, which is clearly problematic for diabetics and promotes weigh gain. Over time, this excess of fructose sugar will cause us weight problems as they are converted to fats and stored by our bodies. In this way, regular juicing will have the opposite of a beneficial health effect. However, it is important to note that this sugar overload only occurs when fruit is the predominant ingredient, when you juice a ratio of 80% to 20% or 90% to 10% of vegetables to fruits this is not a problem. •Juicing can be expensive, with a quality machine costing around $150 or more and the cost in produce, where sometimes many vegetables are needed to make just one glass of juice. This will be expensive over time. Thoughts on the Health Benefits of Juicing It seems as though juicing is here to stay, at least for the near future, but it’s wise to consider both the pros and cons behind it. To supplement an already poor diet, drinking juice can offer superior nutritional and health benefits. 9

  10. Healthy Juicing Chapter 1: Pros And Cons Of The Raw Food Diet ____________________________________ A raw food diet means that 75% of one’s diet is only raw food, and mainly this consists of uncooked fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted beans. Food that is heated about 116 degrees Fahrenheit is not allowed when following a 100% raw diet. “Baked” goods such as breads or crackers are made in a dehydrator, in which changes to fruits and vegetables textures can also be attained. Those who follow the Raw Food Diet are known as rawists, according to the Living and Raw Foods website. Rawists believe that this type of eating plan enhances their energy and boosts their health. Furthermore, proponents of the diet say that the best part of a raw food diet is that the nutrients, and especially the enzymes, are not destroyed in the process of cooking and are thus available to be absorbed and used by the body. 10

  11. Healthy Juicing There are critics of the raw food diet and some downsides you need to consider before embarking on a diet that consists entirely of raw foods. Such a diet, for example, is usually a vegan diet, which lacks the protein seen in a diet that embraces fish, poultry, and meat. You can get your protein by eating raw fish, as long as it comes from a safe source or else you risk a chance of ingesting pathogenic bacteria from these foods. These are the pros and cons of eating a raw food diet: Pro: The raw food diet retains the natural enzymes and undamaged phytonutrients that can be absorbed by the body but are broken down in the cooking process. When you eat the untainted enzymes, digestion is helped, and the body can better absorb other nutrients when the enzymes are left untouched. This can increase the health and wellness of the cells of the body. Con: While a raw food diet is a good thing in theory, it is not what is recommended in Ayurvedic teachings and in Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to these health programs, cooked foods are better for you because they are already partially broken down, so they are more easily digested. Not all of the phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables are destroyed by cooking and some vegetables are actually absorbed better after they have been cooked. Pro: Raw foods have a cooling effect on the body. This is why raw food diets are more popular in places where the climate is warm, such as the southern states and Hawaii. According to traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cool the body and reduce inflammation. People who are dealing with inflammatory conditions may do better with a raw food diet, while those who have problems feeling cold all the time would not thrive on a diet where everything they eat is cold. 11

  12. Healthy Juicing Con: As mentioned, some foods are absorbed better by the body after they have been heated up. One example is tomatoes. The lycopene in tomatoes is a potent antioxidant that is better absorbed when the tomatoes are cooked. Other vegetables, including spinach, kale, onions, and garlic have been found to be more nutritionally available after they have been cooked because the cooking releases important phytonutrients that would not be digested if the food is taken in raw. Overcooked foods, however, especially overcooked or burned meats contain acrylamide along with other chemicals that can cause cancer and can lead to inflammation. In order to avoid this problem, foods should be steamed lightly or sautéed in oil in order to release all of the phytonutrients and to start the digestive process. Pro: Many people are deficient in enzymes that would can be replaced by eating raw foods, which have not had their enzymes destroyed. If one eats a cooked diet, some experts recommend supplementing the diet with enzyme supplements so to improve their nutritional profile, but this can also be achieved by adding more raw food to one’s diet. Some of these enzymes include phytase; lipase, amylase, alpha- galactosidase, and invertase—all of which can help food get broken down easier so that the nutrients can be absorbed. Con: The best diet is a diet that is balanced in terms of eating some foods raw and some foods cooked. Experts say that, while eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial, the diet should also contain foods that are lightly cooked, including roasted vegetables, cooked fruits, meats, and eggs. This can provide you with the enzymes you need to absorb food as well as cooked food, which is much easier to digest than raw food. 12

  13. Healthy Juicing There is no one perfect diet out there and that includes the raw food diet. Raw foods might be good for people who need the enzymes in order to digest their food, but it may be bad for people who need the partial digestion of lightly cooked foods. Rather than the extreme of eating a raw diet, it is recommended by many holistic practitioners that a balance is struck between cooked foods and raw foods so that the digestive system is taken care of in the healthiest way. How A Raw Food Diet Can Help Type 2 Diabetes Part of the cause of type 2 diabetes is a diet high in processed and overcooked foods as well as foods that are high in sugar. By eating a raw food diet, you can decrease the amount of sugar you put in your system and can lose weight. Evidence suggests that losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can have a great impact on type 2 diabetes and on overall blood sugar. A raw food diet can help you lose weight quickly and naturally. Type 2 diabetes is extremely common. More than 20 percent of individuals under the age of 20 carry a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Part of this comes from an epidemic of obesity and unhealthy eating habits. As a result of high blood sugars and obesity, the insulin sensitivity of the body’s cells go way down, and glucose cannot enter the cells to be used as cellular fuel. This causes the cells to starve for energy. A healthy diet consisting of raw food can greatly alter the outcome of type 2 diabetes and can not only slow the disease process but can reverse the effects of diabetes. This means eliminating the standard American diet, which consists mostly of processed foods, fast foods, dairy products, meat, and sugar-containing foods. Instead of this diet, you need to substitute the bad foods with raw vegetables and fruits. You also need to exercise in order to lose some weight. 13

  14. Healthy Juicing How A Raw Food Diet Can Counteract Type 2 Diabetes The raw food diet was pioneered in Switzerland by a Swiss doctor, Maximilian Bircher-Benner in the mid-1800s. He was the doctor who invented muesli, which consists of grains mixed with dried fruits. The raw food diet involves a plant-based diet in which food is eaten in its completely natural state. It means that food is not: •Cooked •Processed •Microwaved •Genetically engineered •Irradiated •Treated with herbicides or pesticides People who believe in this diet say that, when you heat or process foods, you destroy most of the nutritional benefits of the food, including the phytonutrients, vitamins, and healthful enzymes. Foods that are uncooked are believed to be more wholesome for the type 2 diabetic. Eating a Raw Food Diet The idea behind eating a raw food diet is that all food consumed is eaten in its unprocessed state. It is a vegan diet in which no animal products are eaten. Foods cannot be heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. It is allowable to dehydrate food so that vegetables retain their crunchiness and fruit can be turned into tasty fruit leathers. Foods that can be eaten on a raw food diet include vegetables, fruits, juices, seeds, nuts, raw almond butter, grains, seaweed, sprouts, raw beans, virgin coconut oil, olive oil, herbal tea, and coconut butter. If you choose not to eat completely vegan, you can drink unpasteurized milk, raw eggs, raw fish, raw meat, and cheese. 14

  15. Healthy Juicing Foods you can’t eat on a raw food diet include any kind of refined sugar, processed salt, flour, pasteurized milk, caffeine, baked goods, pasta, ice cream, soda, many types of juices, alcoholic beverages and fast foods. You will likely be eating mostly at home, because most restaurants only serve cooked food. You can grow your own sprouts, juice fruits, and vegetables, dehydrate fruits and vegetables, chop, or blend any type of fruit or vegetable. Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet On Type 2 Diabetes A raw food diet can help the type 2 diabetic lose weight. In one research study, those who ate a raw food diet lost 9 percent of their body weight over a three-month period of time. It also decreases cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. The fasting blood sugar and Hemoglobin A1C level will drop when the weight falls off. A raw food diet also contains plenty of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients. The biggest downside of a raw food diet is that it is expensive. There is also a chance that the type 2 diabetic will suffer from a decrease in bone mineral density and bone mass. Raw food diets can also have less vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, not all foods are better for you when eaten raw. Eggs and tomatoes absorb better when they are cooked. Potatoes, raw fish, and raw meat are potentially dangerous as they can carry foodborne illnesses. Lose weight in 21 days with the Smoothie Diet.. 15

  16. Healthy Juicing Chapter 2: Green Juice For A Healthy Heart ____________________________________ The term “greenjuice” can actually refer to a wide range of vegetables processed through a juice or blender to transform the solids into a smoother liquid. Though spinach and kale are among the most common options, it can also include Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, wheat grass broccoli, bitter melon and many others. The emphasis on green produce comes from the fact that many of these items carry different types of essential nutrients and vitamins than options on the other side of the food color spectrum, such as iron, Vitamin K, and antioxidants. In addition, greens with a darker color, such as kale, also commonly have higher levels of these nutrients than the lighter green vegetables, such as iceberg lettuce, making them ideal candidates for a healthy diet. 16

  17. Healthy Juicing Juicing And Heart Health Juicing is simply a more convenient way to introduce the foods into your diet, as many juices also include other, more palatable ingredients such as fruits and similar sweeter fare. The specific benefits of drinking green juice depend on the ingredients. For example, a juice made primarily of kale delivers a high dose of iron, approximately 1mg per cup compared to 0.4mg per cup of cabbage, according to the USDA. Iron in particular is essential to developing a healthy heart because it is a key element in creating hemoglobin, which is a component found within red blood cells that aids the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. If the body does not have enough iron to properly carry oxygen molecules out of the lungs, it cannot function properly and will eventually start to break down, leaving you feeling fatigued. Overworking your body means overworking your heart, which eventually leads to a weakening of the muscle that can result in heart disease or other ailments. Another way green juice helps keep your hearth healthy is by introducing antioxidants into the system, which carry a wide range of health benefits overall. In terms of the heart, antioxidants help to restore damage that comes from daily activity, strengthening the walls of your heart over time and allowing it to function more efficiently. Many green juices also feature vitamins that help keep the heart pumping properly and strongly. Similarly, the nutrients and minerals in the juices can help improve circulation by expanding the blood vessels and lowering blood pressure, which allows the blood to flow more smoothly throughout your body. 17

  18. Healthy Juicing Green juices also help introduce fiber into your diet, which are essential to a healthy heart because they can lower blood cholesterol levels. High cholesterol causes the heart to work harder than it needs to pump blood through your body because it literally blocks the passageways in the circulatory system. Overworking the heart, combined with the lack of oxygen and buildup of toxins due to poor blood flow, can result in a heart attack or similar issues. The fiber in the green juices helps ensure proper blood flow and thus keeps your heart and body functioning normally. Fiber also helps combat other conditions that can lead to heart disease, such as obesity or diabetes, offering an additional layer of healthfulness. Green juice is low in calories and makes a great addition to a sensible low-calorie diet in support of a healthy weight, which in turn realty benefits heart health as both obesity and overweight are two of the biggest contributors to heart disease, heart attack, and premature death. Regardless of the types of vegetables, you put in the juice or how often you drink them; they are most effective when combined with regular exercise and an overall balanced diet. Eat Your Greens Whether you throw them together in a tossed salad or put them in a green smoothie, leafy green veggies have many health benefits. Let’s see just how healthy they are. 18

  19. Healthy Juicing What Are Greens? There are surprisingly many different types of greens you can choose from. Here are a few of the most nutritious varieties that you eat raw or throw into your recipes: Kale This is a powerhouse of nutrition that has everything you need in a green. It has lots of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K as well as calcium, potassium, and folate. Kale can be cream-colored or blackish, depending on the variety you choose. Kale can be used to substitute bread and buns in burgers and sandwiches making for a low calorie and low carb meal. Collards These are often used in Southern cooking and they are a lot like kale. They taste a bit more like cabbage than kale and have a chewy texture. Collards contain only 25 calories in about a half-cup serving. Turnip Greens These are the tops to turnips and are just as good as the vegetable itself. These are commonly used in Southern cooking like collard greens, but they are more tender than other types of greens, so they don’t have to be cooked as much to be flavorful. Swiss Chard This has red stalks, veins, and stems on the leaves, and it tastes a lot like beets. It is a great green to sauté and can bind to calcium, so it doesn’t cause kidney stones. It has only about 15 calories per half cup serving. 19

  20. Healthy Juicing Spinach has only about 20 calories per half cup serving and has plenty of vitamin C and vitamin A for better health. It also is high in folate. It reduces its oxalate content on heating, so it is actually better for you cooked than raw. Mustard Greens This is a Southern recipe green that is very similar to collard greens and turnip leaves. It comes in both green and red varieties. These greens give off a smell like mustard when cooking and should be toned down by adding lemon or vinegar, which provide acidity. Broccoli Yes, this is a green, too. It contains only 25 calories per serving and is high in vitamin A and vitamin C. It is great in stir-fries, where it adds a crunchiness. It can also be eaten raw, in salads or as a snack with low fat dip. Broccoli goes great over pasta, in soups and in casseroles. It is one of nature’s best plant foods. Romaine Lettuce This wonderful lettuce comes in red and green leaves and is great for salads, sandwiches and even juicing or smoothies. Nutritionally, it is high in vitamin A as well as in folate. Leafy lettuce is softer than romaine, which is a bit crunchy. The darker leaves have more nutrition in them than lighter leaves. One cup is only about 10 calories. Cabbage This is a pale vegetable of the cruciferous type. It contains a great deal of vitamin C and other cancer-fighting agents. It comes as green and red cabbage, and can be cooked, stir fried, or made into a shredded Cole slaw. A ½ cup has only 15 calories. 20

  21. Healthy Juicing Iceberg lettuce. This is a blander tasting lettuce because it contains a lot of water. It is ideal for weight loss because it is very filling and great in salads and sandwiches. It is popular but contains less nutrition in it than many of the other greens. It can be a green that people start with while working their way to eating other healthier greens. Iceberg Lettuce has virtually no calories and can be eaten liberally. Benefits Of Eating Greens There’s no question that greens are good for you. Here are some of its healthier benefits: Healthier Aging Greens contain vitamin K, which helps clot blood. Too little vitamin K in the diet predisposes you to heart disease, kidney calcification, arterial plaques, and fragile bones. One cup of raw greens will give you your daily requirement of vitamin K, with kale being the best, along with dandelion greens and Swiss chard. Keep Down Cholesterol This is true especially of kale and mustard greens. When you bind bile acids in the fiber of these types of greens, it exits the body instead of going into the bloodstream, raising cholesterol. Help Your Vision This is especially true of Swiss chard, mustard greens, dandelion greens, and kale. They contain many types of lutein and zeaxanthin, which helps filter out high energy light. 21

  22. Healthy Juicing This is a type of light that can damage your eyes. They are also helpful in fighting glare, so they decrease your chances of getting cataracts. Fuel the body. One cup of escarole when eaten raw will give you a tenth of what you need of pantothenic acid, which is vitamin B. This helps convert carbohydrates into glucose to be then be used as fuel to make energy for the body. You need to eat B vitamins every day because they are water-soluble, and any excess will just exit the body each day. Improve bone health. The bitter taste of many of these types of greens means they are high in calcium, which is good for your bones. You can’t get enough calcium just by eating greens, but they can help. About a 1/2 cup of dandelion greens, for example, contains 78 milligrams of calcium. Prevent Colon Cancer This is especially true of mustard greens and kale, which is a part of the Brassica family of foods (as are cabbage and broccoli). The more you eat them, the lower your risk for colon cancer. Lose weight with the Smoothie Diet in 21 days.. 22

  23. Healthy Juicing Chapter 3: 10 Foods That Are Most Nutritious When Eaten Raw ____________________________________ Trying to maintain a healthy diet doesn’t have to be hard work. Did you know that there are many raw foods that you can eat which actually provide you with more nutrition than they do when cooked? Next time you’re looking for a quick snack or trying to think of something that you can take with you for a lunch away from home, try out some of these raw foods. They need minimum preparation and have plenty of great benefits for your body if you eat them regularly. Fermented Vegetables Fermented vegetables are easy for the body to absorb and digest because the fermentation process pre-digests the starches in these 23

  24. Healthy Juicing foods. They also have many enzymes and probiotics to boost your immune system and improve nutrient absorption. You can ferment many vegetables, including kale, carrots, cucumbers, celery, and cabbage. Ginger and garlic make great spices when fermenting vegetables. Tempeh is a fermented food, as is the Korean favorite Kim Chee along with raw kefir or yogurt. Note that commercial kefirs and yogurts are not advised, as they are often loaded with sugars that destroy the beneficial bacteria. You can use them in salads, soups, main dishes or as compliments to main dishes and they add great flavor. Some people even enjoy eating them on their own. Honey Raw honey provides two key beneficial components, bee pollen, and propolis. It is a unique blend of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Raw honey contains antioxidants called phenolic compounds, and some types contain as many of these essential free radical fighting agents as vegetables and fruit. Free radicals are known contributors to aging, and increasing risk factors of cancer, heart disease and other chronic medical conditions. Numerous studies have shown the polyphenols found in honey to play a key role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients are compounds in plants that protect them from external harm, and they do the same for the human body, as they have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Phytonutrients are only found in raw honey as they are destroyed in any type of heavy processing of food. Honey can be used as a healthy substitute to sugar and is a popular choice for many people when dieting. If you include a teaspoon in your daily diet, you will be able to enjoy many benefits, as it is high in sugar and calories, so moderation is key. 24

  25. Healthy Juicing If you’re wondering how you could eat more honey in your diet, you could try using it to sweeten tea or coffee, spreading it on toast or adding a few drops to your morning berries. Coconut Raw coconut provides a wide variety of nutritional benefits as compared to the dried or processed form. Coconut water is a natural form of sports drink because of its natural ability to hydrate and replace electrolytes, and it is also rich in potassium, sodium, and magnesium. The above is not true of dried, processed, or sweetened coconut. Moderation is key however, as coconut is high in calories, but it does have less sugar carbs in the same portion as apples. Blueberries Blueberries are really tasty and full of antioxidants that fight free radicals to prevent chronic disease. They are high in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6 and very low in calories and sugar. If you need something sweet for a quick pick-me-up, instead of reaching for the chocolates, try a handful of blueberries. For extra convenience, you can purchase frozen blueberries, which will keep for longer. Stock up when they’re more affordable and enjoy the benefits. Sprouts Some people love sprouts, while others absolutely hate them. They’re actually very healthy and if you want to improve your overall health, you should try to get used to eating them raw. Sprouts are vegetables that are still in the growth stage, and because of this, they have high levels of nutrients, key enzymes and numerous vitamins, all ready to be digested by the human body. 25

  26. Healthy Juicing For example, alfalfa sprouts have vitamins A, B, C, and E, Calcium, Carotene, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, and Chlorophyll. If you’re a vegetarian and you need more protein in your diet, sprouts are a great source of protein too. If you don’t like the taste of them raw, why not make a green smoothie and flavor it with other healthy ingredients. Raw Broccoli Eating raw broccoli helps fight cancer, as chewing of this raw super plant food allows you to access a cancer-fighting compound known as myrosinase, which is easily killed off in the cooking process. Eating broccoli sprouts doubles your intake of anticancer properties. Garlic Freshly raw chopped garlic contains the enzyme alliinase that converts alliin into allicin, which is what creates the specific aroma of fresh garlic and also helps to improve your health. According to the University Of Maryland Medical Center, allicin has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Moreover, fresh raw garlic releases a short-lived gas known as hydrogen sulfide that acts as an intracellular signaling compound that protects the heart. Cooking, processing, and drying destroy this valuable compound. Nuts While many love to eat oil-roasted nuts, the cooking process reduces valuable nutrients, such as iron and magnesium and also adds extra calories and fat. Red Bell Peppers Red bell peppers contain about 150% of the daily-recommended value of vitamin C, but the National Institutes of Health warns that this vital nutrient breaks down when the peppers are cooked at or above 375 degrees Fahrenheit. 26

  27. Healthy Juicing Eating raw red peppers also helps prevent atherosclerosis that leads to heart disease. Onions A Cornell University study found that raw onions contain Sulphur compounds, and cancer-fighting antioxidants that are only present in their juice. These nutrients help protect against lung and prostate cancer. How Adding Turmeric To Your Juices Benefits Your Health You might not be familiar with turmeric by name, but chances are you’ve eaten it at least once before. As a primary ingredient in many Indian dishes, as well as a coloring agent in foods such as mustard and various cheeses, its benefits in the culinary world are well documented. However, did you know it also carries numerous health benefits? Read on to find out how adding turmeric to your juices brings a wide range of positive improvements to your diet and overall wellbeing. Reducing Osteoarthritis Pain Though much of the research into the various effects of turmeric are still in the early phases, one study reports significant findings on its ability to treat pain from osteoarthritis, according to WebMD.com. These researchers studied test groups with arthritis and found that a regular dosage of turmeric reduced the amount of pain that resulted from the joint impairment. The research focused on patients consuming whole turmeric, rather than a modified supplement made from turmeric, meaning you can easily sprinkle the spice it into your juice for the full effect. 27

  28. Healthy Juicing Anti-Inflammatory Aid Another major benefit of turmeric is its anti-inflammatory properties, which means that it helps to relax blood vessels that become engorged as a response to pain or other irritations. Adding turmeric into your juices can thus help to alleviate discomfort from a variety of pains and aches, similar to that of taking an over- the-counter pain reliever. Research from the University of Arizona also found that these properties helped to reduce pain from rheumatoid arthritis, furthering the evidence that it can help improve joint movement. The research also suggests that taking the turmeric preemptively can help prevent the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Fighting Heart Disease Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among both men and women, often resulting from long-term issues relating to diet and other health factors. Turmeric can help to fight off heart disease by aiding the body in the removal of plaque from the arteries, which decreases blood flow through the body. This obstruction causes the heart to work harder than necessary to pump blood, which results in excessive damage to the muscle that can lead to heart attacks. By removing the plaque, the heart is able to function at a normal level and thus stay stronger for longer. Promoting Better Digestion Many people turn to juicing to help with digestive issues, often focusing on detoxifying the body and flushing the system of harmful build up. Try adding turmeric to your juices to enhance your digestive system by reducing bloating and eliminating excess gas. The spice is also found to help alleviate discomfort from heartburn, which can lead to other health issues and major discomfort if left untreated. 28

  29. Healthy Juicing Drinking a juice blend with turmeric can sometimes result in immediate relief of these issues, though response time may very between individuals. Boosting Antioxidant Levels One of the most significant health benefits of turmeric is its high levels of antioxidants, which have a variety of benefits to your overall health. A diet rich in antioxidants can help repair the damage to the heart muscles, reduce the signs of aging, increase your energy levels, and improve the function of your other organs. Some research also suggests that antioxidants can help combat free radicals that can lead to cancer. Similarly, research from UCLA found that turmeric contains a compound know as curcumin that seems to dramatically increase the antioxidant capacity of the body. As with all juicing ingredients and health tactics, remember that moderation and consistency. While tossing a cup of turmeric into your next juice might have a short-term benefit, it can lead to an upset stomach and other discomfort. Stick to a few teaspoons per juice a few times a week to keep yourself on track and guarantee your ability to reap its benefits in the long haul. Turmeric In Juicing You can juice fresh turmeric or stir in the dried spice to a finished juice. 29

  30. Healthy Juicing Chapter 4: Tips To Make Your New Juicing Habit Stick ____________________________________ Any time of the year is a good time to start juicing. The health benefits of drinking fruit and vegetable juice are numerous, ranging from improving your digestive health to increasing your body’s ability to repair itself and bolstering your immune system. However, as with any new routine, sticking to your juicing habit can be hard. Follow these tips to help make juicing a part of your daily routine for years to come: Set Up A Juicing Plan One of the most common mistakes people make when starting a juicing lifestyle is failing to account for the extra effort. In order to make your juice both effective and sanitary, you need to wash your ingredients and cut them to the appropriate size for your machine. 30

  31. Healthy Juicing Most people don’t have the time to do this in the morning, so consider prepping the night before. Even if you chop up all of your veggies and fruits the night before, you still need to plan for the time to make the juice and clean your machine in the morning. Wake up a few minutes earlier to give yourself more time in the morning and keep the process as stress-free as possible. Stock Up On The (Right) Ingredients Another pitfall that leads new juicer to abandon the process is a simple lack of ingredients. If you’re already to make your juice, but you don’t have any leafy greens or fruits, it makes the entire process harder than it needs to be. Make sure you keep a fresh supply of fruits and vegetables in your fridge before you plan to make you juice so that you can focus on solidifying the habit instead of the obstacles in front of you. Solve The Taste Dilemma Make sure you choose ingredients that are both easy to juice and that you enjoy. Even though kale is loaded with nutrients, you’re unlikely to stick to juicing if you hate the taste, but there are many tasty additions that can help mask the taste of kale, so you can get the nutrients while enjoying the juice. Apples, lemons, limes, grapefruits, pears, and ginger are all great additions to make the primary stars, like spinach, kale or broccoli taste great in your juice. It is also important to realize that you might just have to get used to the taste of vegetables, as others have, it is part of changing to a healthy lifestyle. Invest In A Quality Juicer This one falls in line with the whole concept of making the process easier for you. A poor-quality juicer can result in a poor-quality juice, such as one full of large chunks, which in turn can make the entire process unappealing. 31

  32. Healthy Juicing Cheap juicers are also more prone to breaking and clogging, which can completely stop your budding love for juicing in its tracks. There’s no need to spend a fortune on a juicer, as some high-end models also come with issues. Read reviews at online retail sites to identify the machine in your price range with the largest number of happy owners. Focus On Your Calorie Intake As great as juices are for your health, they’re no replacement for actual fruits and vegetables. Many new juicers attempt to substitute complete meals with a juice blend, which often does not have the appropriate number of calories to keep you fueled all day. Similarly, many people find that drinking fruits and vegetables is not as satisfying as eating them, which can lead to feelings of hunger. Associating negative feelings such as fatigue and hunger with drinking juice can make you feel like the process isn’t worth it. Instead, focus on drinking the juice as a snack or meal supplement. Easy Storage Buy an airtight container to store your juice. Juice keeps well for about 3 days, so being able to make enough for a few days saves time and makes the whole juicing thing much easier. Watch Your Sugar Intake Avoid the shock of weight gain or sugar overload that can quickly turn you off to juicing by making your juices primarily from vegetables. Fruit is very high in sugar, and you can easily go into calorie and sugar overload with just a couple of glasses a day, negating the whole point of juicing. Choose low sugar fruits, like apples and berries and use them in moderation. 32

  33. Healthy Juicing Buy A Portable Container One major benefit of drinking juice blends is that they take such little time to consume. However, if you don’t have the time to sit and sip your drink, you’re not going to build the habit into your routine. Purchasing a thermos or other container means you can take your juice with you wherever you go, so drinking it can become a part of your daily activities. In addition, you can make your juice in the morning and then take it with you to work to drink later. Starting a new juicing routine can be difficult if you don’t take the time to plan for it in advance. Focus on identifying the biggest issues you face each day and develop methods to overcome them, and you’ll make your new juicing habit stick for a lifetime. Health Benefits Of Carrots And Some Eating Ideas There is no question that carrots are healthy for you. They are also easy to prepare and can be prepared in a variety of ways. For this reason, carrots are among the most widely consumed vegetables throughout the world. They grow easily in just about any soil and have a place in many different international cuisines. The scientific name for carrots is Daucus carota. While it is classified as a root, some people eat the tops of carrots as well. Most carrots are bright orange; however, there are less common varieties of carrots that are yellow, white, red, or purple in color. Most people eat domesticated carrots, which are a variation of the wild type (Daucus carota). It is found native to southwestern Asia and Europe, but most imported carrots come from China. The Nutrition In Carrots Carrots are healthy for you in a variety of ways. Carrots are high in beta carotene and fiber. They have loads of antioxidants, which fight 33

  34. Healthy Juicing cancer and other cellular defects. Most varieties of carrots are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, Vitamin B8, Vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, manganese, potassium, and copper. How are carrots healthy for you? Carrots have many health benefits: Some of these include the following: Carrots Prevent Cardiovascular Disease In at least one study, the consumption of carrots resulted in a reduction in cholesterol by approximately 11 percent in those people who ate 7 oz of carrots daily for three weeks. Lower cholesterol means a lowered risk for heart disease. In another study out of Sweden, researchers found that eating carrots on a regular basis reduced the risk of having a heart attack. Carrots Lower Blood Pressure Carrots are high in potassium, which dilates the blood vessels and coumarin that lowers blood pressure. This improves overall body circulation and enhances the function of all of the body’s organs. Lower blood pressure means there is less stress on the heart and a decreased risk of heart attacks, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Carrots Enhance The Immune System Carrots are high in antibacterial and antiseptic properties so that it enhances the body’s immune system. Carrots are also high in vitamin C, which stimulates white blood cells, which are an important part of the immune system. Carrots Promote Digestion The fiber in the roots of the carrot can help maintain excellent digestive health. Carrots are high in insoluble fiber, which bulk up the stool and allow it to pass cleanly through the colon. The fiber also enhances peristalsis in the colon and increases the secretion of 34

  35. Healthy Juicing stomach acid. It is believed to be protective not only against constipation but in preventing more serious things like colon cancer. Carrots Help Prevent Cancer Carrots are high in beta carotene, which reduces the risk of several types of cancer, particularly cancer of the lung. One study showed that people who ate more beta carotene had a reduction in lung cancer risk by more than forty percent. Another study revealed that eating carrots decreased the chances of getting colon cancer by approximately 24 percent. Breast cancer is also believed to be protected against by eating carrots. Carrots Help The Eyes Carrot consumption is believed to decrease the incidence of age- related macular degeneration. One study showed that people who ate more beta carotene had a 40 percent decreased risk of age-related macular degeneration. Carrots also seem to help prevent decreases in vision that occur as a result of vitamin A deficiency. Carrots Help In Mouth Health Carrots are known to stimulate the gums and enhance saliva production, which means there are fewer dental caries and fewer bacteria in the mouth that can lead to dental caries. It also seems to be beneficial in helping people with bad breath. Carrots Prevent Strokes Research has shown that eating a carrot every day can decrease the chances of getting a stroke by 58 percent. No one knows exactly why this is the case, but it is believed to be because carrots are high in beta carotene. 35

  36. Healthy Juicing Carrots Are Protective In Diabetics Because of the carotenoids in carrots, blood sugar is better regulated, and diabetes is in better control. Carrots also help to regulate the use of glucose and insulin in the body so that there are fewer blood sugar fluctuations in diabetics. 5 Healthy Ways to Eat Carrots Carrots can be eaten in several ways as they are a versatile vegetable when eaten raw or cooked. Here are five ways you can incorporate carrots into your diet: •Eat them raw - Carrot sticks can be eaten raw alone or with a vegetable dip •Eat carrot soup - Carrot soup retains much of the nutrients that raw carrots have and is a delicious way to eat carrots. •Eat them juiced - Carrots can be juiced alone or with other vegetables for a healthy juice containing many phytonutrients •Eat them roasted - Carrots roasted in a light amount of oil retain many of their phytonutrients and make for a good side dish to a meal. •Eat them in a casserole - Carrots can be chopped and put in just about any soup or casserole. Lose weight in 21 days with The Smoothie Diet.. 36

  37. Healthy Juicing Chapter 5: Body Detox And Cleansing Myths And Facts ____________________________________ There are a lot of detoxing diets around as well as items or foods that claim to “detox” the body. Detoxification is designed to rid the body of unnatural chemicals and pollutants that are said to damage the liver, damage the kidneys, and help you lose weight. Unfortunately, if detoxification were really all that helpful, everyone would be doing it. Doing detoxification the wrong way can be damaging to your health. Before you get out the juicer and gather a bunch of healthy vegetables to eat at your next meal, you should really think about these myths and facts about body cleansing and body detoxification. Detox Myth #1: Detoxification is the quickest way to lose weight. The truth is that while detoxes actually do help you lose the weight very 37

  38. Healthy Juicing quickly, most of the weight lost is body water and the weight will come right back on as soon as you stop doing it. Detox can also help you lose stool through diarrhea and that will cause your weight to drop fast but as soon as you eat, the stool will build up again. You can lose only so much weight when participating in a cleanse diet. It is much better to lose weight the conventional way—through eating a low-calorie diet and exercising in order to lose the pounds. It is much easier to stick to a diet this way as well. Detox Myth #2: Detox diets are better for you than a diet consisting of exercise and eating a fewer number of calories. While a diet claiming to be a detox diet is able to get rid of a few toxins from the body, it won’t help you lose a lasting amount of weight. It is much safer to eat healthy unprocessed foods and get to the gym for some exercise. Detox Myth #3:You don’t have to exercise with a detox diet. While it is possible to lose weight with a detox diet without exercise, you are losing muscle mass by engaging in a detox diet and avoiding exercise. If you want to gain or tone muscles, going to the gym or exercising at home or outdoors is the best way to keep those muscles healthy. Detox myth #4: You need to take it many strange juices and avoid eating food when detoxing. There are many healthy foods that will cleanse your system without needing to take in only expensive juices or eating so little food that you quit eating solids. Instead of juicing your way through a detox diet, you should eat a lot of sesame seeds, leafy green vegetables, and lemons (in a recipe or as the juice). Green tea is another inexpensive thing to add to your diet that will clean your body out without starving yourself; it is a natural 38

  39. Healthy Juicing detoxification drink for those who really want to detox but don’t want to buy a juicer and juice up veggies and fruits. Detox Myth #5: Drinking an excessive amount of water will detoxify the body. This is a myth that has some partial truth to it. Water does help the kidneys and liver function better but if you drink too much of it, it can be dangerous to your body. Too much water can negatively affect the electrolytes of the body and can cause your kidneys to work overtime trying to get rid of the excessive amount of water you are trying to take in as part of a detox diet. Drink plenty of water while dieting but don’t go overboard. Detox myth #6: You only have to go to the sauna to detoxify the body. While saunas are an excellent way to get rid of toxins after working out at the gym, this isn’t a way to have longstanding detoxification. If you spend too much time lounging in a sauna, it is just too easy to become dehydrated. In addition, trying to use sweat to get rid of your toxins, you can block your ability to detoxify your body over a period of time. While many people take on these types of detox diets with the best of intentions, you need to know that it is possible for them to be dangerous to your body if you don’t do them right. Start your healthy diet and exercise plan the right way, by lowering your caloric content, continuing to eat healthy foods in moderation, and exercising hard at the gym or in your home (or outside) in order to keep your muscle mass up or to tone your muscles as you help your body lose weight. 39

  40. Healthy Juicing Best Raw Food And Juices For Energy To Jumpstart Your Day A large number of us struggle to get going in the mornings and reach for the coffee as soon as we are awake. We think and/or hope the caffeine in the coffee will help us wake up enough to get going with our day. However, the effects of caffeine on health are well documented, so many people are looking for an alternative to jumpstart their day. There are a number of raw foods and juices that can make a difference in the mornings and help you to get going. Below are some of the best foods and juices that can give you that boost in the mornings. Energy Bars There are numerous recipes online for making your own energy bars that you can eat quickly and easily when you are on the go in the mornings. Most contain a mixture of nuts, seeds, and raw vegetables that provide a mix of vitamins and help increase energy levels. For added variety, you could add fruits into the bars such as oranges for added vitamin C. Chia Pudding There are endless varieties that you can go for if you want to mix it up a bit when it comes to chia pudding. Options such as celery, cucumber, and apples naturally contain a lot of water so help to make it more of a juice than a smoothie. Again, this could be made the night before to save time in the mornings. 40

  41. Healthy Juicing Beet and Celery juice There are so many health reasons to drink this in the mornings, and you will instantly feel refreshed and energized. Not only is this juice good for your vital organs, and overall health, but it can also help to improve your skin. Citrus and Vegetables Combining the effects of citrus and vegetables such as carrots and peppers will definitely help to jumpstart your day. There are numerous vitamins and minerals in this sort of juice, and you will instantly feel a burst of energy. The added citrus will give you a healthy dose of vitamin C, which can also help with general health and wellbeing. Greens Whatever form you get your greens in, from juices to salads, they will always provide you with many health benefits. There are so many options available, so everyone is likely to find something they are happy with. Options include cucumber, apples, kale, and spinach; these give you a good base of many different juice options. Pineapple and Peppermint Juice Combining pineapple and peppermint has hugely beneficial effects and can really jumpstart your day. This helps with dehydration, which can be the cause of fatigue. Moreover, there are so many vitamins and minerals in here that you can’t help but feel energized afterwards. Oatmeal Oatmeal is excellent and providing energy and keeping you filled up until lunchtime. Add in flaxseeds and some fruit such as apples and bananas and you have a tasty and healthy breakfast that will jumpstart any day. 41

  42. Healthy Juicing Banana Pancakes Everyone loves pancakes for breakfast, and you can even have them on a raw food diet. By making them with ingredients such as coconut flakes and fruit like bananas, you will be giving yourself a good start to the day. The vitamins will help to give you energy, and the bananas can prevent unhealthy snacking throughout the day. Raw Granola You can buy raw granola in most health food shops, so stock up on it. You can do so much with granola from snack bars to cereal. Combine it with some fruits, nuts and seeds and you will have a healthy and nutritious breakfast that will jumpstart your day. Can Juicing Help Menopausal Symptoms? Menopause is a difficult time for many women. It is a time when the menses stop and are replaced by hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes. Besides hormone replacement therapy, there are few medical options for the management of this time in a woman’s life. This leaves us with natural remedies to combat the symptoms until the menopausal symptoms stop. Juicing For Menopause While there are no scientific research studies out there that prove that juicing is beneficial for women undergoing menopause, there are plenty of anecdotal reports that show that drinking vegetable and fruit juices can help a woman suffering from menopausal symptoms. For one, juicing can easily result in a loss of weight. Menopause is, unfortunately, a time when many women gain weight, which can lead them to an increased risk of diabetes, heart attacks, and stroke. By 42

  43. Healthy Juicing juicing, the weight gain can be prevented and perhaps some weight can be lost so that these diseases can be prevented. Just about any kind of juice will result in weight loss but the vegetable juices are believed to be the best. Vegetable juices are low in sugar and calories and can be sweetened slightly be adding carrots to the mixture or by adding a small amount of apple to the juice. This makes the juice more palatable so that it can be taken in by the woman several times per day, resulting in weight loss and a reduction in risk factors for the above diseases. Juices, especially carrot juices, have been found to be preventative against breast cancer, which reaches its peak right around menopause. Research has shown that the daily intake of carrots can reduce the risk of breast cancer. In one study alone, it was found that woman who consumed raw carrots daily had a 5 to 8 times decreased risk of getting breast cancer when compared to women who did not consume any carrots. The reasons for this are unclear but it is believed that the beta- carotene in the carrots is what prevents breast cancer. Other types of cancer, including lung cancer and colon cancer are prevented by eating carrots. Juicing and Constipation Many women in menopause suffer from a slowing of their metabolism leading to chronic constipation. When juices are made with a blender rather than with a juicer, the insoluble fiber remains in the juice and this allows for an increase in the bulk of the stool. Peristalsis is increased and the woman will have a reduction in the symptoms of constipation. The juices that work best for this are the vegetable juices that are naturally high in fiber when blended. Juices made from berries also have a high amount of insoluble fiber in it and will also be preventative 43

  44. Healthy Juicing against constipation in menopause if they are blended so as to retain the insoluble fiber in the juice. Juices and Heart Disease Prevention Women who enter menopause begin to have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease because of the loss of the protective effect of estrogen normally produced by the ovaries. Many juices are high in potassium, which lowers blood pressure and therefore puts less stress on the heart. Carrot juice is particularly high in potassium and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering the blood pressure. Other vegetable juices contain potassium and other substances that are protective against inflammation, which is believed to be related to getting heart disease. Juices also cause weight loss, which is protective against heart disease. Weight loss brought on by juicing can reduce the risk of diabetes in menopause, which is one of the risk factors for heart disease. Does Juicing Help Menopausal Symptoms? There is no study showing that juicing helps reduce the hot flashes and night sweats seen in the menopausal period, but many women swear that juicing positively impacted their symptoms of menopause. Juicing provides the body with excellent nutrition that is easily absorbed by the body. This improved nutrition could be why a woman in the perimenopausal years suffers from fewer menopausal symptoms. If you are in menopause and want to try juicing to reduce your menopausal symptoms, try the vegetable juices over the fruit juices, as the fruit juices are higher in calories and cause fluctuations in blood sugar. If you are suffering from constipation, use a blender rather than a juicer in order to get the insoluble fiber that can counteract the 44

  45. Healthy Juicing constipation brought on by the lowered metabolism seen in menopausal women. How to lose weight in 21 days with the Smoothie Diet.. 45

  46. Healthy Juicing Chapter 6: Juice Your Way To A Great Life ____________________________________ It is easy to get nutritious juice, with the right tools and the right advice. Juice can form a valuable part of any diet. Getting started with juicing is not difficult, but some sensible hints are essential. Read on and we will provide some tips on how to get started, and how to get better juice. You can maximize the health benefits of your juicing routine by drinking your juice fresh - immediately after producing it - whenever possible. Some of the most beneficial nutrients in juice are extremely time- sensitive and begin to break down rapidly. By drinking the juice, you make as soon as you make it, you can get as many of these important nutrients as possible. 46

  47. Healthy Juicing Use cucumber as a great flavor disguiser when you are juicing greens. Cucumber is excellent at masking the strong flavors inherent in greens. A juice's health benefits aren't going to do you much good if you can't stand to drink it. Cucumber also has the extra added benefit of being chockfull of important vitamins and nutrients itself. Detoxing the colon is fun and easy by juicing! Apples and lemons are an excellent choice for a detox recipe as they both are known to help cleanse the colon. You can also include beets, carrots, celery, ginger, and radishes. Almost any juice you make will help to heal your body, so feel free to use whatever items you really enjoy. If you're serious about juicing, you should dedicate a cool, dark area of your house to storing produce which can be kept long-term. For example, apples can be kept in the garage over the winter as long as they're not allowed to freeze. Just wash them, get rid of any bad ones, and store them in a covered but breathable container. While juicing add some fish oil or cod liver oil. These two types of oils will help with the absorption of vitamin K. The fats from fish oil are very beneficial for health and gives you the right amount and the right kinds of fat needed for vitamin K absorption. When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is that not all fruits taste good when combined with each other. This is important to consider in terms of taste and overall enjoyment of your juice. Probably the most difficult fruit to mix would be certain types of melon. A great juicing tip is to not overdo it if you're relatively new to juicing. Our bodies need time to adjust to changes. If you start drinking super healthy green juices, you might find yourself making several trips to the bathroom every day. Moderation is the key when it comes to juicing. 47

  48. Healthy Juicing In this chapter we have discussed some essential tips to get you informed and enthusiastic about juicing. We hope the chapter will help you to become a happy, healthy juicing fan. Juicing doesn't have to be a passing fad, you can make it an enjoyable and health-giving aspect of your daily routine. How To Fit Juicing Into Your Daily Routine Juicing is a great way to get the most out of your foods. Normally when we eat foods such as fruits and vegetables, we throw away parts that contain vital vitamins and minerals. By juicing foods, these elements are extracted for consumption. For tips on juicing, read this chapter. When juicing soft fruits such as melons, peaches and strawberries it is good to know that the resulting juice will be thicker as opposed to juicing hard fruits such as apples. A good way to have great juice is combining both of these juices. This will create balance and will result in a much better texture. Don't leave out vegetables from your regular diet just because you're getting them in your juice. Even fresh juice doesn't provide all of the same benefits as eating whole vegetables, especially when it comes to fiber. Juicing should be used to add to your daily vegetable consumption, not to replace it. When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is that you want to make sure that your refrigerator will be able to hold all of your fruits and vegetables that you need. This is important because you will need a lot of space, keeping your ingredients in room temperature may cause them to spoil quicker. Having trouble juicing leafy greens? Try rolling them up into balls, or cigars, and then feeding them through your juicer. You can also try wrapping them around other fruits or vegetables and then pushing the 48

  49. Healthy Juicing whole thing through or chopping them very finely and placing a spoonful in the machine at a time. Make sure that you properly store your juices so that they stay fresher longer and so that they don't spoil or have a chance to go bad. If they start to change colors, you can easily fix this. To keep them from discoloring when you are storing them, try adding a few teaspoons of some lemon juice. When you start juicing, you will want to avoid the really dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, dandelion leaves, Swiss chard. These dark green leafy vegetables are very high in nutrition but also very powerful. You will want to introduce these vegetables slowly into your routine after you and your body get used to drinking fresh juice. Be sure to take time out in between juicing batches to empty your bin. This is especially true when working with large quantities of fruits and vegetables. You need to stop the unit to empty the pulp bin as it fills up. The cutter or strainer should also be cleaned. In regards to juicing, it is important to consider the fact that it is best to drink your home made juice at room temperature. This is important to consider because this temperature provides the best environment for adequate consumption of nutrients into your body. Always store your juice in a cool environment, however. As stated before, juicing is a good way to get the most from foods. Juicing extracts vitamins and minerals from parts of fruits and vegetables that are normally thrown away. If you remember the tips on juicing found in this chapter, you can get the most from your foods in the form of juice. 49

  50. Healthy Juicing Chapter 7: How To Make Juice Like A Pro ____________________________________ Juicing is currently becoming popular again as people rediscover the many health benefits of drinking the juices of fruits and vegetables, instead of sugary drinks or calorie-laden smoothies. This chapter can help you decide if juicing is something that you might be interested in adding as a part of your healthy lifestyle. It is very important to monitor your blood sugar levels when juicing if you have diabetes. When you have high blood glucose levels it is best to drink vegetable juice rather than to drink fruit juice. If you still prefer the sweetness of fruit juice, limit your intake. Beware the efficiency of calorie intake from juicing! When you mash up foods like fruit and vegetables, they become much easier to digest. This means that everything they contain, from vitamins and nutrients to sugar and calories, will be taken into your body in full. 50

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