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Ninth Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE 9)

Setting the Scene: ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011. Ninth Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE 9). Chris Dijkens Chair, Steering Committee on Environmental Emergencies. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011. AGEE 9.

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Ninth Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE 9)

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  1. Setting the Scene: ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 Ninth Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE 9) Chris Dijkens Chair, Steering Committee on Environmental Emergencies

  2. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9 Role of the Steering Committee on Environmental Emergencies to serve as an extension of the larger AGEE, and work more directly and regularly with the Joint Environment Unit in implementing the recommendations of AGEE 8 • Vision 2012 • Review the Guidelines for Environmental Emergencies before the next AGEE • Fundraising strategy for the Trust Fund • Development of an Environmental Emergencies Centre • Preparations for AGEE 9

  3. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9 Main Achievements • 3 meetings: Geneva, The Hague, Manila • Took forward the Thematic Areas of the Rosersberg Initiative 1 Awareness raising, engagement and capacity building 2 International governance system 3 Operational aspects

  4. Awareness raising, engagement and capacity building (TA1) Environmental Emergencies Trainings/Refresher Environmental Emergencies Center Regional approach Singapore Civil Defense Force ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9

  5. International governance systems (TA2) Review of Environmental Emergencies Guidelines Review and internal support to Swiss-led UNEP GC Decision ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9

  6. Operational aspects (TA3) Application of Environmental Emergencies Guidelines ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9

  7. Next Steps Implementation of the UNEP Governing Council Decision Rosersberg Initiative continued Vision 2012 Regional Approach Environmental Emergencies Centre ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9

  8. Future of the Steering Committee SC was established to provide support and guidance for 3 years (until 2012) Advisory Group to decide Should we continue? In what composition? With what ToR? ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE 2009-2011 AGEE 9

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