Festival of Lights

Tana Vesna • Sep 23, 2014 • 668 Views

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Presentation Transcript:
  1. Deewali Festival of Lights

  2. LakshmiGoddess of Fortune This is the day for the worship of Laxmi the consort of Vishnu, and the Goddess of Wealth. This is the day when she emerged from an ocean of milk (story) On this day Lakshmi is very pleased when anyone makes an offering to her. So on this day you’ll see all the Indian businessmen and especially accountants making their puja very energetically.

  3. Just as so many things were generated by the Churning of the Milk Ocean (Samudra Manthan), so many festivals spring from this event, and other divine events that took place while these festivals were being observed.

  4. During this period fifty centuries ago, Lord Krishna’s father Nanda Maharaja, had arranged the annual worship of Indra but was thwarted in his plans by a very talkative child Krishna, we celebrate the lifting of Govardhana Hill.

  5. Giridhari Govardhana

  6. Airavata Ghat

  7. Anna Kuta

  8. Garba & Dandiya Dances

  9. Rajasthani