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Need for Muscular Fitness ( 健身 )

Need for Muscular Fitness ( 健身 ). 體適能 體適能評估 運動處方 改善體適能之原則與方法. Presenter: 莊芝林 醫師. 身體組成 Muscle (protein,glycogen), Fat(fatty acid), Bone 體型、體重 → 身體脂肪百分比 → 脂肪儲藏率與分佈 體內脂肪: 大致可分為“必要性脂肪”與“儲存性脂肪” : 必要性脂肪:附著於肝臟、肺臟、脾臟、腎臟、肌肉等組織,有助於正常機能之運轉: 儲存性脂肪:是人體肥胖的主兇 ,成為種種慢性病如 冠心病 、腦中風、高血壓及糖尿病等 之重要危險因子

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Need for Muscular Fitness ( 健身 )

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  1. Need for Muscular Fitness (健身) • 體適能 • 體適能評估 • 運動處方 • 改善體適能之原則與方法 Presenter: 莊芝林醫師

  2. 身體組成Muscle (protein,glycogen), Fat(fatty acid), Bone • 體型、體重→身體脂肪百分比→脂肪儲藏率與分佈 • 體內脂肪: • 大致可分為“必要性脂肪”與“儲存性脂肪” : • 必要性脂肪:附著於肝臟、肺臟、脾臟、腎臟、肌肉等組織,有助於正常機能之運轉: • 儲存性脂肪:是人體肥胖的主兇 ,成為種種慢性病如 冠心病、腦中風、高血壓及糖尿病等之重要危險因子 • 肥胖:對國人的健康造成另一項新的威脅。 • 飲食過量 • 缺乏身體活動 • 曾有研究比較肥胖者與非肥胖者的飲食:結果兩者在飲食方面並沒有明顯的差異,倒是身體活動情形兩者間有顯著差別→肥胖者因身體活動所消耗的能量比非肥胖者少很多 • 類似的研究,使專家在探討肥胖的形成原因時,甚至明確的指出,造成肥胖的原因缺乏身體活動比飲食過量影響還大。

  3. 體適能(健康體能或體適能): • 指與健康相關的體力因素,即是身體適應能力。 • 良好的體適能: • 表示身體的許多器官、組織、如心臟、血管、肺臟及肌肉組織等,都能發揮其應有機能→使身體具有勝任日常生活、工作、享受休閒娛樂活動、及應付突發緊急狀況的能力。 健康體能通常涵蓋四大要素: • 心肺適能、身體組成、肌力及肌耐力、柔軟度 心肺適能(心肺耐力或心肺功能) : 代表的是身體整體氧氣供輸系統能力的優劣。具體而言,其所渉及的範 圍包括:肺呼吸、心臟以及血管循環系統的機能。

  4. 心肺適能的重要性 增強心肌:心肺和骨骼肌類似,經由運動的刺激,可以變得較 強而有力。心肺適能好的人→心臟的尺寸和收縮力量會增大 • 心臟輸血能力增強後,每分鐘心跳次數會減少。 • 有益於心血管系統

  5. 改善身體組成的原則 • 注意能量均衡的原則 • 攝取和消耗的熱量要維持平衡各類食物均應平衡的攝取 • 設定體重調節機制 • 自我“設定”理想的體重,控制食慾 • 不可只靠節食 • 只靠節食易發胖,嚴格的節食也可能干擾人體代謝機制,導致體重調節的紊亂,淨體質(肌肉)的流失,使肌肉鬆 軟,喪失肌力,易造成肌肉酸痛、疲勞甚至於拉傷。 • 避免使用藥物“減肥”使用藥物減重可能引發副作用, 嚴重可能危及生命 • 如要使用應在合格醫師的指導下進行。 • 規律持續運動 • 從事各種有氧運動或肌力訓練是減重或維持體重並改善 身體組成的安全又理想的方法

  6. The human body is made to move in many ways: • Quick and powerful • Graceful & coordinated • Sustained for many hours And is dependent upon the capacity to produce energy

  7. We have a great amount of diversity • Quick movements-lasts a few seconds • Reduced speed-lasts for several minutes • Reduced intensity(50%)-lasts for several hours The body uses different energy systems for each activity

  8. Cells in the body need energy to functionFOOD=ENERGY (E)

  9. Cells don’t get Energy directly from food, it must be broken down into:ATP-Adensosine TRIphosphateATP = a form of energy one can immediately use, it is needed for cells to function & muscles to contract

  10. Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Glucose Fatty acids Amino Acids Nutrients that give us energy: Digestion Absorbed into the blood & transported to cells (muscle, liver & nerve) They are used to produce ATP or stored

  11. ATP is stored in small amounts, therefore the rest is stored as: • Glucose = Glycogen (muscle & liver) • Fatty Acids = Body fat • Amino Acids = Growth, repair or excreted as waste

  12. Predominant Energy Pathways • ATP (2-3 seconds) • ATP-CP Energy System (8-10 seconds) • Anaerobic Energy System (2-3 minutes) • Aerobic Energy System (3 minutes +)

  13. 0 sec 4 sec 10 sec 1.5 min 3 min + Strength – Power:power lift, shot put, golf swing Sustained Power:sprints, fast breaks, football Anaerobic Power – Endurance:200-400 m dash, 100 m swim Aerobic Endurance:Beyond 800 m run Immediate/short-term Aerobic-oxidativenon-oxidative systems system

  14. (1) ATP-CP Energy System ATP is stored in the muscle & liver for “Quick Energy” Nerve impulses trigger breakdown of ATP into ADP ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate & 1 Phosphate The splitting of the Phosphate bond = Energy for work Ex. Muscle Contraction, Moving hand from a hot stove, Jumping & Throwing

  15. The ATP Molecule a. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) P Adenosine P P b. The breakdown of ATP: P Adenosine P P Energy Energy for cellular function ATP = ADP + energy for biological work + P(ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate)

  16. For contractions to continue… ATP must be REBUILT This comes from the splitting of CP (Creatine Phosphate a Hi energy source, automatic) When ATP is used – it is rebuilt – as long as there is CP Energy released from CP breaking down, resynthesizes the ADP & P

  17. REMEMBER – only small amounts of ATP are stored = only 2-3 sec. of Energy ATP-CP = 8-10 sec. of Energy The usefulness isn’t the AMOUNT of Energy but the QUICK & POWERFUL movements For longer periods of work = The Aerobic & Anaerobic Energy System must be utilized

  18. The Immediate Resynthesis of ATP by CP a. Creatine Phosphate (CP) Creatine P High energy bond b. CP = Creatine + energy for resynthesis of ATP +P Creatine P Energy c. ADP + energy from CP + P = ATP (reversal of ATP = ADP + P + energy for work) P Adenosine P P

  19. (2) Anaerobic Energy System • Without oxygen = Activities that require a large burst of energy over a short period of time • Anaerobic Glycolysis = Production of ATP from Carbohydrates without oxygen (breakdown of glucose)

  20. Since glycogen is stored in the muscle & liver, it is available quickly This system provides ATP when ATP-CP runs out Again, ATP-CP lasts for a few seconds, the Anaerobic Energy System allows for 2-3 minutes of work

  21. The process to produce ATP is not as fast as ATP-CP, which makes muscle contraction slower • When oxygen is not present the end product of glycolisis is lactic acid, which causes the muscles to fatigue • Anaerobic Glycolisis is less efficient in producing ATP than Aerobic Glycolisis, BUT is needed for a large burst of energy lasting a few minutes

  22. Without Oxygen Glucose = 2ATP + 2LA (digested component of carbohydrates) Glycogen = 3ATP + 2LA (the storage form of glucose)

  23. With Oxygen Glucose + O2 = 36ATP + H2O + CO2 Fatty Acids + O2 = 129ATP Body Fat is a great source of ENERGY

  24. Oxygen Deficit = The body can not supply enough O2 to the muscles that the muscles demand • When the muscle does not get enough oxygen, exhaustion is reached causing immediate and involuntary reduction in intensity • Oxygen Debt = “pays back” the deficit • recovery time

  25. (3) Aerobic Energy System With Oxygen = Using large muscle groups continuously over a period of time Aerobic Glycolisis & Fatty Acid Oxidation = The production of ATP from Carbohydrates & Fat

  26. O2 enters the system, stopping the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid • With oxygen, glycogen breaks down into: ATP + CO2 + H20 • These byproducts are easier to get rid of • CO2 is expelled by the lungs • H20 is used in the muscle

  27. 4.Anaerobic Energy System = Carbohydrates are the only fuel source 5.With prolonged exercise, Carbohydrates are the first fuel choice, as exercise continues, FAT becomes predominant 6.Protein is not a main fuel source except in an emergency

  28. Each system plays an important role in energy production • This gives us a variety of movements • The systems interact to supply Energy for the activity

  29. Examples Anaerobic 70-80% Anaerobic Aerobic 20-30% Aerobic Wt. Training Stop & Go Sports Jogging Gymnastics Tennis Marathons Football Soccer Cycling Baseball Field Hockey Aerobic Dance

  30. 肌力及肌耐力: • 肌力 Muscular Strength: • 代表的是某一部位肌肉或肌群一次能發揮的最大力量 • 肌耐力 Muscular Endurance: • 是某一部位肌肉或肌群在從事反覆收縮動作時的一種持久能力,或是指肌肉維持某一固定用力狀態持久的時間 • 肌肉適能的重要性: • 適當的肌力使肌肉比較結實而有張力→避免肌肉萎縮鬆弛。 • 適當的肌肉有助維持比較勻稱的身材: 因為肌力的運動可以阻止肌肉流失,故外型較健美

  31. Muscular Strength 肌力 • Able to lift a heavy weight • Able to exert a great force

  32. Muscular Endurance 肌耐力 • Able to perform repeated muscular contractions

  33. 肌力、肌耐力較好,使肌肉在應付同樣負荷時比較省力和耐久肌力、肌耐力較好,使肌肉在應付同樣負荷時比較省力和耐久 • 肌肉適能好→肌肉、關節等部位有較好的保護,有減緩受傷的 防護功效。 • 尤其是運動員,肌肉適能是避免運動傷害的重要因素。 • 好的肌肉適能→維持好的身體姿勢的基本條件。 • 腹部和背部的肌肉適能不佳與下背痛的形成有密切關係→ 尤其是腹部肌力、肌耐力不好,骨盤即無法被懸吊在正常的位置 而有前傾情形,進一步會迫使下背部位的腰椎過度前彎,可能壓迫脊神經,造成疼痛。 • 肌肉適能好有助於提昇身體運動能力,不僅僅對運動選手重要, 一般人往往都以運動為重要休閒方式 • 具備基本的身體運動能力→比較能夠享受運動的成就感與樂趣。 如爬山

  34. 肌肉肥大的成因 每條肌纖維的肌原纖維 細絲增加。 每條肌纖維的微血管 密度增加。 蛋白質的量增加。 肌纖維的總數目增加。

  35. Muscle Fiber Types • Fast Twitch Fibers • Stain light in color • More anaerobic • Suited to strength and speed activity • Slow Twitch Fibers • Stain dark • More aerobic • Suited to endurance activity

  36. 肌力的型態一般肌力:整個肌肉系統的肌力,需全面發展專項肌力:主要參與運動動作的肌肉。最大肌力:最大隨意收縮時,神經系統能夠展現的最大力量。肌耐力:肌肉維持長時間作功的能力,肌力和耐力的成績。爆發力:在最短時間內產生最大力量的能力,肌力和速度的乘積絕對肌力:排除體重(BW)因素後,運動員產生最大力量的能力。肌力的型態一般肌力:整個肌肉系統的肌力,需全面發展專項肌力:主要參與運動動作的肌肉。最大肌力:最大隨意收縮時,神經系統能夠展現的最大力量。肌耐力:肌肉維持長時間作功的能力,肌力和耐力的成績。爆發力:在最短時間內產生最大力量的能力,肌力和速度的乘積絕對肌力:排除體重(BW)因素後,運動員產生最大力量的能力。

  37. 肌力訓練三種方式等長性收縮:運動時關節角度不變,肌肉長度也是一定的。等張性收縮:肌肉長度在運動時會發生改變,但所舉起的重量不變。 分向心收縮與離心收縮兩種。等速收縮:特殊裝置來保持關節,這種收縮不論何種角度都可以發揮最大肌力的訓練。

  38. 阻力性運動 功能:增加肌力與肌耐力、增加左心室 收縮力。    運動方式:健身房、伏地挺身、仰臥起坐。    採用逐漸增加負荷的原則。

  39. Resistance Training 阻力性運動Principles • Overload • Progression • Specificity • Rest / recovery

  40. Facts about Resistance Training • Everyone can gain strength and endurance • NOT everyone will improve to the same extent (genetic predisposition) • Adaptations depend largely on the muscle fibers type distribution. Fast twitch muscle fibers adapt more readily.

  41. Myths(迷思) about Resistance Training • No pain - no gain • Makes you “muscle bound” • Fat can be converted into muscle • Extra muscle turns to fat if not used • Has masculinizing effect on women

  42. F I T The FIT Formula Applied to Resistance Training RequencyHow often? ntensity What resistance? ime How many sets?

  43. Resistance Training Terminology • Reps number of repetitions • Sets 回合數number of sets performed in the workout • 1 RM the amount of weight that can be lifted 1 time

  44. Hi Reps Lo Wt. E Mod Reps N Mod Wt. Lo Reps Hi Wt. D S T R Repetition Continuum 肌耐力 肌力

  45. F: every other day E I : (80% 1RM) Lo Reps N Hi Wt. T: 3 sets < 8 reps D S T R Muscular Strength 肌力 肌耐力 肌力

  46. Stimulus for Strength 肌力 • Maximal exertion • Maximal force

  47. Hi Reps Lo Wt. E N D. S T R. Muscular Endurance 肌耐力 F: every other day I : 40-70% 1RM 肌耐力 T: 2-5 sets 15-25 reps 肌力

  48. Stimulus for Endurance 肌耐力 • High number of repetitions • Short rest intervals

  49. Overall Muscle Fitness F: every other day Mod Reps E I : 60-70% 1RM Mod Wt. N T: 2-3 sets 8 - 15 reps D. S T R.

  50. Resistance Training Technique • Lift in a controlled manner • Exhale 吐氣during effort • Bring weight down slowly

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