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What is Node.js and Why You Choose it for Business Web App Development_

Node.js development is one of the most popular cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environments for building scalable and efficient REST APIs, desktop applications, mobile apps, and even IoT-based products. Read this article to know why businesses should choose this technology for building business web applications. https://bit.ly/3fHGS6J

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What is Node.js and Why You Choose it for Business Web App Development_

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  1. What is Node.js and Why You Choose it for Business Web App Development? In the ever-growing digital age and competitive market, developing web applications has become essential for every business. While there are many technologies available for web app development, selecting the best one can be a difficult task. Node.JS has emerged as a top choice among businesses for high-quality web application development out of all the available options. Node.js is one of the most popular cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environments for building scalable and efficient REST APIs, desktop applications, mobile apps, and even IoT-based products. According to the web development stat, 51.4% of respondents used Node.Js and eschewed some of the most powerful frameworks, libraries, and other software development tools.

  2. But, what are the key features that make Node.Js a preferable business choice in 2021? let's find out. If you are one of those newbies who do not know much about Node.js, then it is better to start with an overview of Node.js! Here we go.

  3. What is Node.js? Node.js is a runtime environment based on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, which helps the execution of JavaScript code server-side. In addition, it operates on a single-threaded event-based loop for non-blocking all executions. Here are some coolest facts about Node.js: ● Node.js is free (Open Source) ● Runs on multiple platforms ● It uses JavaScript on the server ● 3.5 million+ programmers work with Node.js ● On average 500k downloads daily Common Areas to Use Node.js Node.js is commonly used for projects that actively use JavaScript on their front-end and back-end. Let's look at the most common fields for using Node.js: ● Web app framework ● Embedded systems ● Real-time chat applications

  4. ● Microservices ● Automation and Scripting ● Data streaming applications ● Command-line applications ● Browser games Hardware programming Top Reasons to Consider Node.JS for Business Web App Development? Now, let's check out the reasons why it’s high time for businesses to invest in Node.js for web app development: #1 Excellent for Real-Time App Development

  5. Nowadays almost every organization looks for customer information in real-time. Reliable access to customer information leads the way for significant growth in business sales by offering users exactly what they are looking for, not some random which does not interest them. With Node.js, all your concerns related to low-level sockets and protocols go away. Using Node.js, you can build real-time web applications. Node.js is a good fit for multi-user real-time web apps such as in games and chat apps. Multi-user functions are dealt with event loops via the WebSocket protocol that works on TCP. Besides, Node.js also prevents the overhead of HTTP for web development. #2 Faster Development Process Using Node.JS, you can easily build robust and fast web applications that have the ability to handle various parallel connections effectively. Node.js is faster because it is supported by Google's V8 engine. Compared to other web development services, it compiles JS code to the native device and makes it run faster. That is why every enterprise these days hire node.js developers globally.

  6. PayPal is one of the best examples of this. PayPal encountered a 35% reduction in average response time for web development services. #3 Enhances Productivity Node.js can enhance the result of a development project in terms of its libraries and facilities. This allows developers to basically write code and use a scripting language for both server-side and client-side. You will get more tools to improve the work rate of a web development project. According to a Node.js User Survey report, Node.js can improve business productivity. However, only 4% of organizations say it did not affect. Node.js can increase the performance of your app by up to 48%. US / CA organizations that have implemented Node.js in their business strategy said it helped them increase developer productivity by up to 68%.

  7. #4 Enables Easy Sharing Easy sharing is possible with Node.js, it enables you to share code through divulging. Node.JS has a storehouse of about 50,000 bundles, which reduces your code requirement. With this platform, web developers can easily refresh, reuse, as well as share code for end development without any hassle. In addition, the smart sharing option ensures that data changes to the server are directly linked to the client's web page. Most of the web development companies make the most of this by effectively using Dynamic Bundle Supervisor which is ready-to-help for designers.

  8. #5 Cost-effective A major concern of businesses is that they will require large investments for web app development. Especially when it is a start-up or small business, the cost concerns are high. However, by choosing to develop your web application with Node.JS, you can reduce the cost significantly. It enables you to build web applications with rich features, high scalability, and enhanced performance at an affordable cost. Since Node.js is faster than other development frameworks, it can reduce development costs by up to 56%. #6 Node.Js Support Microservices With the rapidly growing demand for apps, microservices have arisen as one of the major requirements for businesses struggling with web app performance. Each project started with a small or basic MVP, but it began to grow and demand new features. As your user base grows and your app expands with new features, you may

  9. end up with a larger project and your web development company will continue to struggle to deal with it. On one hand, you probably need to add new features and on the other hand, you need to provide users with top performance. Well, this is one of the most common issues in the enterprise application. But the simple answer to this issue is to look for a microservices pattern. #7 It Enables Easier Data Streaming Proficient software development will require high-level I / O management. This becomes difficult with web frameworks that treat HTTP0 responses and requests as full data objects. And that's where Node.js comes into the picture because it can better manage an I / O process that enables users to transcode media files at the same time they are uploading. In addition, reading and writing streams on WebSockets allow the management of such HTTP more easily. As a result, it saves a lot of time that is wasted in the overall processing in the event of data coming in the form of streams. The same is true for real-time video or audio recording.

  10. #8 Being SEO friendly To thrive in today's highly competitive digital market, every business adopts SEO technology to rank high on search engines. If there is one thing that your web app development does not want to lose, it is the SEO game. The backend rendering by node.js gives the website more visibility as search engines can optimize react projects. High speed and top performance contribute to improve user experience as well as improve SEO prospects. Node.JS's SEO-friendly feature makes it a top choice for businesses to develop real-time web applications. By creating your web application with Node.JS, you can easily attract more viewers, increase engagement and increase the visibility of your web application. #9 Large Community Support

  11. Node.js is easily supported by an actively growing community. Due to its popularity, it definitely has a large group of web developers who contribute to the continuous improvement of the platform. Programers get access to plenty of ready-made solutions and code in GitHub. The community is growing dynamically and members are giving their best to provide efficient and reliable solutions. Bottom Lines As you can see, Node.js is a powerful development framework with excellent performance. The list of Node.js application examples is quite long, and using this technology can greatly benefit your project. If you want to create a web application project using Node.js then you may reach out to a node.js development company in India for a professional analysis and consultation. They will provide the best development services that will showcase your idea & ensure optimal performance. Good Luck! Original source You Can Also Read These Blogs For More Informations: Benefits to Choose React.js for Real-Time Web Application Development Electron JS Development: An Obvious Choice of Smart Businesses Flutter App Development: Pros and Cons for Enterprises On-Demand Online Food Ordering App Development ideas, Cost and Features 7+ Reasons Why Businesses Choose Custom mobile app Development Thank You!!!

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