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Chapter 8: Organization of isolated deep convection a brief review

Chapter 8: Organization of isolated deep convection a brief review. the distinction between the 3 storm types is largely controlled by wind shear. 8.1 The role of wind shear. weak shear. strong shear. bulk Richardson number:. 8.1 The role of wind shear. quicktime movies:. no shear

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Chapter 8: Organization of isolated deep convection a brief review

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  1. Chapter 8: Organization of isolated deep convectiona brief review • the distinction between the 3 storm types is largely controlled by wind shear

  2. 8.1 The role of wind shear weak shear strong shear bulk Richardson number:

  3. 8.1 The role of wind shear quicktime movies: • no shear • strong shear

  4. 8.1 The role of wind shear no shear strong shear Weisman: convective storm matrix: buoyancy-shear dependencies. COMET-MetEd module blue contour: qv’=-0.2K near surface red contour: w (10 m s-1) at 4 km green: qr+qs+qg > 1 g kg-1 at 1 km arrows: storm-relative flow weak shear strong shear Wilhelmson-Klemp (1982) sounding (CAPE=2200 J kg-1)

  5. Brief history of thunderstorm field research • ’48-’49: Thunderstorm Project (Byers & Braham) • ’55: creation of the NSSL to develop weather radars and other instruments to better observe thunderstorms (Kessler) • ’72-’76: NHRE (hail, hail suppression) • ’78: NIMROD (microbursts) (Fujita) • ’79: SESAME • ’82: CCOPE • ’84: JAWS • ’87: PRESTORM (squall lines, MCSs) • ’90: COHMEX • ’95,’97: VORTEX (tornadoes) • ’02: IHOP (convective initiation, low-level jet) • ’07: COPS • ’08-’09: VORTEX-II

  6. The Thunderstorm Project • Early field project: summer 1946 in Florida, July 1947 in Ohio • Justified in part by need for wx information for the expanding aviation industry • Ten military aircraft, P61C (“Black Widow”), five each mission, spaced at 5000’ intervals • Used new radar developments from WW-II (first use of 5 cm C-band radars) • First meso-net (people recording wx at 5 min intervals during IOPs) • In-flight data obtained from photographs of instrument panels • focused on determining kinematic and thermal structure and evolution of thunderstorms

  7. The Thunderstorm Project : thunderstorm stages • References: • the project report: “The Thunderstorm” • Byers and Braham, 1948: Thunderstorm structure and circulation. J. Meteorol., 5, 71-86 • Thunderstorm described as composed of a number of relatively independent cells • Each cell evolves through stages: • “cumulus” stage • mature stage • dissipating stage

  8. The cumulus stage: Wind, temperature, and hydrometeors • Updrafts throughout, ~ 5 m/s max (15 m/s peak); no downdrafts • Cell sizes: 2-6 km • Updraft increases with height but diameter remains about constant ( entrainment). • LL convergence • Positively buoyant throughout • Graupel and rain in-cloud • 15-30 min in duration

  9. Surface convergence pattern measured at the time of first formation of cumulus clouds:

  10. The mature stage: Wind, temperature, and hydrometeors • Rain first reaches the ground; heaviest rain and strongest turbulence in this stage • Downdraft forms from above the FL • Updrafts also remain strong, most intense higher in cell • Strong surface divergence forms below the heaviest rain, and the cloud outflow forms a gust front at the surface • Both positive and negative buoyancy is present (qv’~ 2 K)

  11. Surface wind measurements show outflow below the region of radar echo New convergence line ?? echo >30 dB

  12. The dissipating stage: Wind, temperature, and hydrometeors • LL divergence • Downdrafts weaken, turbulence becomes less intense, and precipitation decreases to light rain. • Lasts about 30 min

  13. the Thunderstorm Project • The 3 storm stages have since been interpreted as characteristic of airmass thunderstorms • Byers and Braham recognize the importance of wind shear: • “strong shear prolongs the mature stage by separating the precipitating region with downdrafts from the updraft region” • They also estimate entrainment: • estimated from mass balance: 100% in 2 km • estimated from soundings around storms: 100% in 5 km • discrepancy probably arose from downward motion of mixtures after entrainment, making the former estimate more reliable

  14. 8.2 Airmass Thunderstorms • Scattered, small, short-lived, 3 stages • Environment has little CAPE, but also little CIN, and little wind shear • They are usually triggered along shallow convergence zones (BL forcing) • Rarely produce extreme winds and/or hail, but may be vigorous with intense lightning

  15. Photo by NSSL

  16. Mature airmass thunderstorms over the Pacific seen by the Space Shuttle

  17. Schematic of the evolution of an airmass storm, as seen by radar Height (100s of ft) The reason why an airmass thunderstorms is so shortlived is that there is little wind shear, therefore the rainy downdraft quickly undercuts and chokes off the updraft. Photo by Moller

  18. airmass thunderstorm evolution Fig. 7.7

  19. 8.3 Multicell Thunderstorms • Multicell storms can occur in a cluster, or be organized as one line. • Individual cells are short-lived like any air-mass thunderstorm, but the multicell cluster is long-lived, due to the ability of old cells to trigger new cells. • The key to the long life of the multicell is the interaction of thegust front with the ambient LL shear gust front Uenv shelf cloud above gust front

  20. Multicell storms were recognized by Byers and Braham

  21. Roles of cell lifecycle in multicell storms • Evidence since the Thunderstorm Project continues to support the relevance of individual cells in thunderstorm systems. • The sequence on the right shows individual cells and their place in the evolution of a multicellular system. Ludlam

  22. Shelf Cloud often indicates rising air over the gust front. New cells develop in front of the storm. Gust front maintained by the cool downdrafts. Gust front is typically several miles in front of the thunderstorm Gust front appears like a mesoscale cold front. Outflow boundary is the remnant of a gust front. Multicell Thunderstorms

  23. multicell movement old cell Multicell storms move slightly to the right of the upper-level wind young cell Photo by Doswell

  24. Multicell echo sequence Photo by Moller (Leary and Houze 1983)

  25. Essential in the development of new cells, and hence the longevity of multicell clusters, is the interaction between the cold pool and low level ambient shear

  26. single-cell vs multicell storms: effect of LL shear no shear shear balance between baroclinic & ambient horizontal vorticity leads to deeper ascent – more likley above the LFC (Rotunno, Klemp, Wilhelmson 1987, known as the RKW theory)

  27. multicell simulation 5 km updraft (color) -1K q’ (contour)

  28. 8.4 Supercell Thunderstorms Fig. 8.16 Fig. 8.15 • Supercell thunderstorms are defined as having a sustained deep-tropospheric updraft ~coincident with a mid-level vorticity maximum • They are typically ‘severe’ (strong horizontal wind gusts, large hail, flash flood, and/or tornadoes) • They are rare (<1% in US, <5% in Southern Plains in May), long-lived • They are easily identifiable on radar • Mesocyclone (sometimes TVS) • elongated anvil (to the east), often with a V notch • a hook-shaped flanking line (@ south side for right movers) • bounded weak-echo region (BWER) • reflectivity often suggests hail presence • They form under strong shear • see right: composite hodograph • based on 413 soundings • near cyclonic supercells

  29. Supercell Thunderstorms • occur most frequently in the southern Great Plains in spring. • compared to single cells, supercells are: • longer-lived • larger • organized with separate up- and downdrafts.

  30. Mesocyclone & hook echo 3 May 1999 Moore OK F5 tornado: reflectivity animation radial velocity animation storm motion to the ENE (70°) radar to the south Fig. 8.18

  31. cyclonic supercell storm: visual aspects mesocyclone anvil photo Josh Wurman

  32. LP photo credit: Nguyen

  33. Photo by Bill McCaul low-precipitation supercells

  34. LP supercell

  35. HP photo credit: Nguyen

  36. storm-relative flow in a supercell Fig. 8.23: sfc pressure perturbations (contours – mb), -1K cold pool, rain water @ 1 km (green colors), and updraft @ 1 km (pink) young supercell storm motion composite hodo from ~400 soundings near supercell storms Fig. 8.20 mature supercell

  37. the bounded weak echo region (BWER) RHI Fig. 8.22 Fig. 8.21 in textbook

  38. How does the BWER form ? • As the storm intensifies, the updraft becomes stronger and more erect. • The result are: • the development of mid-level echo overhang (WER) • a tighter reflectivity gradient (hail is most common just north of the WER) • a shift in cloud top position (right above the WER) • These are strong indicators of a dangerously severe storm.

  39. Base scan (0.5°) RHI BWER on radar: range height indicator (RHI) displays 16.5 km echo tops NW SE (source: WSR-88D Operations Training Manual)

  40. BWER using horizontal & vertical slices (e.g., in soloii) south to north west to east Fig. 8.19

  41. BWER & the hail cascade fallspeed of hail as function of diameter D

  42. Storm classification summaryvariables:buoyancy and shear profiles

  43. Where do we go from here? • Supercell organization: COMET/METED • Supercell rotation • 8.4.3: mid-level rotation • 8.4.4: low-level rotation • 8.4.5: storm splitting & supercell propagation • homework #3: Weisman: convective storm matrix: buoyancy-shear dependencies. COMET-MetEd module • 9. Mesoscale organization: • Mesoscale Convective Systems: Squall Lines and Bow Echoes (webcast) • MCSs: BAMEX Science Overview • MCV dynamics (Fritsch 1996) • 10. Severe weather hazards: • severe weather & storm environment • tornado dynamics • derechoes: straight line winds

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