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TRUCS – Freitag der 9. Mai 2014

TRUCS – Freitag der 9. Mai 2014. Focus on Essay Writing UM/ZU Clauses. Um/ Zu clauses. Um Geld zu sparen. In order to: Save money Protect her family Find freedom Pay reparations Visit the west. Um ihre Familie zu schützen. Um Frieden zu finden. Um Entschädigungen zu bezahlen.

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TRUCS – Freitag der 9. Mai 2014

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  1. TRUCS – Freitagder 9. Mai 2014 Focus on Essay Writing UM/ZU Clauses

  2. Um/Zu clauses Um Geld zusparen In order to: • Save money • Protect her family • Find freedom • Pay reparations • Visit the west Um ihreFamiliezuschützen Um Friedenzufinden Um Entschädigungenzubezahlen Um den Westenzubesuchen

  3. Ohne/Zu clauses ohnezubezahlen • Without paying • Without knowing • Without sleeping • Without thinking 5. Without eating ohnezuwissen ohnezuschlafen ohnezudenken ohnezuessen

  4. Jetztallein – Arbeitsblat – Construct the um/zu or ohne/zu clauses for the following • I went to bed without eating dinner. • I worked in order to make money. • I went running in order to lose weight (abnehmen). • I slept without dreaming (träumen) 5. I went to taco bell in order to buy a waffle-taco Jichging ins BettohneAbendessenzuessen. Icharbeitete um Geld zuverdienen. Ich bin rennen (laufen) gegangen um abzunehmen. Ichschliefohnezuträumen. Ichgingzu taco bell um eine Waffle-taco zuessen.

  5. Sentence examples: In your groups, construct 5 sentences from your section of Die Lisa “using in order to” and 5sentences “without”IN ENGLISH Beispiel: Lisa made clothes from soldiers uniforms in order to give her family food. Without eating, Hans died of starvation. (Ohnezuessen, starb Hans von Hungergrippe)

  6. Jetzt auf Deutsch!ÜbersetztedeineSätze!! Beispiel: Lisa made clothes from soldiers uniforms in order to feed her family LisamachteKlamottenausSoldatenuniformen um ihreFamiliezufüttern.

  7. DernächsteSchritt!-Add conjunctions (weil, dass, deshalb, sondern, aber, etc.) use a different conjunction each time! Lisa made clothes from soldiers uniforms in order to feed her family, because they were poor. LisamachteKlamottenausSoldatenuniformen um ihrerFamiliezufüttern , weilsie arm waren.

  8. DernächsteSchritt!-Add conjunctions. Add a conjunction clause to 5 of um/zu and 5 of your englishohne/zu sentences!

  9. DernächsteSchritt!-Relative clauses! • Add a relative clause to 5 of your um/zu clause and 5 of your ohne/zu clauses!

  10. DernächsteSchritt!-Relative clauses! • Lisa, who had no husband, made clothing out of soldier uniforms in order to feed her family • Lisa, die keinen Mann hatte, machteKlamottenausSoldatenuniformen um ihreFamiliezufüttern.

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