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SAIC s Small Business Program

2. Corporate Commitment. SAIC spends significantly on its small business programsPersonnel resourcesSponsorship of small business eventsConducting internal small business forums and other outreach eventsBid

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SAIC s Small Business Program

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Presentation Transcript

    1. SAIC’s Small Business Program June 14, 2007

    2. 2 Corporate Commitment SAIC spends significantly on its small business programs Personnel resources Sponsorship of small business events Conducting internal small business forums and other outreach events Bid & proposal support to encourage teaming with small business Mentoring of small businesses A Corporate Oversight Committee that includes SAIC executives and members of SAIC’s Board of Directors Quarterly review of each organization’s performance with respect to achievement of small business goals Discussion with respect to identifying challenges and possible solutions Development of “Get Well” plans

    3. 3 SAIC’s Small Business Past Performance

    4. 4 Recognition

    5. 5 VOB/SDVOB Initiatives Established MOU with Department of Veterans Affairs in 2004 Established mentor protégé agreements with VOB/SDVOB protégés – currently have 7 protégés Established first DoD mentor-protégé relationship with SDVOB in industry – 2007 Nunn Perry Award winner Conducted Multiple SDVOB Business Development Forums Provided business development and proposal training to VOB/SDVOB firms 50 firms in McLean, VA 40 firms in San Diego, CA Teamed with and provided support to 11 SDVOBs in the GSA VETS RFP – 7 were selected

    6. 6 Subcontracting with VOSBs

    7. 7 Subcontracting with SDVOSBs

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