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Minerals and Rocks. Lecture Outline. What are minerals? Common rock-forming minerals Physical properties of minerals Basic rock types The rock cycle. Minerals . A mineral is a naturally occurring, solid crystalline substance, generally inorganic, with a specific chemical composition.
Lecture Outline • What are minerals? • Common rock-forming minerals • Physical properties of minerals • Basic rock types • The rock cycle
Minerals A mineral is a naturally occurring, solid crystalline substance, generally inorganic, with a specific chemical composition • Natural • Solid • Atoms arranged in orderly repeating 3D array: crystalline • Not part of the tissue of an organism • Composition fixed or varies within defined limits Minerals are the “building blocks” of rock
Large individual crystals (rare) Mass of small grains: each is a crystal, but grown up against each other
Atomic Structure of Minerals • NaCl - sodium chloride Halite
Chemical Bonds: Ionic • Electrical attraction between ions of opposite charge • Bond strength increases with the electrical charges of the ions • Bond strength decreases as the distance between the ions increases • Most minerals are this kind of compound
Ionic Bonding example: halite Cation Anion Na+ Cl-
Covalent Bonds: • Electron sharing • Generally stronger than ionic bonds (e.g., diamond)
Crystallization of Minerals • Need starting material with atoms that can come together in the proper proportions • Growth from a liquid or a gas • Time and space for crystallization • Appropriate temperature and pressure • Examples • Magma that has cooled below its melting point • Supersaturated solution --> precipitation
Crystallization of Minerals • Crystals begin as an initial “seed” - a microscopic crystal • Atoms keep being added in a 3D array, repeating the basic arrangement • Crystal faces are based on the array structure
Cations and Anions • Anions are typically large • Cations are relatively small • Crystal structure is determined largely by the arrangement of the anions
Common cations and anions Radii given in angstroms; 10-8 cm
Ions can be compound • So far, we’ve talked about individual atomic ions • Many common minerals are silicates SiO44- Complex ions act as a single ion in forming crystal structure
Cation Substitution • Crystal structure determined by those large anions • Various cations can substitute for each other in many minerals • Same crystal structure • Different chemical composition
Polymorphs Minerals with the same composition, but different crystal structure.
Common Rock-Forming Minerals Minerals fall into a small number of related “families” based mainly on the anion in them
Silicates • Quartz (SiO2), K-feldspar (KAlSi3O8), olivine ((Mg, Fe)2SiO4), kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) • Most abundant minerals in the Earth's crust • Silicate ion (tetrahedron), SiO44-
Silicate structure • Most of the most common rocks in the crust are silicates • Silicate tetrahedra can combine in several ways to form many common minerals • Typical cations: K+, Ca+, Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, Fe2+
Different numbers of oxygen ions are shared among tetrahedra
Carbonates • Cations with carbonate ion (CO32-) • Calcite (CaCO3), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), siderite (FeCO3), smithsonite (ZnCO3) • Make up many common rocks including limestone andmarble • Very important for CCS!
Oxides • Compounds of metallic cations and oxygen • Important for many metal ores needed to make things (e.g., iron, chromium, titanium) • Ores are economically useful (i.e., possible to mine) mineral deposits
Sulfides • Metallic cations with sulfide (S2-) ion • Important for ores of copper, zinc, nickel, lead, iron • Pyrite (FeS2), galena (PbS)
Sulfates • Minerals with sulfate ion (SO42-) • Gypsum (CaSO4.H2O), anhydrite (CaSO4)
Gypsum • Cave of the Crystals • 1,000 feet depth in the silver and lead Naica Mine • 150 degrees, with 100 % humidity • 4-ft diameter columns 50 ft length
Identification of Minerals • Chemical composition (microprobes and wet chemical methods) • Crystal structure (X-ray diffraction) • Physical properties
Physical properties • Hardness
Physical properties • Hardness • Cleavage: tendency of minerals to break along flat planar surfaces into geometries that are determined by their crystal structure
Physical properties • Hardness • Cleavage • Fracture: tendency to break along other surfaces (not cleavage planes)
Physical properties • Hardness • Cleavage • Fracture • Luster (metallic, vitreous, resinous, earthy, etc.) • Color (often a poor indicator; streak color is better) • Specific gravity • Crystal habit (shape)
Rocks An aggregate of one or more minerals; or a body of undifferentiated mineral matter (e.g., obsidian); or of solid organic matter (e.g., coal) • More than one crystal • Volcanic glass • Solidified organic matter • Appearance controlled by composition and size and arrangement of aggregate grains (texture)
Rock Types • Igneous • Form by solidification of molten rock (magma) • Sedimentary • Form by lithification of sediment (sand, silt, clay, shells) • Metamorphic • Form by transformations of preexisting rocks (in the solid state)
Igneous Rocks Intrusive Extrusive
Intrusive (plutonic) • Form within the Earth • Slow cooling • Interlocking large crystals • Example = granite
Extrusive (volcanic) • Form on the surface of the Earth as a result of volcanic eruption • Rapid cooling • Glassy and/or fine-grained texture • Example = basalt