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Bratislava castle

Bratislava castle. Place : Bratislava, County : Bratislava, Region : Bratislava, Historic region : Bratislava Obec: Bratislava, Okres: Bratislava, Kraj: Bratislavský, Stolica: bratislavská. Other names.

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Bratislava castle

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  1. Bratislava castle Place: Bratislava, County: Bratislava, Region: Bratislava, Historicregion: Bratislava Obec: Bratislava, Okres: Bratislava, Kraj: Bratislavský, Stolica: bratislavská

  2. Othernames • Bratislavsky hrad, Bratislava; 907 Braslavepurch, Brezalauspurc, 1002 Poson, 1042 Prezesburg, 1045 Bosenburg, 1048 Brecesburg; Hung. Pozsony, Ger. Pressburg, old Slovak.. Presporek, Prešporok; (Bratislava castle) • Bratislava; 907 Braslavepurch, Brezalauspurc, 1002 Poson, 1042 Prezesburg, 1045 Bosenburg, 1048 Brecesburg; maď. Pozsony, nem. Presburg, star. slov. Prešpork, Prešporok

  3. Briefdescription • A Gothic castle which is known from the 10th century, but the castle hill was inhabited also in the Celtic and the Great Moravian era. In the middle of the 16th century, Bratislava became the official coronation town for Hungarian Kings and at the castle there was a residence of the king. Later, the castle was rebuild in a Renaissance style. The south-west tower - also known as the jewel's tower - housed the Hungarian coronation jewels for two centuries.The last large reconstruction in Baroque style took place under the reign of Maria Theresia (1740-1780). In 1811, the castle was burnt down and only ruins were left. It was reconstructed in 1956-68. Bratislava Castle is an important landmark and a National Cultural Monument. • Hrad známy od začiatku 10. storočia, postavený na strategickom mieste osídlenom už v keltskej a veľkomoravskej dobe. Od polovice 16. storočia, kedy sa na 200 rokov stala Bratislava korunovačným mestom Uhorska, bol hrad sídlom panovníka, konali sa tu zasadnutia Uhorského snemu a v korunovačnej veži boli uložené korunovačné klenoty uhorských král'ov. Po prest'ahovaníkrál'ovského dvora do Viedne bol na hrade Generálny seminár, kde študovali mnohí významní vzdelanci tej doby. Neskôr hrad dostalo vojsko a v roku 1811 vyhorel. V rokoch 1956-68 zrekonštruovaný.

  4. Situation • In the center of Bratislava, on the hill above the river Danube, altitude 150 meters. • V centre Bratislavy, na návrší nad tokom Dunaja, 150 m.n.m.

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