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Artificial insemination in the cat

Artificial insemination in the cat. Alain Fontbonne DVM, PhD, Ass. Pr., Dipl.ECAR Alfort Veterinary College Paris, France. Indications . In the domestic cat. Mating failure : Low libido mainly in Persians Sexually transmitted diseases Geographical or genetical exchanges of semen

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Artificial insemination in the cat

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  1. Artificial insemination in the cat Alain Fontbonne DVM, PhD, Ass. Pr., Dipl.ECAR Alfort Veterinary College Paris, France

  2. Indications

  3. In the domestic cat • Mating failure : • Low libido mainly in Persians • Sexually transmitted diseases • Geographical or genetical exchanges of semen • Unavailable males: • Castrated • Too old or dead

  4. Induction of heats and ovulation

  5. Use of gonadotropins • Equine chorionic gonadotropin: eCG • Long persistence in the organism: • One single injection is enough • Human chorionic gonadotropin: hCG

  6. Ovarian hyperstimulation : Developpement of secondary follicles Trouble of progesterone secretion during pregnancy Inconstant efficacy Repeated injections are imuno-sensibilising: Less efficacy the second time Inconvenients of gonadotropins

  7. Mechanical stimulation of ovulation: 5 series of stimulations at 30 minutes intervals Other approaches

  8. Influence of anaesthesia on ovulation • No anaesthesia during the pre-ovulatory period ? •  Insemination after ovulation ? • But: controversial : • cat: 56% success if insemination performed before ovulation versus 21% after ovulation (Tsutsui et al. 2000)

  9. When to inseminate ? • High interest of ovarian ultrasound

  10. Evolution des follicules de chattes (Malandain et al. 2006)

  11. How to chech if ovulation was correctly induced ? • Interest of blood progesterone assays

  12. Collection and conservation of cat semen

  13. Collection of semen

  14. Vagin Artificial vagina

  15. Electro-ejaculation (matériel P-T Electronics, Boring, Oregon, USA)

  16. Various protocols Platz , 1978, 180 stim entre 2 et 8 V (2s,3s,1s, 3s OFF) è 28 millions spz/séance 1 V Rigid extension of the hindlegs 15 stim 5 min

  17. Quality and quantity of semen collected Baudon 2003

  18. Uretral catheterisation

  19. Comparison uretral cateterisation – electro-ejaculation Zambelli et al. 2006

  20. Semen conservation

  21. Semen conservation • Conservation at room temperature • Refrigeration at + 4°C • Freezing in liquid nitrogen

  22. Semen conservation  great difficulties due to bad quality semen in domestic and non-domestic felids

  23. Teratospermia in cats

  24. Cats often have teratospermic semen

  25. Teratospermia in cats • Does it play a major role on infertility ? • Which origin ? • Lack of genetical diversity ? • Consanguinity • Hormonal origin ? • Inadequate nutrition ? • Stress ? • Are they some compensatory mecanisms ? • In the cat (Pukazhenthi et al. 2006): • Testicular hypertrophia and increase of the number of seminiferous tubules • Role of repeated matings ?

  26. Artificial insemination techniques

  27. In the cat • First studies 20 years ago • Then…nothing more • New recent interest

  28. Intra-vaginal inseminations

  29. 25mm 20 mm Anatomy of the queen vagina

  30. Results • fresh semen : • Sojka et al. 1970: 54% (14/26) with doses of 50 to 100 x 106 spermatozoids • Using higher doses (80 x 106 spermatozoids), Tanaka et al. (2000), have obtained 78% pregnancies (7/9) • Baudon (2003) has obtained 4 pregnancies in 9 queens inseminated in the vagina with only 4 to 9 x 106 spermatozoids. • with frozensemen, only one publication mentions a 11% success (6/56) (Platz et al. 1978).

  31. Intra-uterine inseminations

  32. laparotomy laparoscopy Surgical inseminations

  33. Transcervical catheterisation Chatdarong et al. 2001 Zambelli et Cunto 2006

  34. Results • Intra-uterine inseminations allow : • To use 5 to 10 times less spermatozoids than intra-vaginal inseminations • Fresh semen : • Results highly variable • Between 13 to 80% pregnancies with between 2 to 20 millions spermatozoids. • Frozen semen: • Tsutsui et al. (2000): 57% (8/14) after deposition in only one horn, with 50 millions spermatozoids • Zambelli et al. (2006): frozen semen needs 5 times more spermatozoids than fresh semen

  35. Intra-oviductal inseminations

  36. Tsutsui et al. 2001: • 4 x 106 spermatozoids deposited in infundibulum • 3 pregnancies in 7 inseminated queens

  37. Conclusion • Many indications of artificial inseminations in the cat, but still low use by breeders • New insemination techniques are less invasives

  38. Thank you for your attention

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