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Flashcard image. Flashcard image. Funerary mask of Tutankhamun 1327 BC Gold inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones Cairo Museum New Kingdom 18th Dynasty. Ancient Egypt. Timeless Traditions in Art & Architecture. Shows weighing feather of Maat vs. heart of dead

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  1. Flashcard image Flashcard image Funerary mask of Tutankhamun 1327 BC Gold inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones Cairo Museum New Kingdom 18th Dynasty

  2. Ancient Egypt Timeless Traditions in Art & Architecture Shows weighing feather of Maat vs. heart of dead Annubis balances scale, Horus takes Ka to Isis Afterlife guide to help transition Painted papyrus Found in tombs Excerpt from the Book of the Dead, New Kingdom flashcard

  3. Geography & Ancient Egypt • Nile River - floods, fertile Delta • Farming, irrigation systems • Complex political systems developed • Seas & deserts protected the civilization from invaders… stable civilization for thousands of years • Very advanced civilization

  4. How does Ancient Egypt compare with other civilizations? • http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/?period=02&region=afe • http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/?period=02&region=wam

  5. How does Ancient Egypt compare with other civilizations? Votive Statue, 2700 BCE Ancient Near East Sumer Detail of Head of Khafre, 2490 BCE (from Temple/Pyramid)

  6. How does Ancient Egypt compare with other civilizations? Votive Statue, 2700 BC Ancient Near East Sumer Ziggurat of Ur, 3100 BCE Great Pyramids of Giza, 2500 BCE

  7. Why do we know so much about Ancient Egypt? • Dry climate, tombs = survival of art & artifacts • Rosetta stone - decoded language • Herodotus- Greek historian, 500 BC (religious) • Menathos’ list, 3rd century BCE- grouped kings into dynasties between 3000 & 300 BCE • Strabo visited Alexandria, 100 BC • Emperor Hadrian of Rome-took antiquities in 130 AD • Middle ages - Bible studies • 1798-99: Napoleon - military & scholarly visits • Archaelogical excavations & POPULAR interest ever since!!

  8. Flashcard image Rosetta Stone 196 BC Religious decree of Pharoah Talmee (Cleopatra) Greek, demotic, hieroglyphic writing 20 yrs to decipher

  9. Rosetta Stone • Jean Francois Champillon, French linguist & Dr. Thomas Young, English scientist… found Cleopatra’s name on the stone • Discovered in early 1800s, took years to decode • Champillon spoke Coptic, figured out sounds, which led to birth of Egyptology

  10. Stone Writing…. • Rosetta Stone 196 BC • Stele of Hamurrabi from 1750 BC

  11. Egyptian Iconography Scepter, 1960s, Ghana

  12. Egypt United: Old Kingdom Begins in 3000 BCE • Dynasty I : Palette of King Narmer • In pre-dynastic Egypt, each village had own gods • King Narmer united upper & lower Egypt (see crown symbols united)

  13. Palette of King Narmer, 3000-2920 BCE Commemorates unification of Egypt Conquered march dwellers Hierarchy of scale Hierakonpolis / Egyptian Museum, Cairo Flashcard image

  14. Palette of Nar-mer Side 2 Goddess Hathor on both sides-Horus helping King Marching to view headless bodies Long necked lions symbolize unification Eye makeup well on palette

  15. Palette of Narner Firsts Depicted figure in twisted perspective… lasted 3000 yrs Low relief sculpture in registers with groundlines (1st in Egyptian art) Unifed Egypt; depicted beginning of the Old Kingdom; transition away from Paleolithic farming villages Religious iconography.

  16. Palette of Narmer 3000 BCE Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, 2621 BCE

  17. Palette of Naner 3000 BCE Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, 2621 BCE

  18. Egyptian figurative conventions Used for approximately 3000 yrs Twisted Perspective REMEMBER THE ART MADE THE WORLD VIDEO??? How does this perspective reflect their culture and civilization????

  19. Pyramids & Tombs • 80 pyramids were built • Began with the Mastaba (means Bench).. Mud brick tombs used in the Old Kingdom • Egyptians believed that Isis ruled the underworld and judged dead souls; Ka lived forever • Death & resurrection • Important to preserve/mummify bodies and to provide for life in the next world

  20. Significant: 1st large scale building EVER in world Stepped Pyramid of Djoser, III Dynasty. , 2630 BCE 1st large scale stone building in world, build over mastaba. 14 gateways, facades of buildings. Columns mimicked bunches of reed with papyrus tops.

  21. Flashcard image - Great Pyramids of Giza IV Dynasty (Old Kingdom) Khafre, Khufu, Menkaure. Granite and limestone Size: height of pyramid of Khufu, 450' (137 m)

  22. How Pyramids Were Built • http://touregypt.net/construction/construc.htm 2 million blocks, 1-2 tons each! How did they get them up there?

  23. Great Sphinx, believed to be a portrait of Khafre. Originally painted & had a beard.

  24. Valley temple of Khafre

  25. Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty Medium: Graywacke with traces red & black paint 54½ inches high Date: Fourth Dynasty (ruled 2490–2472 BCE) OLD KINGDOM Source/Museum: from Giza / Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Harvard University–MFA Expedition Flashcard image Equal scale Embrace Sheer dress on Queen

  26. Pepy II and His Mother, Queen Ankhnes-Meryre Egyptian alabaster 15¼ X 9 13/16" Date: Sixth Dynasty, c. 2323–2152 BCE Source/Museum: The Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York She ruled until he was old enough, carved more naturalistically Arms posed away from side.. Less permanence

  27. Shows how different classes were portrayed. Much smaller than statues of Pharoahs, etc. (21” vs life size or over sized” Limestone, not more elegant materials Seated Scribe (FLASHCARD) Painted limestone; eyes of rock crystal mounted in copper Size: height 21" Date: Fifth Dynasty, c. 2450–2325 BCE OLD KINGDOM Musée du Louvre, Paris

  28. The Middle Kingdom • 1975-1640 BCE (intermediate thru 1520) • Mentuhop (11th Dynasty) kings reunited Egypt. • Powerful, unified govt w/ strong military • Arts & literature flourished • Portraiture became more sensitive & realistic

  29. Head of Senusret III Yellow quartzite 17¾ X 13½ X 17" Middle Kingdom Twelfth Dynasty, c. c. 1836–1818 BCE More realistic Looks tired, older Dynamic King who led 4 expeditions into Nubia; overhauled administration

  30. Rock-cut tombs, Beni Hasan. Middle Kingdom Date: Twelfth Dynasty, c. 1938–1755 BCE

  31. “May the sun god give eternal life to Senusret II” … ankh, falcons, cobras, Ra… Pectoral of Senusret II, Gold and semiprecious stones Date: Twelfth Dynasty, c 1938–1755 (ruled c 1842–1837 BCE) Tomb of Princess Sithathoryunet, el-Lahun. / The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

  32. Hippopotamus, Middle Kingdom, 12th dynasty. Made of faience. Goddess Taweret?

  33. Stele of Amemhat I, 12th Dynasty (Middle Kingdom)… Portrays daily family life. Found in his tomb. 11” x 15”

  34. The New Kingdom • 1539-1075 BCE • Hykkos invaded; 18th Dynasty reunited kingdom • Thutmose III (1st Pharoah) expanded Egypt into present day Syria • Trade with near East • Built New Kingdom Temples & tombs to glorify kings / Pharoahs

  35. Ruins of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, Egypt (New Kingdom, 1579 BCE)

  36. Symmetrical & Axial Design (processional path) Covered area size of 60 football fields; hypostyle hall w/ lots of columns Statues of gods clothed and “fed” daily by priests Added to by various Pharoahs; sacred lake, coronation rooms

  37. Flower & Bud columns Hypostyle Hall Great Temple of Amun at Karnak http://dlib.etc.ucla.edu/projects/Karnak/experience/IntroductionToTheTempleOfKarnak/1

  38. Queen Hatshepsut Enthroned New Kingdom, 1473-1458 BCE FLASHCARD IMAGE 20 year reign, 1st female Pharoah portrayed in art Sometimes shown as male w/false beard Led diplomacy with Punt Built incredible funerary temple positioned against high cliffs, oriented towards Karnak

  39. Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Deir El-Bahri 1473 BCE (New Kingdom)

  40. Fowling Scene, Tomb of Nebamum, 1400 BCE (New King.), fragment of wall painting, British Museum Flashcard image, not in book • 18th dynasty • Suggests distance & movement • Animals, butterflies naturalistic • Wife/daughter smaller than Nebamum (hierarchy of scale) • Hieroglyphic: enjoying himself and seeing beauty, (Forever young?) • Marsh symbolizes rebirth • Cat can symbolize deity hunting enemies of light and order

  41. Amarna Period: Revolution in Art and Religion • 1353-1336 BCE • Changed name to Akhenaten (one who is effective for Aten, a god) • 1st Monotheist in Egypt: Worshipped Aten (sun god) • New capital in Tell el-Amarna • Changed typical Egyptian figurative style in artworks • Promoted glass making

  42. Akhenaten, Colossal Figure, located at Temple of Karnak (16 ‘ tall) Long face, thin neck, swollen belly, somewhat androgynous looking. Built temples to Aten.. Sun disk, open courtyards Wife Queen Nefertiti was priestess Truth (Maat) emphasized… more realistic artwork and informal situations.

  43. How is this Relief so Different? Akhenaten & his Family, 1353 BCE (New Kingdom), painted limestone sunken relief

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