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Ceramics for Next Generation Energy Systems Rajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR 1008600.
Ceramics for Next Generation Energy SystemsRajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR 1008600 Outcome: Researchers at the University of Washington, in collaboration with colleagues in France, are developing hierarchical porosity, composite ceramics for next generation energy conversion and storage. Impact: These materials will enable significant improvements for a range of energy systems including fuel cells and batteries, leading to lower fuel use and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. LSM YSZ Explanation: To probe the insides of their materials, Dr. Bordia’s group uses high energy ions to cut thin slices out of their ceramic electrodes while taking high resolution pictures after each cut, similar to an MRI. By stacking these images together researchers are able to create 3D images. In collaboration with Dr. Martin at CNRS, Grenoble, France, Dr. Bordia’s group is using techniques like this to design and process hierarchical, anisotropic porous ceramics with optimized microstructures for next generation energy conversion and storage systems. Top: 3D reconstruction of the wall of a directionally aligned, porous cathode sintered at 1200°C. Bottom: 3D connectivity of the three cathode phases. (Courtesy F. Charlot, A Lichtner, C. Martin and R. Bordia)
Aligned Pores in SOFC Cathode: Microstructure ControlsRajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR 1008600 A directional freeze-casting technique has been implemented in the Bordia lab for active ceramics used in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). The effect of processing parameters on the final composite ceramic microstructure was extensively studied. Using these results, the researchers can predictably make a wide range of microstructures and thus have the ability to tailor microstructures for desired properties. As a part of this project, the international team will integrate experimental and simulation research to predict, make and evaluate porous composite electrodes for SOFCs with optimal microstructures. Left: Effect of solidification velocity on the wavelength of the microstructure (distance between pore centers) Right: Control over wall and pore size by controlling the solid loading in the slurry(Courtesy A. Lichtner and R. Bordia)
Outreach: High School Internship, Discovery Days and Math Academy Rajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR 1008600 Engagement of UG, K-12 and local community are an integral of this project. During 2011-12, a high school student interned in the Bordia lab. He designed and built an integrated solar cell and hydrogen fuel cell demo. This program was so successful that the Bordia lab will have two interns during 2012-13. In addition, researchers working on this project have participated in multiple outreach events throughout the year. The two most important ones were the College of Engineering’s Discovery days and the Math Academy. High school student Alexander Pizzirani demonstrates the solar and hydrogen fuel cell model he built in the Bordia lab at the College of Engineering Discovery Days (April 2012). (Courtesy R. Bordia) High school students performed experiments while learning about ceramics and composites as part of the College of Engineering Math Academy (August 2012). (Courtesy R. Bordia)