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Green paper « Migration and mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems » COM(2008) 423 OECD 13 October 2008 Laura Cassio, European Commission laura.cassio@ec.europa.eu. Issue of increasing relevance for MS: conclusions of the 2008 Spring European council .

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  1. Green paper « Migration and mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems » COM(2008) 423OECD 13 October 2008Laura Cassio, European Commissionlaura.cassio@ec.europa.eu

  2. Issue of increasing relevance for MS: conclusions of the 2008 Spring European council . EY Intercultural dialogue Aim of the paper: - provide analysis of the issue, based on evidence and research - foster a debate - reflection on what can be done at EU level (also through the 1977 directive) Why?

  3. Based on review of research: NESSE and EENE networks Review by University of Bamberg (EFMS) Work of the Peer learning Cluster on Social inclusion Published on 3 July, as part of renewed Social agenda How?

  4. Based on TOR outlined by the Commission Synthesis of research, concise and addressed to policymakers Focus on the nature, causes and possible remedies for educational disadvantages. Explanations for educational disadvantage at the macro-, meso- and microlevels. http://www.nesse.fr/nesse/nesse_top/activites/education-and-migration Review of literature - EFMS

  5. Both 1st and 2nd generation, both third country and EU citizens (pupils who are marked both by the linguistic and cultural differences between homes and schools, and by the low status of parents and ethnic identities in the host society) What? The subject

  6. Evidence of educational disadvantage for immigrant Challenge for schools (new skills for teachers, polarisation of services) Diversity is a resource, but need to make sense of it What? The issue

  7. Individual factors: socio-economic background, language, “attitudes” BUT systems matter: early tracking; segregation; stereotypes and representations What? Causes of educational disadvantage

  8. An overall equity issue Preschool Language Support activities - mentoring Partnerships with families and communities Language Desegregation/Quality of schools Upgrading teachers’ competences Intercultural education What? Possible relevant measures

  9. Open until 31 December On policy challenge On policy solutions On possible role of EU On Directive 77/486 The consultation

  10. Several MS will prepare answers (working groups) Eurobarometer on “white flight” Meeting on measures for newcomers 9-10 December The consultation

  11. Analysis and publication of answers Possible definition of an action plan Synergy with OECD work? After the consultation

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