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Use Cases for a Standard to describe Organizations

GFAR in this context Why a standard: possible use cases Proposed Application Profile Open issues. Use Cases for a Standard to describe Organizations. A proposal from FAO and GFAR. GFAR in this context (1). 1) The fourth pillar of GFAR's business plan is Management Information Systems

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Use Cases for a Standard to describe Organizations

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  1. GFAR in this context Why a standard: possible use cases Proposed Application Profile Open issues Use Cases for a Standard to describe Organizations A proposal from FAO and GFAR GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research

  2. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research GFAR in this context (1) 1) The fourth pillar of GFAR's business plan is Management Information Systems 2) The second generalobjective identified for EGFAR is: “to identify information resources relevant to agricultural research for development and to enhance access to them by the GFAR stakeholders”

  3. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research GFAR in this context (2) The second specificobjective is the development of gateway functions: “a multi-host database search engine allowing transparent access to decentralised resources managed at a regional or national level” “EGFAR will have to promote standards to be shared by the various stakeholders”

  4. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Why a Standard for describing Organizations? The ARD community is asking for reliable and comprehensive information on Organizations in the ARD field, especially in correlation to information about projects and eperts ARD COMMUNITY ? Data provider 1 Service providers harmonization mapping of vocabularies data processing Specialised service 1 Partial geographical coverage Not up to date Data provider 2 Specialised service 2 Full coverage of a certain type Data and service provider Partial geographical coverage Regularly updated DATA INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE

  5. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Why a Standard for describing Organizations? (2) There is the need for advanced integrated services that are capable of extracting coherent and reliable / updated information from the different resources available The basic instrument and starting point for any such information service is an agreed standard for describing the object of the information service: organizations The Expert Consultation identified the mandate for organizations at the international level to develop normative standards / tools

  6. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Possible Use Cases (1) Exposing / exchanging data Two or more organizations making their data available to each other XML Data provider 2 Available records Same standard to describe the data Database Data provider 1 Database Available records XML Standard description: necessary - Controlled vocabularies: recommendedUnique identifier: not necessary - Meta-metadata on the data provider: not necessary

  7. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Possible Use Cases (2) Integrating existing data sources Two or more organizations merging data XML Data provider 2 Data provider 1 XML FinalDatabase Database Database Available records Available records XML? XML? Standard description: necessary - Controlled vocabularies: necessaryUnique identifier: not necessary - Meta-metadata on the data provider: not necessary

  8. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Possible Use Cases (3) Integration with other information types Project database Registry file? - Responsible Organization - Funding Organization Expert database Data provider 1 XML - Organization Bibliographic database Service provider XML - Corporate Author - Publisher Standard description: necessary - Controlled vocabularies: not necessaryIF Registry: Unique identifier: necessary - Meta-metadata on the data provider: necessary

  9. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Possible Use Cases (4) A globally integrated information system Data provider 1 Service providers Data provider 2 XML Data provider 3 Specialised service 1 Data provider 4 Gateway XML Specialised service 2 Ideal Each organization exposes the record describing itself Registry file? XML Harvesting Data maintenance Harmonization and tools Specialised services

  10. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Proposed Application Profile (1) The identification of the elements necessary to describe an organization was based on: - existing DTDs: only CERIF uses a DTD for organizations, quite complex - fields used in existing databases: Infosys, Wisard, AROW...

  11. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Proposed Application Profile (2) <organization> <ags:organizationname xml:lang="eng"> <ags:fullorganizationname> United Nations </ags:fullorganizationname> <ags:organizationacronym>UN</ags:organizationacronym> </ags:organizationname> <ags:address> <ags:street>United Nations Plaza, New York, New York, 10017</ags:street> <ags:country scheme="dcterms:ISO3166">US</ags:country> </ags:address> <ags:telephone>+ 1 212 123 4567 </ags:telephone> <ags:fax>+ 1 212 123 45678 </ags:fax> <ags:telex> 0845-66160 </ags:telex> <ags:email> webmaster@un.org </ags:email> <dc:identifier scheme="dcterms:URI"> http://www.un.org/ </dc:identifier> <dc:description xml:lang="eng"> The United Nations (UN) is an international organization ... </dc:description> <dc:subject> <ags:subjectThesaurus xml:lang="eng" scheme="ags:AGROVOC"> Forestry </ags:subjectThesaurus> <ags:subjectThesaurus xml:lang="eng" scheme="ags:AGROVOC"> Fisheries </ags:subjectThesaurus> </dc:subject> <ags:organizationtype scheme="ags:AGROVOC" xml:lang="eng">International organizations</ags:organizationtype> <dc:relation> <dcterms:isReplacedBy>Bioversity</dcterms:isReplacedBy> </dc:relation> </organization>

  12. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Open Issues Description: Mandatory fields Controlled vocabulary Identification / context: Unique Identifier Relations Submitting Organization

  13. GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research Benefits for each participant in the cooperative effort Funds ARD Community DATA INFORMATION Maintenance of the data: with the data owner Data updated only in one place Visibility Data ownership is acknowledged Information Service implementation by service providers Focus on service, not data maintenance Information service source is acknowledged KNOWLEDGE Services targeted for groups of end-users / specialized niche services. Focus on tailoring information

  14. Thank you Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) c/o FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Roma (Italy) GFAR-Secretariat@fao.org www.egfar.org Use Cases for a Standardto describe Organizations GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research

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