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Word of the Day

Words 11-20. Word of the Day. Using and understanding Greek & Latin roots and strong verbs. bungle I watched the football player bungle the ball when he tried to catch it. b ungle-(verb). d o or make in a clumsy, unskilled way.

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Word of the Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Words 11-20 Word of the Day Using and understanding Greek & Latin roots and strong verbs

  2. bungleI watched the football player bungle the ball when he tried to catch it.

  3. bungle-(verb) do or make in a clumsy, unskilled way

  4. flexibleThose who take dance classes are often more flexible than others.

  5. flexible flex—bend flexible—able to bend

  6. genderThe survey asked me my gender, so I circled “female.”

  7. gender gen—race gender—identity as a man or a woman

  8. budgeI tried and tried, but I could not get the boulder to budge.

  9. budge-(verb) move even a little

  10. combineI like to combine my mashed potatoes with my peas.

  11. combine-(verb) join two or more things together; unite

  12. geographyIn geography, I learned where each country is located.

  13. geography geo—earth geography—study of the earth

  14. autographI waited in line for hours to get Michael Jordan’s autograph.

  15. autograph graph—write autograph—a signature

  16. challengeI accepted the challenge of training for my first race.

  17. challenge-(verb) a call to a game or contest

  18. dentistThe dentist told me I needed to floss more.

  19. dentist tist—one who, that which dentist—one who treats conditions that affect the teeth and gums

  20. craveI often crave a piece of chocolate after dinner.

  21. crave-(verb) long for greatly; desire strongly

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