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Xoserve Change Management: Guiding Principles

This deck outlines the guiding principles for Xoserve's future change management process, including stakeholder engagement and IT change identification, assessment, and scheduling. Industry stakeholders' input is sought before finalizing the mechanics of the process.

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Xoserve Change Management: Guiding Principles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Xoserve Change Management: Guiding Principles

  2. Context • This deck details a set a guiding principles for future change management at Xoserve • The principles set out how Xoserve plans to engage with stakeholders to identify, assess and schedule future IT changes • Xoserve is keen to discuss the principles with industry stakeholders before developing the detailed mechanics of a future change management process • A glossary is also included within the deck to clarify the definition of a number of key terms • Additionally, an indicative process diagram has been drafted to illustrate (at a high level) how the guiding principles could be employed in practice

  3. Glossary of Terms • The table below provides definitions for the key terms used throughout this deck • N.B. The definitions are specific to the context in which the terms are applied within the deck rather than an industry standard definition

  4. Draft Change Management Principles • A draft set of guiding principles for Xoserve’s future change management process are detailed below

  5. Draft Change Management Principles

  6. Release Management High Level Process • The diagram below applies the guiding principles outlined on slides 4 & 5 into a high level process • The diagram shows a planning cycle and delivery cycle. In practice both planning and delivery would operate in a given year with the planning in year 1 defining the delivery in year 2 CP1 Baselined CP1 Lock Down / CP2 Baselined CP2 Lockdown Target Release Date CP1 Impact Assessment (IA) CP1 Exception Process CP2 Exception Process Continuous Delivery Stream CP2 IA Change Package CP Demand definition soft deadline Demand definition cut off CP2 Delivery Exception Process for ‘Fixed Implementation Date’ Change CP1 Delivery • Service development will lead continuous engagement activities with industry stakeholders to develop changes prior to each demand cut off date • Target delivery dates are predefined but not fixed and will be refined following impact assessment. Target delivery dates may vary between delivery years • An on going exception process is needed to manage changes with fixed implementation dates (e.g. Faster Switching). Irrespective of when such a change is raised it will need to be assessed to ascertain the impacts of delivering it by the mandated date. This may necessitate an alteration to an already defined change package (scope or delivery date)

  7. Next steps • Continued engagement with industry stakeholders via the appropriate forums e.g. UKLC • Develop the mechanics of the processes and tools required to operate the future change management process • Employ the newly defined processes and tools for the next major implementation following UK Link Programme go-live

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