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LEED Cost & Benefits Habitat for Humanity of Broward

LEED Cost & Benefits Habitat for Humanity of Broward. Perry Ecton Executive Director Habitat for Humanity of Broward Mary Lou Bowman Cubbin Director of Construction Habitat for Humanity of Broward. HFHB Sustainable & Affordable Homeownership Project Knight Plat

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LEED Cost & Benefits Habitat for Humanity of Broward

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  1. LEED Cost & Benefits Habitat for Humanity of Broward Perry Ecton Executive Director Habitat for Humanity of Broward Mary Lou Bowman Cubbin Director of Construction Habitat for Humanity of Broward HFHB Sustainable & Affordable Homeownership Project Knight Plat Product Completion Est. 12-20-12

  2. Habitat for Humanity of Broward was founded in 1983. We have built 336 homes to date.

  3. LEED Certification Cost • HFH of Broward USGBC Annual Membership………………$300 • HFH of Broward USGBC S. FL. Chapter Membership……....$65 • LEED Project Registration w/ USGBC, FTL-91………......…$150 • Contract with a LEED AP/Field Agent..look for a donation..……… ……..$0 • Builder Fee paid to Provider (FSEC) and Field Agent…....$1,400 Preliminary rating $400 + PreDrywall Inspection $400 + Final Rating/Verification $600 • Charrette Builder & green rater + 3 of the following: architect, landscape architect, mechanical engineer, civil engineer, building science professional…look for a donation.. .$0 • HERS Rating………………………………………..……………$250 • TOTAL, excluding materials………….$2,165

  4. Innovation & Design Process 1. Integrated Project Planning 1.1 Preliminary Rating – PREREQ 1.2 Integrated Project Team 1.4 Design Charrette 2. Durability Management Process 2.1 Durability Planning – PREREQ 2.2 Durability Management – PREREQ 3. Innovative or Regional Design

  5. Location & Linkages 1. Site Selection 3. Preferred Locations 3.2 Infill 3.3 Previously Developed 4. Existing Infrastructure 5. Community Resources / Transit 5.2 Extensive 6. Access to Open Space

  6. Sustainable Sites 1. Site Stewardship 1.1 Erosion Controls During Construction – PREREQ 2. Landscaping 2.1 No Invasive Plants – PREREQ 2.5 Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 20% 3. Local Heat Island Effect 4. Surface Water Management 4.1 Permeable Lot 6. Compact Development / Density 6.2 High (4.7 Acres Total)

  7. 2. Irrigation System 2.1 High Efficiency Irrigation System 3. Indoor Water Use 3.1 High-Efficiency Fixtures & Fittings upgrade from 2.5 gpm to 2.0 gpm shower head……….…......$25 Water Efficiency Energy & Atmosphere • 1. Optimize Energy Performance • 1.1 Performance of ENERGY STAR for Homes – PREREQ • HERS rating, noted previously $250 • Good HVAC Design • PREREQ…………….upgrade to energy star thermostat….…….$50 • Lighting Upgrade to CFL light bulbs..………...……….……......$28 • 11. Residential Refrigerant Management • 11.1 Refrigerant Charge Test – PREREQ • 11.2 Appropriate HVAC Refrigerants

  8. Materials & Resources 1. Material-Efficient Framing 1.1 Framing Order Waste Factor Limit – PREREQ 1.3 Detailed Cut List & Lumber Order 2. Environmentally Preferable Products 2.1 FSC Certified Tropical Wood – PREREQ 2.2 Environmentally Preferable Products 3. Waste Management 3.1 Construction Waste Management Planning – PREREQ Upgraded to SWS “Recycle” dumpster……………………..….$60 3.2 Construction Waste Reduction

  9. Indoor Environmental Quality 2. Combustion Venting 2.1 Basic Combustion Venting Measures – PREREQ 2.2 Enhanced Combustion Measures 4. Outdoor Air Ventilation 4.1 Basic Outdoor Air Ventilation – PREREQ 5. Local Exhaust 5.1 Basic Local Exhaust – PREREQ Upgrade to energy star bathroom exhaust fans…..…..$232 Range hood vented to outside……………………....…..$226 6. Distribution of Space Heating & Cooling 6.1 Room-by-Room Load Calculations – PREREQ

  10. Indoor Environmental Quality (cont.) 7. Air Filtering 7.1 Good – PREREQ upgrade A/C filter to Merv 8…………………………….$2 8. Contaminant Control 8.1 Indoor Contaminant Control During Construction 10. Garage Pollutant Protection 10.1 No HVAC in Garage – PREREQ 10.4 Detached Garage or No Garage

  11. Awareness & Education 1. Education of the Homeowner or Tenant 1.1 Basic Operations Training – PREREQ 1.3 Public Awareness added USGBC sign on site…………………………………$85 TOTAL, additional materials……………………………..……..$708 GRAND TOTAL………………………………………….….….$2873 SILVER LEED RATING

  12. Total Project Cost! $5.7 Million Value 4 Bedroom $111,000 3 Bedroom $109,000 1st Mortgage 4 Bedroom $49,500 3 Bedroom $47,500 2nd Mortgage 15-Year Grant Forgivable 3 or 4 Bedroom $54,500 3rd Mortgage 5-Year Grant Forgivable 3 or 4 Bedroom $7,000 Average Monthly Payment $685 Includes: Principle, Taxes, Insurance and HOA

  13. Thank You!

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