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6th Grade Social Studies Content Vocabulary

6th Grade Social Studies Content Vocabulary. Linda Lotti, Wolters Shannon Rodriques, Leavenworth. Hominid . 6.1 Early Man text pgs. 28, 30-31 early man/humans. Hunters/gatherers. 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 32-33 People who hunt and gather food for survival.

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6th Grade Social Studies Content Vocabulary

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  1. 6th Grade Social StudiesContent Vocabulary Linda Lotti, Wolters Shannon Rodriques, Leavenworth

  2. Hominid • 6.1 Early Man text pgs. 28, 30-31 early man/humans

  3. Hunters/gatherers 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 32-33 People who hunt and gather food for survival South Africa, early hominid site

  4. Paleolithic Era 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 30-31 Old Stone Age- the 1st part of

  5. domestication 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 40-41 Process of taming plants/ animals for human use

  6. Agricultural Society 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 41-42 A farming community Ancient Egyptian Farmer Sumerian Harvester’s Sickle 3000,BCE, baked clay

  7. 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 30-31 The process of development evolution

  8. Ice Age 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 35-37 map Long periods of freezing weather

  9. Stone Age 6.1 Early Man Text pg. 25, 30 Long periods of time when humans and their ancestors lived

  10. culture 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 7, 50-51 Knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people

  11. nomadic tribe 6.1 Early Man Text pgs. 32-33, 36-37 Communities of people that move from place to place Nomadic tribes of Iran. Nomadic tribe in Mongolia with their Portable houses called yurts.

  12. Fertile Cresent 6.2 Mesopotamia, Kush, Egypt Text pgs. 57, 60 Rich farmland in Southwest Asia where the first civilizations began

  13. Mesopotamia 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pgs. 57, 60-61 Region in Southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

  14. Egypt 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 50 In Africa; a 1st of major civilizations

  15. cuneiform 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 67-68 The early Mesopotamian writing system using clay tablets and a stylus

  16. hieroglyphics 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pgs. 108-109,111-112 Early Egyptian writing system Rosetta Stone

  17. civilization 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pages 60 A society of advanced people in culture, language, scholarship, etc.

  18. trade route 6.2 Meso, Kush, Egypt Text pgs. 79, 103 A path, road, or body of water for exchanging with other societies India/China trade route

  19. cultural trade 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 256, 264, 275, 279, 394 (map) The exchange of ideas, religion, language, government, etc. of societies

  20. social hierarchy 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 65, 94, 189 The ranking of people within a society

  21. Hammurabi’s Code 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 75, 282 A set of civil laws for the Mesopotamians, set by king Hammurabi

  22. polytheism 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 64 The belief in more than one god

  23. Nile River 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 88 The gift to Egypt; flows north to Mediterranean Sea A satellite picture of the Nile

  24. city-state 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pg. 62 A governing body consisting of a city and surrounding coutry-side

  25. 6.2 Meso., Kush, Egypt Text pgs. 9, 186, 194 A series of rulers from the same family dynasty The Great Wall: Shi Huangdi Zhou Dynasty

  26. Greece 6.4 Ancient Greece Text pg. 254 Penninsula in Southern Europe

  27. democracy 6.4 Ancient Greece Text pg. 262 Government in which people rule themselves

  28. mythology 6.4 Ancient Greece Text pg. 269 Stories about gods and heroes that try to explain how the world works

  29. Alexander the Great 6.4 Ancient Greece Text pg.298 Built a huge empire and helped spread Greek culture into Egypt and Asia

  30. philosophy 6.4 Ancient Greece Text pg. 306 System of thought based on inquiry Socrates Plato

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