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Executive Order 13148

This training course provides annual awareness on the Environmental Management System (EMS) tools available, documentation for training completion, and the responsibilities of federal agencies under Executive Order 13148.

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Executive Order 13148

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  1. Executive Order 13148 Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management

  2. NAA ARS Environmental Management System (EMS)Annual Awareness Training

  3. Course Objective To provide EMS Annual Awareness Training. Introduce you to the EMS tools available Receiving Documentation for training completion. The NAA Safety office maintains a training record for all participating locations. If an individual also want to receive documentation for training completion, please send a message to your servicing CEPS and copy Bonnie DiSalvo, ASHM. A certificate will be sent to you for your records. Questions or Comments Please keep in mind that EMS is a continual improvement process and EMS Annual Awareness Training will change as the system evolves. If you have questions or comments about this training please contact Glen Davis, Kathie Moh or Bonnie DiSalvo. Contact information is available at the end of this session.

  4. SECTION ONE Executive Order 13148 (ISO 14001 EMS) Past. Present, Future GENERAL INFORMATION

  5. E.O. Issued: April 21, 2000 Reasons: • Demonstrate Federal Government environmental leadership • Ensure that Federal agencies adopt lowest life-cycle cost environmental practices • Ensure Federal facilities are responsible members of their communities

  6. E.O 13148 Supersedes: • E.O. 12843: Procurement Requirements & Policies for Federal Agencies for Ozone-Depleting Substances • E.O. 12856: Federal Compliance With Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements • E.O. 12969: Federal Acquisition and Community Right-To-Know • E.O. 12088: Federal Compliance With Pollution Control Standards, section 1–4 • Executive Memorandum on Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping

  7. Benefits of an EMS • Improve environmental awareness. • Achieve greater consistency in environmental programs. • Support the mission by prioritizing environmental issues and focusing resources on those with the greatest significance. Remember…. Being a good environmental steward is everyone’s business. Performing your job in an environmentally safe and sound manner benefits us all by protecting the health of the surrounding ecosystem, preserving resources for future generations, being good neighbors, minimizing mission impact due to non-compliance issues, and saving money by decreasing wasted resources. As a member of the Surrounding community, you are responsible for performing your job in an environmentally safe and sound manner by knowing how your job impacts the environment, adhering to operating procedures, knowing the potential environmental impacts of departing from these operating procedures, and by knowing the requirements of your job.

  8. Why an ISO 14001 EMS • Executive Order 13148 requires Federal facilities to have an EMS in place no later than December 2005. • ARS policy requires all ARS facilities to have an EMS in place that conforms to the ISO 14001 standard. • ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized best management practice for environmental management. • Implementing an EMS will assist ARS Locations in the environmental stewardship efforts by ensuring continual review and corrective action processes for environmental management.

  9. Environmental Management Programs incorporated into EMS including: • Incorporate the provisions into existing goals and records • Provide training to personnel • Incorporate into position descriptions and performance standards • Develop an awards program • Each location will develop a plan • Internal Assessments • Environmental management documents • Monitoring procedures and data • Annual reporting to the EPA

  10. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) • Report under the EPCRA sections 302, 304, 311/312, and 313 • Reduced reporting thresholds under section 313 (e.g., mercury reporting threshold reduced from 25,000 lbs to 10 lbs) • EPA may conduct inspections to monitor compliance • Non-compliance may result in a Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement

  11. Responsibilities As a member of the ARS community, you are responsible for performing your job in an environmentally safe and sound manner. You should: • Understand the commitments of the ARS Environmental Policy • Know how your job impacts the environment • Know and adhere to the procedures of your job • Know the potential environmental impacts of departing from the procedures of your job • Know the environmental requirements of your job


  13. Policy Management Review Planning Implementation and Operation Checking and Corrective Action An ISO 14001 EMS is a set of procedures based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle and has five Major Components, Policy, Planning, Implementation and Operation, Checking and Corrective Action, and Management Review Plan Act ContinualImprovement Do Check

  14. ISO 14001 EMS Major Concepts An EMS has five major componets. Policy, planning, implementation, check/review and final management review For this initial training, we are going to review the Environmental Policy, Environmental Aspects and Environmental Impacts, Targets.

  15. Environmental Policy The Environmental Policy describes ARS’s approach to environmental management. ARS personnel should understand that the ARS Environmental Policy: • Applies to all • Commits to environmental compliance • Commits to prevention of pollution • Commits to continual improvement • Is available on the NAA Safety Website

  16. Environmental Aspects Environmental aspects are elements of the location’s activities that can potentially interact with the environment. Examples are taken from Chapter 4 of the NAA ARS EMS: Use of hazardous chemicals production of fish Pesticide application

  17. Environmental Impacts Environmental impacts are changes to the environment resulting from an environmental aspect. Examples are: Waste generation Resource depletion downstream Soil, water quality degradation

  18. Environmental Aspects and Environmental Impacts Environmental aspects and environmental impacts exist in a“Cause and Effect” relationship with each other. Aspect (Cause)Impact (Effect) use of hazardous chemicals Waste generation Fish production Resource depletion Soil, water quality degradation Pesticide applications

  19. Significant Environmental Aspects Current significant environmental aspects are: • Emissions • Discharges, spills, leaks, or other releases to soil or water • Energy consumption or conservation • Generation of waste streams • Generation of noise, vibration, odor, dust, heat, light, radiation, and other nuisance activities Significant environmental aspects must be managed through operational procedures and considered when setting environmental objectives and targets.


  21. Objectives and Targets • Full Compliance with regulations • Reduce a hazardous waste stream • Reduce consumption of energy (electricity) • Green Purchase Training • There are Agency targets and location targets • Many locations have met targets and never quantified /credited the success

  22. Your Participation All personnel will have roles and responsibilities at the location for EMS. Your level of participation will vary according to the work you perform. At a minimum, you are responsible for knowing: • The commitments of the ARS Environmental Policy • How your job impacts the environment • The procedures/protocols of your job and adhering to them • The potential environmental impacts of departing from the procedures of your job • The legal and other environmental requirements of your job

  23. Minimizing Environmental Impacts An objective of an EMS is to reduce environmental impacts.Below are ways you can support this objective: • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Reduce your use of resources such as water. Reuse resources such as office supplies Recycle all batteries, paper, electronics, toner cartridges, metal scraps, metal cans, glass and plastic containers, and fluorescent light bulbs. • Purchasing Requirements – Government purchasing agents, including credit card holders, are required to follow the Affirmative (Green) Procurement Plan.

  24. Minimizing Environmental Impacts - Continued • Spill Reporting – Personnel who suspect a spill has occurred should report it through the location emergency procedures. Reporting petroleum product and hazardous material spills in a timely manner can minimize environmental damage. • Carpool – ARS has a Carpool Program is in place to support a regional goal of decreasing vehicle emissions.

  25. Benefits of Minimizing Environmental Impacts Minimizing environmental impacts help: • Protect human health and the surrounding ecosystem • Promote a good relationship with surrounding community and emergency services • Save money through resource conservation • Reduces and eliminates lab storage issues

  26. TOP TEN POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES 1. good housekeeping and maintenance practices 2. spill prevention and preparedness 3. inventory management 4. prudent purchasing 5. waste exchange programs

  27. TOP TEN POLLUTION PREVENTION TECHNIQUES 6. alternate cleaning processes 7. reuse/recycle process wastes 8. process modifications 9. changes in equipment/technology 10. environmentally preferable purchasing

  28. Housekeeping and Maintenance • reducing spills, overflows, leaks, ruined samples, and accidents prevents pollution-- while also reducing materials costs and stress! • lab clutter contributes to knocked-over containers while also impairing efficiency and morale

  29. Housekeeping and Maintenance • use secondary containment where appropriate • inspect and maintain equipment routinely • replace seals and gaskets on a regular basis • use tight-fitting lids and bungs to prevent evaporation

  30. Spill prevention and preparedness Spills generate waste! By preventing spills, you can prevent hazardous releases and avoid associated disposal costs

  31. To avoid accidental spills... • train employees in proper use of chemicals, apparatus, instruments, and tools • use pipetting aids, spigots and pumps instead of pouring liquids • store materials securely and away from traffic

  32. Inventory Management Proper management ensures that your inventory is an asset, not a pollution prevention liability.

  33. Inventory Management Tips • set up an inventory tracking system • label all containers with contents and date to avoid costly and hazardous “unknowns” • store material carefully to prevent spills and leaks • rotate inventory so older material is used first

  34. Prudent Purchasing • buy only the amount of chemicals that you will use within a reasonable time period • buy durable apparatus and equipment that can be repaired and maintained • coordinate or centralize purchasing to avoid unnecessary purchases

  35. Buy “right size”NOT“economy size”

  36. Waste exchange programs • Waste exchange is a “matchmaking” process based on the premise that one party’s waste may be a usable material for another party • The goal of waste exchange is to minimize waste disposal expenses while maximizing the value of reusable byproducts

  37. Recycling of process wastes • Recycling may involve reusing a material in the same process or in a different process • A common example in laboratories is recycling organic solvents by distillation

  38. Materials Substitution • In some cases, labs are unable to make substitutions due to required protocols • Opportunities exist beyond chemical substitution such as alternatives to mercury thermometers, videos or demonstrations in some instructional labs, etc. • Ask your vendors to keep you informed when new, less-hazardous products become available

  39. Environmentally Preferable Purchasingaka: Affirmative Procurement Definition: Products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose

  40. Affirmative Procurement Affirmative procurement means examining the pollution prevention practices of your vendors and subcontractors

  41. Provide support for habit change • old habits die hard • employees need support through both motivational and technical hurdles • initial training and periodic refreshers are essential to continuing pollution prevention success

  42. Summary All personnel should understand the commitments of the ARS Environmental Policy and are responsible for performing work in an environmentally safe and sound manner. Remember that you are responsible for knowing: • How your job impacts the environment • The procedures of your job and adhering to them • The potential environmental impacts of departing from the procedures of your job • The legal and other environmental requirements of your job

  43. Questions?

  44. CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU !!! You have completed EMS Annual Awareness Training. Record of your participation is recorded at Area Safety office. Your feedback allows us to continually improve the EMS. For more information or to actively participate in EMS implementation, please contact: Kathie Moh, 607-255-8849 Glen Davis, 304- 725-3451,ext 309 Bonnie Disalvo, 215-233-6592

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