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Clouds. Concepts: 1. a cloud is primarily tiny droplets of water and/or thin ice crystals; 2. Certain types of clouds are associated with certain types of weather. . Clouds-general info.

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  1. Clouds Concepts: 1. a cloud is primarily tiny droplets of water and/or thin ice crystals; 2. Certain types of clouds are associated with certain types of weather.

  2. Clouds-general info • Definition: clouds are masses of water droplets or ice crystals located in the troposphere layer of the atmosphere; • Condensation is the basis by which clouds are formed, both in the sky and near the ground as fog; • Humidity is moisture in the air; • In order for clouds to form, the moisture (humidity) in the air must condense; • When humidity is high, rain clouds or fog are more likely to form; • Air at different temperatures is capable to holding varying amounts of moisture.

  3. Clouds types-classified by their shape and height • Stratus clouds-form at low altitude; • They form layers of sheet-like clouds andare associated with steady rains, snow, and very cloudy days; • Stratus clouds at ground level are called fog.

  4. Clouds types-classified by their shape and height • Cumulus clouds-usually form at mid-altitudes; • They are flat-bottomedand fluffy; • They are associated with fair weather.

  5. Clouds types-classified by their shape and height • Cirrus clouds-form at high altitudes; • They are long and feathery and are made of ice crystals; • They are often seen before a weather change, such as rain or snow.

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