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Introduction to Software Design

Introduction to Software Design. Chapter 1. Chapter Objectives. Intro - Software OOP Inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes, overloading, overriding, etc. Use data abstraction, procedural abstraction, and information hiding to manage complexity. The Software Challenge.

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Introduction to Software Design

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  1. Introduction to Software Design Chapter 1

  2. Chapter Objectives • Intro - Software • OOP • Inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes, overloading, overriding, etc. • Use data abstraction, procedural abstraction, and information hiding to manage complexity Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  3. The Software Challenge • In industry, a software product is expected to be used for an extended period of time by a moron • Initial specification for a software product may be incomplete • Specification is clarified through extensive interaction between users (maybe) of the software and the system analyst • A requirements specification should be generated at the beginning of any software project • Designers and users should both approve the document Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  4. Software Life Cycle Models • Waterfall model: simplest way of organizing activities that transforms software from one stage to another • Activities are performed in sequence and the results of one flows into the next • Waterfall model is simple but unworkable • Fundamental flaw is assumption that each stage can and must be completed before the next one occurs • Sometimes, it is not until the product is finished that the user can fully express his or her requirements Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  5. Waterfall Model (continued) Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  6. Waterfall Model (continued) Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  7. Software Life Cycle Activities (continued) • Requirements Specification • System analyst works with software users to clarify the detailed system requirements • Questions include format of input data, desired form of any output screens, and data validation • Analysis • Make sure you completely understand the problem before starting the design or program a solution • Evaluate different approaches to the design Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  8. Software Life Cycle Activities (continued) • Design • Top-down approach: breaking a system into a set of smaller subsystems • Object-oriented approach: identification of a set of objects and specification of their interactions • UML diagrams are a design tool to illustrate the interactions between • Classes • Classes and external entities Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  9. Key Programming and Design Issues • Modularity • Modifiability • Ease of use • Fail-safe programming • Efficiency • Generality and Reusability Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  10. Achieving a Modular Design: • Abstraction • data – focuses on what operations do • procedural – separates the purpose of a method from the implementation • abstract data type (ADT) – a collection of data and a set of operations • Information hiding – limits the ways that data and methods can be accessed • Object Oriented Programming • Encapsulation • Inheritance • Polymorphism • Top-Down design • Focuses on the verbs (actions that are to be performed) • Identifies the things that need to be done, subdivides tasks, etc. Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  11. Common Design Flaws - OOP • Classes that make direct modification to other classes. • Weak within class cohesiveness, strong between class cohesiveness. • Classes with too much responsibility. • Classes with no responsibility. • Classes with unused responsibility. • Misleading Names. • Unconnected Responsibility. • Innapropriate use of inheritance. Relationship is not is-a, or class cannot inherit any useful behavior from super class. • Repeated functionality. Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  12. Another key programming issue - Style • Proper use of white space • Indentation of code blocks • Blank lines • Well-chosen identifiers • Class names – each word capitalized • Method names – first letter lower case, each word capitalized • Named constants – all upper case, underscores separate words • Method variables – all lower case • Object/class variables – append an underscore after the name • Documentation • see next page Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  13. Documentation • What is a comment? • What should a comment say? • Where do you need comments (for this class)? • every public/protected method. • @param • @return • @precondition • @postcondition • every class • every class member Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  14. A comment is text that is added to program code that is ignored by the compiler • /* a multi-line • comment */ • /** Javadoc */ • // single line comment • See http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/writingdoccomments/ • http://www.time2help.com/doc/online_help/idh_java_doc_tag_support.htm • A comment should describe • What a program segment should do • The circumstances under which it will do it • You should have an opening comment for each • class • method Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  15. What’s a good comment? What’s a bad comment? What’s a neutral comment? Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  16. A good comment brings clarity • public class Ratio { • /* an object for storing a fraction like 2/3 */ • A neutral comment is one doesn’t really help or hinder • protected int numerator; // numerator of ratio • A bad comment is one that is misleading • public class Ratio { • /* this class does whatever you want */ Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  17. When do you write comments? • Comments should be created ASAP • Comments should not be added after the fact! • However, we all do this • Note: if you name your stuff (variables and methods) appropriately, you generally don’t need as many comments Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  18. Using Abstraction to Manage Complexity • An abstraction is a model of a physical entity or activity • Abstraction helps programmers deal with complex issues in a piecemeal fashion • Procedural abstraction: distinguish what is to be achieved by a procedure from its implementation • Data abstraction: specify the data objects for a problem and the operations to be performed on them without concern for their representation in memory Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  19. Using Abstraction to Manage Complexity (continued) • If a higher-level class references a data object only through its methods, the higher-level class will not have to be rewritten, even if the data representation changes • Information hiding: Concealing the details of a class implementation from users of the class Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  20. Abstract Data Types, Interfaces, and Pre- and Postconditions • A major goal of software engineering is to write reusable code • Abstract data type (ADT): The combination of data together with its methods • A Java interface is a way to specify an ADT • The interface specifies the names, parameters, and return values of the ADT methods without specifying how the methods perform their operations and without specifying how the data is internally represented • Each class that implements an interface must provide the definitions of all methods declared in the interface Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  21. Abstract Data Types, Interfaces, and Pre- and Postconditions (continued) Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  22. Abstract Data Types, Interfaces, and Pre- and Postconditions (continued) • You cannot instantiate an interface • You can declare a variable that has an interface type and use it to reference an actual object • A Java interface is a contract between the interface designer and the programmer who codes a class that implements the interface • Precondition: a statement of any assumptions or constraints on the method data before the method begins execution • Postcondition: a statement that describes the result of executing a method Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  23. Introduction to Inheritance and Class Hierarchies • Popularity of OOP is that it enables programmers to reuse previously written code saved as classes (extensible, encapsulation, polymorphism) • All Java classes are arranged in a hierarchy, starting with Object, which is the superclass of all Java classes • Inheritance and hierarchical organization allow you to capture the idea that one thing may be a refinement or extension of another Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  24. Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  25. Is-a Versus Has-a Relationships • One misuse of inheritance is confusing the has-a relationship with the is-a relationship • The has-a relationship means that one class has the second class as an attribute • We can combine is-a and has-a relationships • The keyword extends specifies that one class is a subclass of another Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  26. A Superclass and a Subclass • Consider two classes: Computer and Laptop • A laptop is a kind of computer and is therefore a subclass of computer Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  27. Initializing Data Fields in a Subclass and the No-Parameter Constructor • Private data fields belonging to a base class must be initialized by invoking the base class’s constructor with the appropriate parameters • If the execution of any constructor in a subclass does not invoke a superclass constructor, Java automatically invokes the no-parameter constructor for the superclass • Initializes that part of the object inherited from the superclass before the subclass starts to initialize its part of the object Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  28. Protected Visibility for Superclass Data Fields • Private data fields are not accessible to derived classes • Protected visibility allows data fields to be accessed either by the class defining it or any subclass • In general, it is better to use private visibility because subclasses may be written by different programmers and it is always good practice to restrict and control access to the superclass data fields Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  29. Method Overriding • If a derived class has a method found within its base class, that method will override the base class’s method • The keyword super can be used to gain access to superclass methods overridden by the base class • A subclass method must have the same return type as the corresponding superclass method Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  30. Method Overloading • Method overloading: having multiple methods with the same name but different signatures in a class • Constructors are often overloaded • Example: • MyClass(int inputA, int inputB) • MyClass(int inputA, int inputB, double inputC) Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  31. Polymorphism • A variable of a superclass type can reference an object of a subclass type • Polymorphism means many forms or many shapes • Polymorphism allows the JVM to determine which method to invoke at run time • At compile time, the Java compiler can’t determine what type of object a superclass may reference but it is known at run time Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  32. Abstract Classes, Assignment, and Casting in a Hierarchy • An interface can declare methods but does not provide an implementation of those methods • Methods declared in an interface are called abstract methods • An abstract class can have abstract methods, data fields, and concrete methods • Abstract class differs from a concrete class in that • An abstract class cannot be instantiated • An abstract class can declare abstract methods, which must be implemented in its subclasses Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  33. Abstract Classes and Interfaces • Like an interface, an abstract class can’t be instantiated • An abstract class can have constructors to initialize its data fields when a new subclass is created • Subclass uses super(…) to call the constructor • May implement an interface but it doesn’t have to define all of the methods declared in the interface • Implementation is left to its subclasses Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  34. Summary of Features of Actual Classes, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  35. Using Multiple Interfaces to Emulate Multiple Inheritance • If we define two interfaces, a class can implement both • Multiple interfaces emulate multiple inheritance Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  36. Run-time Errors or Exceptions • Run-time errors • Occur during program execution • Occur when the JVM detects an operation that it knows to be incorrect • Cause the JVM to throw an exception • Examples of run-time errors include • Division by zero • Array index out of bounds • Number format and Input mismatch error • Null pointer exceptions Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  37. Run-time Errors or Exceptions (continued) Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  38. Logic Errors • A logic error occurs when the programmer or analyst • Made a mistake in the design of a class or method • Implemented an algorithm incorrectly • Most logic errors do not cause syntax or run-time errors and are thus difficult to find • Sometimes found through testing • Sometimes found during real-world operation of the program Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  39. The Exception Class Hierarchy • When an exception is thrown, one of the Java exception classes is instantiated • Exceptions are defined within a class hierarchy that has the class Throwable as its superclass • Classes Error and Exception are subclasses of Throwable • RuntimeException is a subclass of Exception Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  40. The Class Throwable • Throwable is the superclass of all exceptions • All exception classes inherit the methods of throwable Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  41. The Class Throwable (continued) Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  42. Checked and Unchecked Exceptions • Two categories of exceptions: checked and unchecked • Checked exception normally not due to programmer error and is beyond the control of the programmer • Unchecked exception may result from • Programmer error • Serious external conditions that are unrecoverable Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  43. Checked and Unchecked Exceptions Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  44. Catching and Handling Exceptions • When an exception is thrown, the normal sequence of execution is interrupted • Default behavior • Program stops • JVM displays an error message • The programmer may override the default behavior by • Enclosing statements in a try block • Processing the exception in a catch block Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  45. Uncaught Exceptions • When an exception occurs that is not caught, the program stops and the JVM displays an error message and a stack trace • The stack trace shows the sequence of method calls, starting at the method that threw the exception and ending at main Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  46. The try-catch-finally Sequence • Avoid uncaught exceptions • Write a try-catch sequence to catch an exception • Handle it rather than relying on the JVM • Catch block is skipped if all statements within the try block execute without error Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  47. Handling Exceptions to Recover from Errors • Exceptions provide the opportunity to • Recover from errors • Report errors • User error is a common source of error and should be recoverable • Catch block within the first catch clause having an appropriate exception class executes, others are skipped • Compiler displays an error message if it encounters an unreachable catch clause Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  48. The finally Block • When an exception is thrown, the flow of execution is suspended and there is no return to the try block • There are situations in which allowing a program to continue after an exception could cause problems • The code in the finally block is executed either after the try block is exited or after a catch clause is exited • The finally block is optional Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  49. Throwing Exceptions • Instead of catching an exception in a lower-level method, it can be caught and handled by a higher-level method • Declare that the lower-level method may throw a checked exception by adding a throws clause to the method header • Can throw the exception in the lower-level method, using a throw statement • The throws clause is useful if a higher-level module already contains a catch clause for this exception type Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

  50. Throwing Exceptions (continued) • Can use a throw statement in a lower-level method to indicate that an error condition has been detected • Once the throw statement executes, the lower-level method stops executing immediately Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Design

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