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Character First

Character First. VIRTUE. Character is the inward motivation to do what is right in every situation even when no one is looking. VIRTUE. Virtue is the moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right. VIRTUE.

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Character First

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  1. Character First VIRTUE

  2. Character is the inward motivation to do what is rightin every situation even when no one is looking

  3. VIRTUE Virtue is the moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right.

  4. VIRTUE Virtue motivates a person to resist the impulse to do wrong and take the action to do what is right.

  5. VIRTUE Virtue is the inward motivation to do the right thing—even when popular opinion encourages you to do something wrong.

  6. VIRTUE Virtue emerges as individuals build good character—one quality at a time.

  7. I Will: Do What Is Right and Encourage Others to Do the Same: • A virtuous person will do what is right for the sole reason that it is right, even when no one else is watching.

  8. I Will: Guard My Eyes, Ears, Words, and Thoughts: • It is imperative to be able to discern what influences to guard against. There are many influences that can either encourage good character or destroy it.

  9. I Will: Learn to Stand Alone: • Standing alone is a vital lesson to be learned. Those who can stand alone for what is right are equipped with one of the most important tools in life.

  10. I Will: Abstain From Anything Which Might Damage or Pollute My Mind or Body: • The mind and body should be developed to their fullest ability and protected from damage caused by unwise behavior.

  11. I Will: Treat Others as I Would Want Them to Treat Me: • If you want to be treated with respect you need to remember to treat others with respect. Take the initiative to be kind and considerate toward others.

  12. Five Keys to VIRTUE: • Do the Right Thing: Develop a life characterized by right choices. • Set the Precedent: Be a positive model. Be a good example. You are a leader because everyone has a sphere of influence. • Be Consistent: What you think, what you choose, and what you do is who you become. • Choose Associations Wisely: The people around you will affect the way you see, think, and live. • Urge Others to Do Right: Virtue doesn’t have to be “preachy.” Turn on a light, and the room is filled.

  13. VIRTUE “True beauty consists in purity of heart.” Mahatma Gandhi

  14. VIRTUE “Riches adorn the dwelling; virtue adorns the person.” Chinese proverb

  15. VIRTUE “It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.” Alfred Adler

  16. VIRTUE Ask Yourself: • “What is right,” not “What is expected?” • How can virtue protect you from negative consequences? • How can you show virtue today?

  17. VIRTUE Example In Nature

  18. VIRTUE EGRET The white egret is wired by nature to do the right thing in order to survive. It swallows a fish head first to avoid a fish being caught in its throat.

  19. VIRTUE EGRET These birds like to “live clean.” It uses its under plumage, its downy feathers that turn into a powdery dust, to rub our dirt and maintain its cleanliness.

  20. VIRTUE EGRET Young egrets are vulnerable and need guidance. They choose to stay close to their parents. By choosing their associations wisely, they learn critical survival skills.

  21. VIRTUE EGRET In the 1900 century, egrets were killed for their plumage. The price of their plumes exceeded that of gold. When almost extinct, legislation was passed to protect the egret.

  22. VIRTUE Example In History

  23. WILLIAM PENN William Penn received a piece of frontier land west of the Delaware from King Charles II of England. He accepted the land in place of the monetary debt owed to his deceased father.

  24. WILLIAM PENN The King teased Penn that the Indian’s would eat him, but Penn said he planned on purchasing the land from the Indians. “Buy their land?” the king asked. “Is not the whole of America mine? Did not my people discover it?”

  25. WILLIAM PENN Penn did eventually pay various native tribes for their lands. He organized the colony of Pennsylvania under a government that protected the rights of individual citizens.

  26. WILLIAM PENN Philadelphia became the largest and wealthiest city in colonial America. The Declaration of Independence was written and adopted there. Pennsylvania also became the first state to outlaw slavery.

  27. WILLIAM PENN Thomas Jefferson called William Penn “the greatest lawgiver the world has produced; the first who laid the foundation of government in the pure principles of peace, of reason and right.”

  28. When Cultivating The Character Of Virtue Remember To: • Demonstrate respect for each person you encounter. • Ask yourself, “What is right,” not “What is expected?” • Speak the truth. • Help others experience the freedom that comes from doing what is right.

  29. Adapted from Character First Series IV • Character Training Institute Oklahoma City, OK 1998 • http://www.characterfirst.co • http://www.weforanimals.com/free-pictures/birds/egrets/snowy-egret.htm • http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/great-egret.html • http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=pictures+of+willam+penn&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=B1TgS8C4Jo7QsgOP1fyWBg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB8QsAQwAA • http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=independence+hall+in+philadelphia&aq=0&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=independence+hall+in+&gs_rfai=&start=0

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