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Dr . Ilona Riipinen on behalf of Prof. Markku Kulmala and The CRAICC / CBACCI / BACCI teams

Nordic Centers of Excellence - a platform for international research collaboration : Example from climate research. Dr . Ilona Riipinen on behalf of Prof. Markku Kulmala and The CRAICC / CBACCI / BACCI teams.

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Dr . Ilona Riipinen on behalf of Prof. Markku Kulmala and The CRAICC / CBACCI / BACCI teams

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  1. NordicCenters of Excellence- a platform for international researchcollaboration:Examplefromclimateresearch • Dr. Ilona Riipinen • on behalf of • Prof. Markku Kulmala and • The CRAICC / CBACCI / BACCI teams

  2. NCoE CRAICC: Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in Changing Arctic Climate Air pollution – climate interactions (Arneth et al., Science, 2009) Estimated that up to 70% of Arctic warming since 1976 is due to decreases in sulphate aerosols and parallel increases in Black Carbon emissions (Shindell and Faluvegi, Nature Geoscience, 2009)

  3. E Otherfeedbacks in the climatesystem B Arcticwarming A • Forcing • directanthropogenic • indirectanthropogenic • natural Climatechange / Focus on the Arctic C • Changes in the cryosphere • snow • sea ice • land ice Emis D Society and humanactivities s i o n s Interlinksbetweendifferentcomponents in climatechange and cryosphere

  4. CRAICC PARTNERS DENMARK: • University of Aarhus, Dept. of Atmospheric Environment (NERI) • University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Chemistry • Risø National Laboratory FINLAND: • University of Helsinki, Dept. of Physics, Dept of Forest Sciences, Dept of Geosciences and Geography, and Dept of Environmental Sciences • Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) • University of Eastern Finland ICELAND: • University of Iceland NORWAY: • University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences • Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology • Norwegian Meteorological Institute • Norwegian Insititute for Air Research (NILU) SWEDEN: • Lund University, Dept of Physics • Stockholm University, Dept of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences • University of Gothenburg, Dept of Chemistry

  5. How to meet the research and innovation needs – why are we a center of excellence? Clear and ambitious vision Empirical and experimental (laboratory, field, instrument development...) Theoretical (basic theories, simulations, model development..) Supradisciplinary (physics, chemistry, biology, meteorology, etc.) From research to innovations; new SMEs Collaboration Spirit of publishing Continuity Kulmala et al., 2009, EUCAARI, ACP

  6. Continuousmeasurements and measurementnetworks– spatial and temporalcoverage

  7. SMEAR II Hyytiälä BACCI network through Nordic countries

  8. Stations:Nordic Centre of excellence BACCI

  9. Centers of excellence: From national to global level

  10. Abbreviations: ABS=Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies; ACTRIS = European aerosol and atmospheric chemistry infrastructure; BACCI= Research Unit on Biosphere-Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions; CBACCI=Carbon- Biosphere-Atmosphere-Cloud-Climate- Interactions; COPAL= COmmunity heavy-PAyload Long endurance Instrumented Aircraft for Tropospheric Research in Environmental and Geo-Sciences; CRAICC=Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Arctic Climate; EINAR= European Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Earth System Research; EUCAARI= European Integrated Project on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate-Air Quality Interactions; EUSAAR= European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research; FCoE=Finnish Centre of Excellence in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Meteorology of Atmospheric Composition and Climate Change; GS= Finnish graduate school; IAGOS= In-service Aircraft for Global Observing System; ICOS =Integrated Carbon Observation System; IGBP= International Geosphere-Biosphere Program; iLEAPS=integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Study; IMECC= Infrastructure for Measurements of the European Carbon Cycle; P-S GAW= Pallas-Sodankylä Global Atmosphere Watch Station; PEGASOS= Pan-European Gas-AerosSOls-climate interaction Study; SIOS= Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System; SMEAR=Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations

  11. WhyNordiccollaboration? • Research • Boreal, Arcticfocus • Similarenvironmentalproblems and impacts • Accordingto ourexperience: effective • Science policy • Traditions • JointNordicefforts • EU projects • globalvisibility, EINAR • Knowledgetransfer • Similareducation, jointdegreesneeded • Practical • Short distances – personalmeetings • Common history, easy to understandeachother • Seminars, courses, workshops, researchvisits, visitingprofessors

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