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New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC designed by SANAA: Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa

Post-Minimal Architectural Sculpture Sculptural Architecture http://www.nytimes.com/packages/khtml/2007/03/27/arts/artsspecial/20070328_BIRTH_AUDIOSS.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1175178451-CKgno4UBJdFF1+NuoR9TeA. New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC designed by SANAA: Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa.

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New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC designed by SANAA: Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa

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  1. Post-MinimalArchitectural SculptureSculptural Architecturehttp://www.nytimes.com/packages/khtml/2007/03/27/arts/artsspecial/20070328_BIRTH_AUDIOSS.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1175178451-CKgno4UBJdFF1+NuoR9TeA New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC designed by SANAA: Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa

  2. Alice Aycock (US, b. 1946) Maze, 1972, Pennsylvania (destroyed)“Originally, I had hoped to create a moment of absolute panic when the only thing that mattered was to get out.” (embodied vision – phenomenological consciousness)

  3. Alice Aycock. (American, born 1946), Study for Project Entitled "The City of the Walls: A Narrow City: A Thin City." 1978, pencil on vellum paper, 42 3/8 x 72,“ MoMA NYC

  4. Quiz Please put everything away except pens/pencils and notebook paper. Write your name, Art 112 or 212 and today’s date (April 8, 2008) on top.

  5. Identify this artwork: Artist’s full name and nationality, title, location, date. Write everything you know about it and the artist’s intentions from your on-site visit, the video, Sculpture of the Eighties, lecture, and Fineberg (textbook). Do not just describe what can be seen here (except to show how form conveys content).

  6. Richard Serra, Bilbao permanent collection (left); Torqued Elipses, 1997, Dia (right)spatial affinity-unity-dialectical intercourse of museum and sculpture. Both work to create a theatrical space, an embodied visual-spatial experience

  7. Zaha Hadid (British b. Iraq, 1950) Wolfsburg, Germany, Science Center, 2002Deconstructivist Architectureand new digital design possibilities

  8. Jackie Ferrara (US, b. 1924), sculpturespre-conceived in numerous detailed drawings as in architectural design M160, masonite4 x 13 x 13” 1976 1-14 Ramp, masonite3 x 17 x 48”, 1974 A209 Zogg, 1980, Pine 112” H A201 Ribat, 1979, wood 86 x 51 x 20 in

  9. (left) Emilio Ambasz (American b.1943 Argentina) Fukuoka Prefectural Hall, section & aerial views, ink jet prints on watercolor paper with hand-drawing in colored pencil, 1998(right) Compare Jackie Ferrara sculpture, A201 Ribat, 1979

  10. Alice Aycock, Functional and Fantasy Stair, 1996, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin St., Periodicals Reading Room, 5th floor and 4th Floor AtriumAluminum, painted steel, stainless steel, and plaster sculpture. The “Functional and Fantasy Stair” wraps around a two-story sculptural cone with an appearance of unraveling itself. As it unravels, fragments of imaginary stairs peel away. Cyclone Fragment

  11. Frank Gehry (US b. Canada, 1929) Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, 1997compare (right) Aycock, Functional and Fantasy Stair, 1996

  12. Tim Hawkinson (US, b. San Francisco, 1960) (left) Überorgan, 2007, woven polyethylene, nylon net, cardboard tubing, and various mechanical components. Getty installation (Santa Monica), 2007. In this version it interacts with the modernist white walls, travertine, and glass of Richard Meier's architecture Überorgan2000 at Mass MoCA (right top and bottom) Sound and air controls

  13. Emilio Ambasz, La Casa de Retiro Espiritual (House of Spiritual Retreat)1979 Cordoba, Spain

  14. Ambasz, photograph from exhibition catalogue, MoMA NYC “In Depth: The House of Spiritual Retreat,” 2006

  15. Learning from Las Vegas, 1972Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven IzenourLearning from Las Vegas marked the historical origin of postmodern architecture. The book created a controversy in 1972 by calling for architects to be more receptive to the vernacular, the tastes and values of "common" people, and less immodest in their erections of "heroic," self-aggrandizing monuments. "A roadway could become a city. A building could become a sign. In no place at all, someplace could be created. That is Las Vegas' genius.“ from Learning from Las Vegas Gropius, Bauhaus, 1925-6, an icon of International Style modern architecture

  16. Postmodern “Vernacular” ArchitectureFrank Gehry, (top left) Fishdance Restaurant, Kobe, Japan, 1987(left below) Gehry and Claes Oldenburg, Chiat-Day Building, 1986, Venice, California(right) Anonymous, Duck Restaurant, from Learning from Las Vegas An advertising agency

  17. Gehry House, by Frank Gehry, at Santa Monica, California, 1978“Deconstructive” domestic architecture

  18. Gordon Matta-Clark (US, 1943–1978), Splitting, 1974Matta-Clark cut through (with a chain saw) a condemned suburban two-story home in Englewood, New Jersey, splitting it down the middle. http://www.ubu.com/film/gmc_splitting.html “anarchitecture” (anarchy + architecture) Undoes the “home” as place of security

  19. Gordon Matta-Clark, Splitting, 1974, chromogenic prints mounted on board, 40 x 30 in. “non-u-mental” - “to convert a place into a state of mind”

  20. Matta-Clark, Conical Intersect, 1974, near the Pompidou Center (Beaubourg), two townhouses dated 1699 in the First Arrondissement, Paris

  21. Cornelia Parker (English b. 1956 - a “YBA”: Young British Artist), Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View  1991, a garden shed that had been filled with domestic objects by the artist and exploded by the British Army at her request. Below left is shed prior to explosion. detail Refer to Gil Perry’s “Dream Houses: Installations and the Home”

  22. Cornelia Parker, Mass (Colder Darker Matter), 1997, Charcoal retrieved from a church struck by lightning (Baptist Church of Lytle, Texas), approximately 156 x 126 x 126” Detail

  23. Louise Bourgeois (French-American b. 1911) (left) with sculpture on roof of NYC apartment building, c.1944(center) Femme Maison (Woman House) 1947, ink on paper(right) The Listening One 1947-9. bronze (cast in the late 1980s)

  24. (left top) Alberto Giacometti (Swiss, 1901-1966), Suspended Ball, plaster & metal, 1930(left below) Jean Arp (Alsace-French,1886-1966), Head with 3 Annoying Objects, 1930Compare (right) Bourgeois, The Destruction of the Father, plaster, latex, wood & fabric, 93 X 142 X 97,” installation, 1974

  25. (left) Meret Oppenheim, Object (Breakfast in Fur), fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon, 1936(right top) Bourgeois, Janus Fleuri, bronze,10 in H , 1968 (left below) Giacometti, Woman Spoon (Femme cuillère), bronze, 56 in. H, 1926 (right below) Bourgeois, Femme Couteau (Woman Knife), carved pink marble, 9x7x12cm, 1969-70

  26. (left) Traditional wunkirmian ladle, Dan people, Liberia or Cote d’Ivoire, carved to represent an individual venerated woman in her youth whose status derives from their hospitality. Compare concepts. Giacometti Bourgeois

  27. Bourgeois, two cells from Passages Dangereux, mixed media installation, 1997

  28. Bourgeois, Spider, steel and mixed media, 1996

  29. Bourgeois, Maman, 35 ft H, Tate London, 1999

  30. Hatoum, Light at the End, 1989, London, iron frame and six electric heating elements

  31. Franz von Stuck, Sin, 1893 Femme Fatale

  32. Mona Hatoum (Palestinian, born in Lebanon, London-based, 1952), Light Sentence (two different times), 1992, wire mesh lockers, slow-moving motorized light bulb, 198 x 185 x 490 cm

  33. Hatoum, Corps Etranger (Foreign Body), video installation, 1997

  34. Andrea Zittel (US, b. 1965) with Wagon Station, 2005 (right) at A-Z West near Joshua Tree, California

  35. Zittel, A-Z Homestead Unit, 2001

  36. Zittel, A-Z Escape Vehicles, 2005

  37. Rachel Whiteread (British b. 1963) House [East London], 1993-4

  38. Rachel Whiteread, House, 1993, (left) before and after casting(below) casting process

  39. Demolition of House on January 11, 1993

  40. Rachel Whiteread, DemolishedC: Trowbridge Estate, London E9; Hannington Point; Hilmarton Point; Deverill Point; June 1995 1996Demolished documents the destruction of tower blocks in three different housing estates in Hackney, East London, between 1993 and 1995, “‘something that is going to be completely forgotten... the detritus of our culture.”

  41. Whiteread, Untitled (Stairs), mixed media, 3750 x 220 x 5800 mm , 2001 (compare left) Bruce Nauman, A Cast of the Space Under My Chair, 1965-68

  42. Whiteread, Embankment, Tate Modern Turbine Hall, London, 2005-200614,000 translucent polyethylene white cubes cast from cardboard boxes in a gallery 500 feet long

  43. Whiteread, Embankment, Tate Modern Turbine hall installation, 2005-2006

  44. Doris Salcedo (Colombian b.1958 ), Unland, 1995-18; installation view, Site Santa Fe. Each of the three works was formed by combining two mismatched table halves into one unit. Taking over a year to complete each sculpture, the artist incorporated organic and domestic materials--human hair, silk, and a tiny metal bed Detail with doll bed Thousands of tiny holes are woven by hand with hair and thread

  45. Doris Salcedo, Defiant (detail), SFMoMA installation, 1992-2004, shoes, animal fiber, and surgical thread

  46. Salcedo, Untitled, 1995, wooden furniture, cement, hair and domestic materials

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