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Unlocks The Secret to Annihilating Back Pain For Good...

The Back Pain SOS is a back pain relief program that comprises movements, postures, random stretching exercises, and other physical activities needed to relieve body pain. Additionally, the program's efficiency is based on a value method known as Sequential Oxygen System (SOS). The SOS system opens up the hypoxia cells and regulates the amount of oxygen in your body. The truth is, if you stretch your body in a certain kind of way, there will be internal adjustments, and the level of blood flow will increase. This program was created using tactics known as sacra plexus. Back Pain SOS helps make

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Unlocks The Secret to Annihilating Back Pain For Good...

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  1. This Ancient "Poop Protocol" Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain... In Just 90 Seconds This Ancient "Poop Protocol" Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain... In Just 90 Seconds PROVEN EFFECTIVE: For Olympic Weightlifters, PROVEN EFFECTIVE: For Olympic Weightlifters, Black Belt Martial Artists, & Special Ops Warriors... Black Belt Martial Artists, & Special Ops Warriors... And thousands of everyday citizens And thousands of everyday citizens Struggling with chronic back pain, sciatica, and Struggling with chronic back pain, sciatica, and herniated disks herniated disks No one saw the massive speed bump... until it was too late. Crrrraaaacccckkkk! We hit the hidden obstacle at 60 mph... BEFORE the city's street crew could paint it with bright yellow "alert" stripes or put up warning signs. x By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of cookies. More information about cookies.  I Agree SEC U R E OR D ER  

  2. SEC U R E OR D ER   This meant... I had of몭cially entered the "Pain Maze" - where chronic, debilitating back pain would haunt me... with no exit in sight. I felt like I was going round and round in circles... Spending countless hours and thousands of dollars on so called "back pain specialists". And yet... no one really knew how to to help me 몭nd the exit out of the confusing "Pain Maze". That freak accident... stole my life from me. Until... I met an Olympic Recovery Specialist during a trip to Europe. I'll introduce him to you in just a minute. Prefer to Read More about "Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain.."

  3. He showed me a simple, albeit strange, 90-second stretch that was part of an ancient "poop pose". However strange that might sound at 몭rst, it's hard to argue with the results. This is the exact 90-second stretch this Olympic Recovery Specialist used... To help injured and hurting Olympic weightlifters go from the "sidelines"... To the medal platform in the 2012 Olympics. It's a movement that's so easy to master, you'll be able to 몭nd relief ANYWHERE. What's more, it doesn't matter what kind of shape you're in OR how old you are. Because this 90-second stretch targets the "Control Center" of your back.

  4. Center" of your back. This "Control Center" is the Grand Central Station of connection for virtually every muscle, tendon, and nerve throughout your back. And once you discover how simple it is to target your back's "Control Center", that's when you start to get your young, healthy, and most importantly... PAIN- FREE back... back. What he taught me... turned back the clock... to when I was a twenty-something in college. I went from being in bed nearly 23-hours a day... with debilitating back pain... To actually Dancing again ... Gardening... and Cooking... again.

  5. I've FINALLY got my life back. Hi, my name is Izabella Stambulski. And I want you to know that if you feel lost and alone inside the "Pain Maze"... Your'e not alone...

  6. And it certainly isn't your fault that the specialists you've looked to for help... and for answers... have only caused you to lose hop e... while keeping you DEEP in Pain Maze. There's a sad but true reason Western Medicine has so completely and utterly failed the ever-growing American population struggling with chronic back pain. But... the good news is this: The information I'll share with you today in this free report... Has the power to guide you out of the Pain Maze you're

  7. Has the power to guide you out of the Pain Maze you're living in... right now. Just like it did for me... after my car accident. And just like it has for thousands of Americans. And just like it did for the Olympic weightlifters I mentioned earlier. You see, these elite athletes had punished their backs in training... Far beyond the skill of "traditional Western Medicine". And as a result... They were relegated to the sidelines. Much like how you probably feel right now. Now, most Olympians punish their bodies daily: muscles, joints, tendons, and spine... as they chase their dreams of Olympic glory... But Olympic weightlifters?

  8. They take the cake when it comes to vicious routines that push their bodies BEYOND the breaking point. So, if this simple stretch takes Olympians from the sidelines... Where they thought their dreams were over... Straight to the podium... and the sheer joy of Olympic glory... Imagine... what it can... and will... do for you. Even if right now... the pain is so bad you can't even bend over to pick up a smiling child , plant beautiful

  9. 몭owers in your yard, or take your dog for a walk . Even if you've already spent thousands of dollars on experts and specialists... and tried every medication and alternative remedy in the book... Even if you've begged the heavens with your "SOS" - for just an hour or two of relief... And... even if you're suffering from crippling sciatica or a dreaded herniated disc . You. Are. Not. Alone. I walked every inch of that long, painful, and exhausting road , too. And I want to help guide you through the maze of back pain that's plaguing our nation right now. Prefer to Read More about "Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain.."

  10. back pain that's plaguing our nation right now. Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing the things you love... but haven't done since your chronic back pain began. Imagine rough-housing with the bright-eyed, adorable, giggling children in your life. Imagine being so free from pain... that you wouldn't hesitate to skydive , if that's what made your heart sing. Imagine the freedom of not being limited by the

  11. scourge of back pain. Imagine having your young back... back. So... right now... I have a very important question for you. What if there was a simple way out of the Pain Maze ? An at-home solution to the epidemic of chronic back pain, sciatica, and even herniated disks... A solution that won't drain your bank account... Or require you to pop the latest... and quite possibly addicting... pill. A solution that won't require hours upon hours of therapy... waiting room visits... or encounters with specialists that only give you false hope.

  12. What if all it required... was just 12 minutes of your time? Wouldn't you want a 12-Minute, At-Home Solution to your never-ending back pain? Then I invite you, for the sake of your health... and happiness... to watch this free report... all the way to the end. In it I will reveal everything you need to know to 몭nally 몭nd relief from endless back pain... so you can get your young back... back. You see... Complete, and total resolution of my chronic back pain was way more simple and accessible... Than I ever could have imagined. I had a trip to Europe on my calendar to visit my son who

  13. was getting his master's degree... And I had plans to connect with old friends there as well. The moment I got off the plane, my girlfriend saw me struggle down the tarmac like a decrepit old woman. Her jaw hit the 몭oor, as her eyes, wide like saucers, 몭lled with tears. "My sweet Izabella", she said, "I've already made an appointment for you." There was steel in her voice... "You will NOT leave my city in this much pain." The very next day, she introduced me to the Olympic Recovery Specialist I mentioned earlier. His name is Virgil Pruteanu.

  14. And as I limped into his of몭ce, he smiled at me with compassion... and with a con몭dence that began to give me hope. His con몭dence was well-founded! As I walked in, I saw photo after photo of smiling faces... They were everyday people that had found the "Pain Maze" exit... for good.

  15. Success Stories - EVERYWHERE Success Stories - EVERYWHERE Like Joana S., who said: "I didn't think I could ever walk again like I did before the "I didn't think I could ever walk again like I did before the accident. Thanks to you, I accident. Thanks to you, I CAN!" CAN!" Or Michaela M., who gushed: "I was diagnosed with 'untreatable' lumbar scoliosis. "I was diagnosed with 'untreatable' lumbar scoliosis. After only one session, I feel After only one session, I feel great. This helped me move great. This helped me move again. Well done Virgil!" again. Well done Virgil!"

  16. I was hoping beyond hope... I might become one of them. But before I experienced that amazing breakthrough for myself... Virgil had to break through a handful of back pain lies I had so strongly believed in... for years. In fact, Virgil helped me destroy 3 Olympic-Sized Back Pain Lies.

  17. These lies kept me imprisoned in my "Pain Maze," and worse... they kept me from living the life I WANTED to live. These 3 Lies Keep You Locked in the Pain Maze These 3 Lies Keep You Locked in the Pain Maze Now, if you still haven't found the exit of the "Pain Maze"... don't be too hard on yourself. The Healthcare System in America... even though it's the most "advanced" in the world... has been broken for YEARS. Also, keep in mind that these are the same lies The Back Pain Industry... has held up as "gospel truth"... for decades.

  18. Like Mark Twain said, "A lie can travel halfway around the world... While the "A lie can travel halfway around the world... While the truth is still putting on its shoes." truth is still putting on its shoes." But... as of right now, you'll FINALLY be able see through these lies... and expose them for yourself. Just as Virgil did as the lead Back Health -Trainer for a team of Olympic weightlifters in the 2012 London Games... Now... here are the 3 "Back Pain Lies" I hope you never fall for again. LIE #1: Chronic Back Pain Is Like Death & Taxes - You Just Have Learn to Live With It LIE #1: Chronic Back Pain Is Like Death & Taxes - You Just Have Learn to Live With It "Thanks Virgil, this is a miracle! I almost forgot how to "Thanks Virgil, this is a miracle! I almost forgot how to smile. I thought I just needed to smile. I thought I just needed to get used to this pain. You managed to 몭x my spondylosis. Thank you and I You managed to 몭x my spondylosis. Thank you and I strongly recommend this." ~ Anisoara I. strongly recommend this." ~ Anisoara I. get used to this pain. "Well done! Thanks to you, I'm entirely functional again." "Well done! Thanks to you, I'm entirely functional again." ~ Carmen B. ~ Carmen B. In just a minute, I'll tell you about Dimitri, one of Virgil's patients. Like me, he'd suffered debilitating back pain caused by an accident... Prefer to Read More about "Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain.."

  19. And was told he just had to "learn to manage it" with pills and a wheelchair. Dimitri was imprisoned for 6 long years... Until he discovered Virgil's all-natural, back-pain- correcting system. The result? Let's just say the transformation... is of BIBLICAL proportions! Like Dimitri, "learning to live with it"... and "managing the pain with pills"... was the lie I had believed up until I met Virgil.

  20. You Don't Have to Just "Live With It" You Don't Have to Just "Live With It" But unfortunately, this is how the system is set up... it gets you chasing an endless chain of interventions... which ultimately prove to be ineffective at best... And massively harmful at worst. Which leads people to believe their chronic back pain... is a life sentence. Check out this shocking news report that exposed how the existing healthcare system is rigged to perpetuate this lie: "Pain Management" techniques like Rx Meds, joint blocks, epidurals, disc procedures, and ligament injections increased by 95% 95% in the 5 years between 1998 and 2003.

  21. What's worse, those same techniques and procedures more than doubled... to 222% 222% in the same 5 years... within the Medicare population! How sinister is it... that the Back Pain Industry targets the aging generation, taking even GREATER advantage of us?

  22. In Cahoots With The Opioid Industry In Cahoots With The Opioid Industry What's worse, the Back Pain Industry is in bed with the Opioid Industry... A "solution" with two catastrophic problems. Check this out. Problem 1: Pain Pills ONLY treat the symptoms of the problem... not the CAUSE. And, as you'll see in just a minute, even if they're anti- in몭ammatories (NSAIDs), these pills interrupt your body's natural healing process... And keep you in a perpetual state of pain... and dependence. Problem 2: Pain relievers... can be deadly. The Opioid Dependency Crisis has reached epidemic proportions here in the US.

  23. Americans. Are. Addicted. Americans. Are. Addicted. And get this... opioids are 80-100 times stronger... and more addictive... than MORPHINE! Fentanyl, the most common synthetic opioid, was developed speci몭cally for the "Pain Management" industry that LOVES repeat "customers!" It's easy to see why Americans account for nearly ⅓ of the world's fentanyl consumption. And... it's obvious that the Back Pain Industry... has no interest in you ACTUALLY becoming pain-free...

  24. Opioids = 3X More Deadly Than Heroin Opioids = 3X More Deadly Than Heroin Even though opioids kill 3x as many Americans as heroin! In fact, Opioid abuse claims 130 American lives... every single day. Yet prescribing pills continues to be OPTION#1 for the Back Pain Industry. In 2014, 2 opioid prescriptions were given out... for every 3 Americans. If you've ever been handed pills... and were told it was the solution to your back pain... I do not blame you for feeling massively taken advantage of...

  25. I know I did when I started to see this lie for what it is! It's no wonder the Back Pain Industry wants to silence simple, all-natural success stories like mine! Chronic Back Pain IS Reversible Chronic Back Pain IS Reversible Listen... contrary to the Back Pain Industry's lie, chronic back pain is NOT just something you have to learn to "manage" with a life-stealing prescription. It IS reversible! It IS reversible! You DON'T just have to learn to "manage the pain" and "live with it."

  26. You see, after just 1 encounter with Virgil's all-natural System... I was 몭nally WALKING... PAIN-FREE! I was no longer experiencing the sharp, stabbing, and searing pain I had struggled with for MONTHS. And the joy I felt the day I became pain-free... It's simply hard to 몭nd the words. "Walking, Leaping, & Dancing for Joy" "Walking, Leaping, & Dancing for Joy" Well, I'm sure you can imagine for yourself... How ecstatic you'd be... if right now... in this very moment... all you felt was lightness and ease in your body. Now... It was during that 몭rst visit with Virgil that he told me about Dimitri. Imprisoned in a wheelchair for 6 years... after falling victim to the Back Pain Industry's assault on his back with pills, injections, and surgery. He'd 몭nally been told he'd just have to "learn to live with it"...

  27. That his chronic back pain was permanent and irreversible. He had a medicine cabinet chock-full of dangerous prescriptions... so many it was hard to keep track of. But... through Virgil's all-natural System, Dimitri was able to see through this vicious lie... ditch his wheelchair... and start walking again. I Can Only Imagine... I Can Only Imagine... Can you imagine what Dimitri felt as he started walking again for the 몭rst time in 6 years??? I imagine he felt like the lame man Jesus healed! Now... can you imagine what your life will feel like when you're able to dissolve the belief that you'll have to "learn to live with pain" or forever have to "manage pain"?

  28. to live with pain" or forever have to "manage pain"? If you've believed your chronic back pain is permanent... Forever your fate... Please know this: it's NOT true! And it's NOT your fault for believing so! It's the result of a well-run, 몭nancially-incentivised, pharmaceutical propaganda campaign that's been horribly successful in keeping MILLIONS imprisoned to outdated protocols and back pain meds... for DECADES! "I'm a different woman thanks to Virgil. I had suffered for "I'm a different woman thanks to Virgil. I had suffered for a long time with a herniated disc. After only one session I a long time with a herniated disc. After only one session I felt great. All the other methods I tried (pain pills, felt great. All the other methods I tried (pain pills, injections, all kinds of procedures and anti-in몭ammatory injections, all kinds of procedures and anti-in몭ammatory drugs) didn't help at all and were so drugs) didn't help at all and were so expensive. I feel so very good now. I want to thank Virgil from the bottom of very good now. I want to thank Virgil from the bottom of my heart and I warmly recommend what he teaches." ~ my heart and I warmly recommend what he teaches." ~ Liliana O. Liliana O. expensive. I feel so You see, there is HOPE... and it comes in the form of one of THE MOST COMMON molecules on planet earth... It's the single most UNCOMMON MOLECULE present in your back... when it comes to chronic back pain... And I'll tell you everything you need to know about this one molecule... in just a minute. Prefer to Read More about "Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain.."

  29. But 몭rst, you need to buckle your seatbelt for Back Pain LIE #2. It has to do with the "mysterious source" of just about every instance of chronic back pain that you can think of! LIE #2: Finding The True Source of Back Pain... is Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack LIE #2: Finding The True Source of Back Pain... is Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack I'm sure you've been told 몭nding lasting relief for your chronic back pain is a long, confusing, and exhausting journey. And that's likely what's brought you to this free presentation today. Like most people struggling with chronic back pain... It can feel like you're in a maze... going round and round...

  30. Seeing one specialist after another... Bouncing from one approach to the next... Trying muscle relaxers, anti-in몭ammatories, and prescription meds, experimenting with dangerous injections... Or even try drinking strange concoctions like SCORPION VENOM like I did! While never 몭nding a lasting solution. The Solution... Is "Sacred" The Solution... Is "Sacred" But... what if the answer wasn't nearly as complex and mysterious as all those specialists have made it seem? What if I told you there's ONE REGION... about 9 inches

  31. square... That actually holds the ONE key... to unlocking back pain... no matter where it's found in your back? Take a look at this illustration Virgil showed me in his of몭ce. Although it looks complicated... It actually reveals... The ONE SPECIFIC area where the majority of your soft tissue (muscles, tendons, and nerves) - connects... The ONE REGION... that unlocks virtually every single instance of back pain. And while the anatomy of the back LOOKS complicated... it truly isn't... Because what causes pain in ALL of us... And thus... what relieves pain in ALL of us... Is not some needle in a haystack.

  32. You just have to know where to look. You just have to know where to look. And Virgil revealed that to me as well. Take a look at this close up of the same illustration. This is considered your back's "Sacral Region."

  33. Or "Sacral Plexus"... The ancient Greeks and Romans... both named the Sacrum "The Holy Bone."

  34. The Sacred "Temple" of Your Back The Sacred "Temple" of Your Back Traditionally recognized as the "Temple" of the back. It's little wonder... when you see how crucial this region is. Now... do you see how "busy" this area is, especially compared to the rest of your back? What Virgil showed me is that this region... functions as the "Control Center" of your back. Virtually every nerve, muscle, and tendon in your back either attaches TO... or passes THROUGH... This all-important Sacral Plexus. How to Control the Control Center How to Control the Control Center Now, here's what's critical for you to understand about this "Control Center." The health of your WHOLE back... DEPENDS on the health of your Sacral Plexus. And in almost ALL of Virgil's patients... 몭xing the problem of back pain... Starts and stops... with your Sacral Complex.

  35. Even if you have sciatic pain shooting down your leg... Or, if pain is radiating up into your neck... That pain... has a connection to your Sacral Plexus. But Virgil noticed something very alarming about chronic back pain... 90% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives. And... Back pain is now the leading cause of disability in people under 45 years old.

  36. Where Back Pain is NON-EXISTENT Where Back Pain is NON-EXISTENT However, Virgil discovered something equally astounding. Chronic back pain is virtually non-existent in non- industrialized, "primitive" cultures. These non-industrialized "primitive" cultures all have ONE POSTURE in common... A culture-wide daily posture... that helps promote the health of the Holy Bone - automatically. It's a daily movement that's part of "everyday life" - and it's helping keep these individuals immune to chronic back pain. You'll also want to know that industrialized countries abandoned this pose centuries ago...

  37. Right when chronic back pain arrived on our shores. The "Skeleton Key" To Chronic Back Pain The "Skeleton Key" To Chronic Back Pain But... the primitive pose Virgil showed me... and I'll tell you about in just a minute... Is the one KEY FIRST STEP... in reversing back pain. THE skeleton key to unlocking your Sacral Plexus... So you can start getting you the pain relief you want, need, and deserve. Finally allowing you to get your young back... back... You see, resolving and eliminating back pain... is simple... even easy... when you know exactly where to start: opening up Your Sacral Plexus. How sad is it... that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans suffering from chronic back pain... are still searching for that needle in a haystack.

  38. What's more... the VAST MAJORITY of Americans STILL haven't been told that virtually every back problem starts and ends... with the Sacral Region. Western Medicine is still held hostage by the powerful Back Pain Industry... who pro몭t... by keeping people in pain and dependent on a system driven by Big Pharma! So many of Virgil's students have escaped this vicious cycle... like Maggie W., who said: "A year ago, I started having huge pains in my back. A "A year ago, I started having huge pains in my back. A rheumatologist told me I had cervical spondylosis. The rheumatologist told me I had cervical spondylosis. The pain was pain was getting worse over time. Nothing was helping. getting worse over time. Nothing was helping.

  39. Not even all the pills I tried. After a one session, my pains Not even all the pills I tried. After a one session, my pains were gone, and I regained my mobility. Before I were gone, and I regained my mobility. Before I couldn't raise my hands or dress. I'm speechless. This is amazing." raise my hands or dress. I'm speechless. This is amazing." couldn't And Nona M., who wrote in: "I was suffering from occipital neuralgia for more than 4 "I was suffering from occipital neuralgia for more than 4 years. I took a lot of drugs, including some that were years. I took a lot of drugs, including some that were giving me giving me unbearable side effects. The pain was awful, I unbearable side effects. The pain was awful, I couldn't stand the light, the noise, I wasn't eating, I couldn't stand the light, the noise, I wasn't eating, I couldn't do anything, not even sleep. After only one couldn't do anything, not even sleep. After only one session, my pains disappeared." session, my pains disappeared." Lie #3: Inflammation Is Your Back's #1 Enemy And Anti-Inflammatories Are Your Best Friend Lie #3: Inflammation Is Your Back's #1 Enemy And Anti-Inflammatories Are Your Best Friend Information about in몭ammation is everywhere these days - from news reports to talk shows. And for good reason. According to Harvard Medical School, it is at the root of MOST chronic diseases. Prefer to Read More about "Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain.."

  40. Like cancer.. Heart disease... and even Alzheimer's. But you see... as a result... The Back Pain Industry found a way to pro몭t off of the "problem of in몭ammation" by developing countless anti- in몭ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like: Aspirin Aspirin Celecoxib (Celebrex) Celecoxib (Celebrex) Diclofenac (Cambia, Cata몭am, Voltaren-xr, Zipsor, Zorvolex) Diclofenac (Cambia, Cata몭am, Voltaren-xr, Zipsor, Zorvolex) Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) Indomethacin (Indocin) Indomethacin (Indocin) Plus a handful of problematic, "discontinued" anti- in몭ammatories. So, if a doctor or specialist has told you "In몭ammation" your enemy when it comes to chronic back pain... they'd be right... "In몭ammation" is But only HALF RIGHT. But only HALF RIGHT. You see, the in몭ammatory response is actually a NATURAL PROCESS your body undergoes to battle against harmful things like toxins, infections, and

  41. injuries. It's the vital process that BRINGS healing to damaged cells in the body. Simply put, the in몭ammatory response... is your FRIEND... not your enemy. But prescribing anti-in몭ammatories as STEP #1 when addressing back pain... Creates a problem. A BIG problem. When introduced too soon, anti-in몭ammatory drugs INTERRUPT the healing process. While your body is NATURALLY trying to repair injured cells in your soft tissue, anti-in몭ammatories HIJACK this natural repair process...

  42. Which ends up delaying and PROLONGING the healing process, leaving your body in an in몭amed state of constant alert. Chronic Inflammation is Chronically Harmful Chronic Inflammation is Chronically Harmful And the in몭ammation that initially brought healing... can become chronic... Which means it starts betraying you by attacking your HEALTHY cells... Damaging your tissues, joints, and even your organs. In other words, the ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FIRST approach... can actually make things WAY worse. A recent report by the American Physical Therapy Association has called into question the almost "automatic" reliance on anti-in몭ammatories to address soft tissue injuries. Many experts cite growing evidence that this "arti몭cial anti-in몭ammatory" approach interrupts and delays, rather than helps, the healing process... But... as distressing as that is, here's where the 3rd, and perhaps most shocking, lie comes into play. What Virgil showed me, was that while chronic in몭ammation plays a big role in back pain...

  43. Surprise - Your True Enemy is THIS Surprise - Your True Enemy is THIS In몭ammation isn't the most sinister villain when it comes to back pain, sciatica, or even herniated disks. But rather... most sinister villain is called SOFT TISSUE HYPOXIA. This is where, due to soft tissue constriction, the cells in your soft tissue are starved for OXYGEN... Because chronic muscle constriction is BLOCKING the critical 몭ow of blood to and from those cells. Healthy blood 몭ow is critical in keeping your cells healthy. Your bloodstream carries critical nutrients like oxygen TO your cells...

  44. But your bloodstream also REMOVES dangerous waste and toxins from your cells. But chronic muscle constriction shuts down this vital process... like a giant roadblock. Which puts your cells into a state of HYPOXIA. Toxins and waste get piled up... And fresh nutrients like oxygen... can't 몭nd their way in. Without a fresh supply of oxygen, prolonged HYPOXIA causes your muscles and tendons to degrade and even break down. HYPOXIA = LACK OF MOBILITY HYPOXIA = LACK OF MOBILITY They lose their elasticity and pliability... and their ability to function properly. Which means YOU lose your MOBILITY... All of this puts undue and unnatural pressure on the nerves 몭owing through Grand Central Station of your Sacral Plexus... Which is how chronic back pain sets in. Think of the soft tissue in your back... like a knot. The more you pull on the knot... the tighter and tighter it

  45. The more you pull on the knot... the tighter and tighter it gets... and the more dif몭cult it becomes to loosen. Hypoxic soft tissue without oxygen or nutrients... is like a knot that gets pulled... yanked... and tightened from all directions. And... when it comes to your back... the more fused, knotted, and mashed together your soft tissue becomes... The deeper... and harder to resolve... your chronic back pain. The Problem With "Anti-Inflammatory" First The Problem With "Anti-Inflammatory" First I'm sure by now you can see the problem with the "anti- in몭ammatory" FIRST approach. By identifying the wrong villain: in몭ammation... And by missing the TRUE culprit: hypoxia... The Back Pain Industry... hasn't done you any favors. Listen, I know this is a lot of bad news. It's a lot to take in... and you may even feel betrayed by the system right now. I know I did!

  46. But the good news is this. Once you understand that the ultimate villain is HYPOXIA... Getting relief to the right area becomes simpler and WAY easier than you ever thought possible. Getting your young back... back... is simply a matter of re- introducing Oxygen to muscles and tendons that have been starving... for far too long. Imagine THIS Imagine THIS Imagine yourself gardening again... without a worry in the world. Imagine yourself gol몭ng or playing tennis again... without wincing in pain with every stroke.

  47. without wincing in pain with every stroke. Imagine getting the life you love, and so sorely missed, back. Now for me... I can't tell you how fun it was to hit the dance 몭oor again... FINALLY FREE. Believe me when I tell you, you're seconds away from hearing about the ONE stretch... that can kick HYPOXIA to the curb. I can't wait to tell you about it. "For me, Virgil's approach is working very well. I've "For me, Virgil's approach is working very well. I've suffered from L5-S1 disc herniation. But after the 몭rst suffered from L5-S1 disc herniation. But after the 몭rst session session my pain disappeared." ~ Marian my pain disappeared." ~ Marian "Hello, I just want to thank you for everything. After only "Hello, I just want to thank you for everything. After only one session I managed to get rid of occipital neuralgia one session I managed to get rid of occipital neuralgia that I was struggling with for about 3-4 years. It's been 2 that I was struggling with for about 3-4 years. It's been 2 weeks now and I have no pain at all. Happy Holidays and weeks now and I have no pain at all. Happy Holidays and a joyous new year! " ~ Maria N. a joyous new year! " ~ Maria N. "The Himalayan King Pose" That Helps Destroy Hypoxia "The Himalayan King Pose" That Helps Destroy Hypoxia What if there was ONE stretch... That could open up your Sacral Plexus...

  48. And allow massive amounts of pain-ridding oxygen to 몭ood the hypoxic cells in your back. One movement that 몭nally begins to relieve the choking back pain you're struggling with, right now? What if there was one stretch... That can put an end to all those Back Pain Industry lies for good... Lies telling you that you'll NEVER be completely free of chronic back pain... That you just have to manage your back pain for the rest of your life... with a steady stream of pills, specialists, and interventions... All while you PRAY for a miracle... Prefer to Read More about "Unlocks the Secret to Erasing Years of Back Pain.."

  49. Wouldn't you want to know what it is? Wouldn't you want to know what it is? If the answer is "YES," then here are 3 things you need to know right off the bat. Number 1: Number 1: What I'm about to show you is a progressive stretch. In other words, the more you do it, the better your results will be. Number 2: Number 2: This stretch STARTS with The "Primitive Poop Pose" I mentioned earlier. Because this is the pose primitive, non-industrialized cultures use... to poop. Virgil calls this 몭rst stretch "The Himalayan King"... After the robust armies of the Himalayas, where this pose originated over 5000 years ago... Virgil took the primitive poop pose... and with one simple tweak... Made it into a 4-Dimensional stretch, massively increasing the oxygen hyperfusion of the pose. I'll tell you all about the one tweak Virgil added... in just a moment. Number 3: Number 3: This stretch is the very 몭rst movement you'll learn in the video course Virgil put together...

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