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How To Align a Test in Edusoft

How To Align a Test in Edusoft. What does “align a test in Edusoft” mean?. Aligning a test in Edusoft means that a teacher takes a test he/she has already developed and aligns the questions to the Sunshine State Standards, allowing for standards based reporting.

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How To Align a Test in Edusoft

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  1. How To Align a Test in Edusoft Paula Wicker Lake County Schools

  2. What does “align a test in Edusoft” mean? Aligning a test in Edusoft means that a teacher takes a test he/she has already developed and aligns the questions to the Sunshine State Standards, allowing for standards based reporting. Sounds simple, but the implications are monumental if used to drive and differentiate instruction.

  3. What benefit does aligning a test in Edusoft have for a teacher in comparison to the classic paper pencil delivery? The benefits of utilizing the Edusoft system to deliver your tests are huge. Just to name a few… • Ability to print pre-identified answer sheets in seconds for each class • Instantly conducts item analysis on your test items, letting you know: which item was most frequently missed? which wrong answer was chosen most? How difficult was each question? • Shows overall performance on each question and benchmark of each class and of each student • Creates ability groups based on results • Creates worksheets for students who need remediation • Tracks individual student progress on all tests and allows for comparison over time • Allows teacher to instantly view student results and remediate by specific benchmark/s and concepts • Takes the guesswork out of your instruction… the teacher can make data driven decisions on whether to re-teach, remediate, or move on

  4. So Let’s Get Started!

  5. To enter a test that you’ve already created First, go through your test, aligning each question to the benchmark/s it covers and create an answer key

  6. Go to www.edusoft.com >Teacher Tools> Assessments

  7. When you click Assessments, you will get this screen. Click My Tests > Align an Existing Test.

  8. The next screen says Align a Test. Click CONTINUE at the bottom.

  9. Enter test name, and give a general description, such as the test date, or further information. Then click CONTINUE. Leave the Standards Group on the default.

  10. On the next screen, you must choose a standards subject category from the pull-down menu, and then Grade Level and CONTINUE.

  11. Check the standards that will apply to this test. You MUST pick at least ONE. Then click CONTINUE.

  12. Review your standards and add more or CONTINUE.

  13. You will build the test in sections by question type. Start with your first type, ex. multiple choice, enter name of section, # and type of questions, and point value. Then Click CONTINUE.

  14. On the next screen, click the correct answer for each question on your test. You MUST also align each question with one of the standards you chose in the beginning. You may choose to Add More Standards, Add More Questions, or Set Up Question/Answer Labels.

  15. If you choose Set Up Question/Answer Labels, this is the screen you will see. This allows you to change the format of your answer choices.

  16. When you choose finish, it takes you back to this page, choose SAVE & FINISH or START NEXT SECTION if you have another section.

  17. The last screen gives you the option to edit the test. If it is correct, click the Backbutton on the top left to get back to your folders.

  18. This takes you to the Test Details Screen. There are several options on this screen.

  19. Edusoft will generate a PDF answer sheet that you can print and give to your students. When you scan in their bubbled answers, their grades will be recorded in your Reports.

  20. To print Answer Sheets:

  21. Now visit the Edusoft Training & Info Webpage to learn how to create a test IN Edusoft so students can take it online!!!! *If you don’t see the training you need, email us at the address above

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