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Plenārsēde Eiropas Savienības finansēta zinātne Latvijā un Latvijas Universitātē Plenary session

Some facts about Participation of RTD community of Latvia in FP5 and FP 6 programmes Towards FP 7 Dr.A.Ūbelis 10.02.2005 Latvian NCP System. Plenārsēde Eiropas Savienības finansēta zinātne Latvijā un Latvijas Universitātē Plenary session

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Plenārsēde Eiropas Savienības finansēta zinātne Latvijā un Latvijas Universitātē Plenary session

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  1. Some facts aboutParticipation of RTD community of Latvia in FP5 and FP 6 programmesTowards FP 7Dr.A.Ūbelis 10.02.2005 Latvian NCP System Plenārsēde Eiropas Savienības finansēta zinātne Latvijā un Latvijas Universitātē Plenary session EU financed Research in Latvia and at the University of Latvia 2005. gada 10. februārī, ceturtdienā, plkst. 10.00, Raiņa bulvārī 19, Lielajā aulā Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  2. Community RTDthe story so far • 1957: EURATOM treaty; Joint Research Centre set up • 1983: ESPRIT programme • 1984: First Framework Programme (1984-1987), • followedby 4 successive Framework Programmes (up to 2002) • 1987: “European Single Act” - science becomes aCommunity responsibility; • Second Framework Programme (1987-1991) • 1993: Treaty on European Union; role of RTD in the EU enlarged 1998: Proposal for Fifth Framework Programme • 2001: Proposal for the Sixth Framework Programme • (2002-2006), European Research Area Concept • 2005: Proposal for Seventh Framework Programme INFO: www.cordis.lu Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  3. Budgets of the EU framework programmes Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  4. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in FP5 and FP 6 programmesStatus on 10. 02. 2005 Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  5. Baltic neighbours in EU Fifth Framework competitionInformation collected at Nordic and Baltic NCP seminars 4.12.2001, 7.03.2002, Germany, Hannover conf. 3-4.02.2003 and from the INTERNET. Dr. A.Ūbelis Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  6. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in Sixth framework programmeStatus on 10. 02. 2005 Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  7. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in Sixth framework programmeStatus on 10. 02. 2005 Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  8. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in Sixth framework programmeStatus on 10. 02. 20056IP - 7th Priority Knowledge Society ; CitizensNumbers of partners from different countries in unsuccessful and successful projects Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  9. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in Sixth framework programmeStatus on 10. 02. 2005 Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  10. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in FP 6 programme (Thematic Priorities)Status on 27.12.2004 Contact point system for EC 6IP in Latvia Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  11. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in FP 6 programme (Thematic Priorities) Status on 27.12. 2004 Contact point system for EC 6IP in Latvia Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  12. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in FP 6 programmeStatus on 10.02.2005 Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  13. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in FP 6 programmeHuman resources and MObility Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  14. European Union policy to support researchTowards FP7 In June 2004, the Commission published its 'guidelines for future European Union policy to support research, which outlined a six plus two structure. The six major axes are: - creating poles of excellence; - launching technological initiatives in key industrial areas; - stimulating competition between fundamental research teams; - reinforcing human resources; - developing research infrastructures of European interest; - reinforcing coordination of national programmes. The 'plus two' refers to the two relatively new areas to receive EU research funding - space and security Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  15. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH In building the knowledge society to ensure the competitiveness of European enterprises, it will be necessary to concentrate on the Barcelona target of investing 3% of GDP in R&D and on the rapid adoption of the forthcoming 7th Framework Programme (FP 7) and Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). The following points need to be stressed: Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  16. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH 1. Faster progress towards the target of 3% of GDP for R&D expenditure through better co-ordination across Member States and on the European level by the application of the Open Method of Co-ordination, using CREST as a platform for co-ordination, has to be achieved. In this context, the setting up of national R&D spending targets as part of national action plans (see below) is to be welcomed; Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  17. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH 2. The adoption in 2006 of FP 7, ensuring continuity with FP 6 and includingcertain cross-cutting principles, in particular:  European added value and increasing coordination between national and European research efforts; •  Promotion of excellence in European research, not least through new initiatives in basic research; • Promotion of technological innovation, as well as research and development for key technologies; •   Facilitation of participation by all relevant parties, in particular SMEs; • Simplification, improvement and acceleration of administrative and financial procedures; • Reinforcement of access to loans from the European Investment Bank for the funding of major EU R&D projects and infrastructures; •   Coherence and synergy between the major lines of action of the programme and with CIP; Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  18. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH 3. More favourable framework conditions, including possible fiscal measures, for both public and private R&D, through the reform of public research centres and universities and the revision of the existing State Aid Framework ; 4. Ensuring the competitiveness of European enterprises through better research cooperation and technology transfer between public research and private companies, achieved on the basis of best practice through public-private partnerships, poles of excellence and innovation clusters, in particular for SMEs; Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  19. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH 5. The development of the European Research Area through the emergence of a trans-European labour market for researchers with a view to: -              promoting mobility between the public and private sectors, with special attention being paid to the role of women inscience and to science awareness, in particular for young people; ensuring the attractiveness of European R&D for world-class European and third country researchers. 6. Encouraging the growth of SMEs, in particular young research-intensive SMEs, by increasing and facilitating their participation in R&D and by creating an optimal environment for the start-ups and development of innovative projects for the market, for all sectors of the economy; Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  20. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH 7. The adoption of CIP in 2006. This programme should pay particular attention to the specific needs of SMEs – in particular research-intensive high-tech SMEs and innovative SMEs in the traditional sectors. The Open Method of Co-ordination in the framework of the European Charter for SMEs and related instruments should be pursued and strengthened, by improving the reporting process, particularly at participant level. In promoting innovation, due weight should be given to the development and diffusion of eco-innovation projects and eco-technologies; Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  21. Input from the Competitiveness Council to the Spring European Council 2005POLICY RECOMMANDATIONS IN KEY AREAS1. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR GROWTH 8. Carrying forward the preparatory work on the European Space Programme (ESP) in close co-operation with the European Space Agency (ESA) to establish a coherent framework for European space policy and to tap the substantial innovation and industrial potential in this area for the benefit of the European knowledge society as a whole; 9. Information technology research and infrastructure development (including broadband and space-based communications) should be supported, with the aim of reinforcing communication technologies and improving industrial competitiveness, and should ensure an information society open to all. The Commission’s forthcoming initiative “i2010-European Information Society” will also contribute to the further development of the information society in Europe. Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  22. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in Sixth framework programmeCentres of Excellence first slide Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

  23. Participation of RTD community of Latvia in Sixth framework programmecentres of Excellence second slide Arnolds Ūbelis, 10 02 2005

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