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Integration Testing for Java EE Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Done Right

Integration Testing for Java EE Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Done Right. Reza Rahman Java EE, GlassFish, WebLogic Evangelist at Oracle Aslak Knutsen Arquillian Project Lead, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY. MEETING ENTERPRISE DEMANDS. Java EE 7.

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Integration Testing for Java EE Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Done Right

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Integration Testing for Java EE Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Done Right Reza Rahman Java EE, GlassFish, WebLogic Evangelist at Oracle Aslak Knutsen Arquillian Project Lead, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat

  2. DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY MEETING ENTERPRISE DEMANDS Java EE 7 Java EE 7 Java Enterprise Platform • Batch • Concurrency • Simplified JMS • More annotated POJOs • Less boilerplate code • Cohesive integrated platform • WebSockets • JSON • Servlet 3.1 NIO • REST 3

  3. Java EE 7 APIs JAX-RS 2* JSP EL 3* JSF 2.2* +JSON-P +WebSocket Servlet 3.1* +Concurrency Interceptors 1.2* Bean Validation 1.1* CDI 1.1* +Batch JTA 1.2* EJB 3.2* JMS 2* JavaMail JPA 2.1* JCA 4

  4. Java EE 7 APIs in WebLogic 12.1.3 JAX-RS 2* JSP EL 3* JSF 2.2* +JSON-P +WebSocket Servlet 3.1* +Concurrency Interceptors 1.2* Bean Validation 1.1* CDI 1.1* +Batch JTA 1.2* EJB 3.2* JMS 2* JavaMail JPA 2.1* JCA 5

  5. Java EE 7 APIs in WebLogic 12.1.3 JAX-RS 2* JSP EL 3* JSF 2.2* +JSON-P +WebSocket Servlet 3.1* +Concurrency Interceptors 1.2* Bean Validation 1.1* CDI 1.1* +Batch JTA 1.2* EJB 3.2* JMS 2* JavaMail JPA 2.1* JCA Enabled by Default 6

  6. Java EE 7 APIs in WebLogic 12.1.3 JAX-RS 2* JSP EL 3* JSF 2.2* +JSON-P +WebSocket Servlet 3.1* +Concurrency Interceptors 1.2* Bean Validation 1.1* CDI 1.1* +Batch JTA 1.2* EJB 3.2* JMS 2* JavaMail PRE_CLASSPATHAdjustment/Patch JPA 2.1* JCA Enabled by Default 7

  7. Java EE 7 APIs in WebLogic 12.1.3 Deployed as Shared Library JAX-RS 2* JSP EL 3* JSF 2.2* +JSON-P +WebSocket Servlet 3.1* +Concurrency Interceptors 1.2* Bean Validation 1.1* CDI 1.1* +Batch JTA 1.2* EJB 3.2* JMS 2* JavaMail PRE_CLASSPATHAdjustment/Patch JPA 2.1* JCA Enabled by Default 8

  8. WebLogic 12.1.3 Maven Support Maven plug-in Installation, domain configuration, start/stop, configure resources, deploy/un-deploy Maven artifacts Installed in a local repository Automatic synchronization Maven archetypes Development productivity

  9. Arquillian so you can rule the code, not the bugs!

  10. Flexible Flexible

  11. Extensible

  12. How does this all work?

  13. Setup Maven, Gradle, Ant(+ivy)

  14. <dependencyManagement> <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.arquillian</groupId> <artifactId>arquillian-bom</artifactId> <version>1.1.5.Final</version> <scope>import</scope> <type>pom</type> </dependency> </dependencyManagement>

  15. <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.arquillian.junit</groupId> <artifactId>arquillian-junit-container</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>

  16. <profile> <id>arq-weblogic</id> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.arquillian.container</groupId> <artifactId>arquillian-wls-remote-12.1</artifactId> <version>${version.weblogic}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </profile>

  17. ShrinkWrap Deployment + Resolver + Descriptors

  18. ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class) .addClasses(x) .addPackages(x.z) ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class) .addAsLibraries(x) .addAsWebInfResource(x) .setWebXML(z) ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class) .addAsModules(war, jar) .setApplicationXML(x)

  19. Maven.resolver() .loadPomFromFile("pom.xml") .resolve("x:y", "x:y:1.0") .withTransitivity() .asFile()

  20. Descriptors.create(WebAppDescriptor.class) .metadataComplete(true) .version("2.5") .createServlet() .servletName(EchoServlet.class.getSimpleName()) .servletClass(EchoServlet.class.getName()).up() .createServletMapping() .servletName(EchoServlet.class.getSimpleName()) .urlPattern(EchoServlet.URL_PATTERN).up() .exportAsString()

  21. WebLogic/Java EE Integration Testing Demo https://github.com/m-reza-rahman/testing-weblogic

  22. Q&A

  23. Learning More • Java EE 7 Tutorials • http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/tutorial/doc/home.htm • Java EE 7 and More on WebLogic 12.1.3 (The Aquarium) • https://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/entry/java_ee_7_support_comes • Arquillian • http://arquillian.org

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