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Control your erratic blood sugar levels for life

If youu2019re struggling with high blood sugar and diet & exercise hasnu2019t really worked for youu2026<br><br>One leading doctor has an unusual discovery that you need to know about.<br><br>When participants took this totally surprising mix of ingredients in a double-blind studyu2026<br><br>Not only did it help their pancreas control insulin levelsu2026<br><br>It even helped them achieve a near-perfect blood sugar range<br>

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Control your erratic blood sugar levels for life

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  1. SECURE ORDER Is the key to reversing type 2 diabetes hidden within an ancient Hindu manuscript? Find out how a simple 5 second daily habit can control your erratic blood sugar levels for life. As my wife slammed her foot on the breaks, I saw our lives ?ash right before our eyes. Fear pulsated through my body. My ?rst instinct was “Are my grandchildren in the back seat going to be ok?” After the impact of the crash and the commotion that took place in the ensuing seconds following… I turned my head around to check on my grandchildren… By god’s grace both grandchildren were unscathed.  >>You will understand when you read what comes next here<<

  2. Both with confused looks on their faces they asked…. 2022 © Digistore24 Inc., United States Inc. and/or its licensors. Review legal terms of use here and privacy policy here. Contact us here. “Grandpa is Nana alright”? My wife of 42 years and their Grandma was not alright. She had just suffered a diabetic related seizure … Causing her to lose control of the driver’s wheel… Crashing into an innocent man on his motorcycle.

  3. Fortunately, he survived but not without serious bodily damage... Injuries that put him into a medically-induced coma. The memory of leaving our local county fair that day is engraved in my mind forever.

  4. My wife Susan and I had a day that dreams were made of. A warm summer day, bright blue skies with a perfect breeze… A full day with our beloved grandchildren. Filled with rides, games, stuffed animals and corn dogs. That day though quickly turned into a nightmare in a matter of seconds. .. Before that crash my wife suffered from type 2 diabetes for just over 8 years . Gaining over 51 pounds during this time. She was fatigued daily, and her overall health had diminished drastically. She suffered daily from the many side effects that come along with high blood sugar levels….  High Cholesterol  Frequent urination  Nerve Pain  Blurred vision  Heart Disease  High Blood Pressure  Constant Dehydration >>You will understand when you read what comes next here<<

  5. To name a few. Her life was ?lled with daily ?nger pricks and expensive toxic meds. All putting her in a constant state of depression with no hope in sight that this could all end one day. It did not help that her doctors kept telling her… “Type 2 diabetes was not a reversible disease and that it could only be managed at best.” Day after day month after month her health was quickly deteriorating.

  6. Some days it seemed as if we were counting down the days until her suffering would end. I refused to bear witness to my wife living like this. Living a life with no optimism or hope. This never say die attitude of mine is what led me to discover a miraculous Hindu medical manuscript dating back to 600 BC that saved my wife’s life and restored her health back to its normal healthy state. A medical manuscript written by “The King” of modern-day medicine and surgery….  Literature that is now the foundation for virtually all medicine and medical practices around the world today. Knowledge that is now used at… The Harvard Center For Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology, The School of Medicine at UCLA… And dozens of other prestigious medical and research institutions

  7. across the globe. His writings revealed what is now known as the “3 invisible enemies of type 2 diabetes”. These medical writings that were overlooked and mistranslated for over 2000 years…. Gave my wife Susan the secret key to destroying the 3 invisible enemies of type 2 diabetes. Leading to my wife reversing her type 2 diabetes… Melting pounds of extra fat off her body… Gaining back full control of her life and her health all within 30 days. >>You will understand when you read what comes next here<<

  8. A long-lost all-natural solution that is so simple and effective... That no matter how severe your type 2 diabetes is… How long you have had it for…. Or what your family medical history is... Can be implemented into your daily routine in the comfort of your own home in a matter of seconds each day. Enabling you to reverse your type 2 diabetes.… Taking back control of your health and life from the grips of type 2 diabetes... Just like my wife Susan did.

  9. A solution that also will enable you to ditch the toxic prescription meds that corrupt big pharma loves feeding diabetics… Saving you thousands of dollars of yearly medical expenses. This all-natural solution has now saved the lives of 76,367 people and counting from across the world. You too can start using this simple secret once you understand the truth

  10. about type 2 diabetes. So, you might be thinking this all sounds too good to be true and rightfully so…. But in the next few minutes…. You are going to discover that everything you thought you knew about type 2 diabetes is wrong. You cannot control type 2 diabetes with medications or insulin. Because they do not treat the root cause of type 2 diabetes. They only treat the symptoms. These prescription drugs and injections can actually make your type 2 diabetes even worse… >>You will understand when you read what comes next here<<

  11. Increasing your chances of death. You will also ?nd out how my wife’s near-death experience led us to discover the simple “5 second daily ritual”… A ritual she used to eliminate the three invisible enemies of type 2 diabetes and also…. Shed 46 pounds of weight off her body… Rejuvenate her body from the inside out giving her energy levels she has not felt since she was in her 20’s .

  12. Giving her back the health and quality of life that she had been missing ever since she was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic 8 years ago. Freeing her from the shackles of type 2 diabetes. This same simple daily ritual that healed- Rick S., age 61,  from Florida, who said: "I had been taking meds for 6 years metformin, insulin you name it! Nothing was able to control my sugar levels. After following what I discovered in this presentation here my blood sugar levels are consistently stable. I even enjoy sugary treats freely."

  13. It also helped Nichole M., age 74, from Australia, who said: "This presentation changed my life. I am very happy with the results. My blood sugar is stable, and I have more energy. I lost on average 4 pounds a week for the ?rst 3 months using the product. It's great. " Let me introduce myself. I’m Dan Pulman and I’m an of?ce manager at a medical and research laboratory here in East Lansing Michigan.  If you’re wondering why I am sharing the story of my wife Susan and her struggle with type 2 diabetes… It is because her trials and tribulations with the disease… Has now led us to helping and curing tens of thousands of other type 2 diabetics like yourself. And our goal is to keep going…

  14. Until we free the shackles of type 2 diabetes off every type 2 diabetic and pre diabetic that is being affected by the unforgiving disease. When my wife ?nally came to consciousness… After she was taken to the hospital due to our horri?c accident, she had >>You will understand when you read what comes next here<<

  15. a dazed and confused look in her eyes. As she stared up at the faces of our entire family and the doctor in the Emergency room, she asked us… “What happened?” Unfortunately, I had for the most part nothing but bad news to tell her…. I had to tell her that as we were leaving the county fair making a left- hand turn onto Oak Street… She went into a diabetic seizure due to her blood sugar being a frightening 512 mg/dl … Lost control of the wheel and clipped an oncoming motorcyclist.

  16. Aside from that the good news was myself and our grandchildren and were all ok. And by the grace of god the driver of the motorcycle while suffering serious injuries at the time went on to a full recovery. Not to my surprise her facial expression went from confused to sad….

  17. As she realized that the day her health completely failed her had ?nally arrived. Although saddened she was not surprised this happened. You see Susan was going on her 8th year since she was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. With each passing year the disease's shackles took a tighter and tighter grip on her life. To the point where our life of retirement went from the dream, we worked so hard for all our lives... To her now being a prisoner of her high blood sugar levels. Susan and I met while attending the University of Georgia We lived what some would say a normal life after graduating college.  A typical middle-class suburban lifestyle…

  18. Spring days spent at the park watching our two boys in little league baseball… Summer bbq’s on the lake… Brisk fall nights watching our daughter play AYSO soccer… Our three beautiful children all went on to become parents themselves. We even had our annual family summer vacation to Florida. It’s fair to say we did well for ourselves and our children. We were always thinking about our future and the future of our family. Our kids left the house and went off to college when we were both in

  19. our 50’s. For us this signaled that our retirement was right around the corner and we were ecstatic! We were looking forward to it with so much optimism and excitement. But that all came to a crashing halt right after Susan’s 58 birthday. On what was her routine yearly physical…. The doctor told her those 5 fateful words… “You have Type 2 Diabetes” This came as a bit of a shock to both of us as we both lived healthy and normal lifestyles. We were never the most active and athletic couple… But we would go for walks around the neighborhood occasionally and play couples tennis together on the weekends. We had packed on some pounds throughout the years as most do with age but nothing that was worrying at any point. We would indulge in our nightly desserts and adult beverages... But nothing we ever expected would lead to type 2 diabetes in her life.

  20. For the ?rst couple years Susan tried everything to control her erratic blood sugar levels- Strict fad diets like keto, paleo, atkins she even went vegan for a short period of time. She tried energy zapping workout programs that left her lifeless after she completed them. Of course, she tried all the doctor prescribed meds- Metformin, Insulin, Amaryl. You name it she was prescribed it by her doctors.

  21. She followed every instruction her doctors gave her to the T. Sadly, nothing worked… Her blood sugar levels were still out of control and the meds only gave her…. Heartburn, stomach pains, bloating, burning nerve sensations, joint pain and fatigue. She did not handle this well. She began to question- “Why me?”  “Why would my body fail me now when I had so much in life to look forward to.” I personally hoped this was a problem my wife Susan could overcome with some more hard work and dedication... And we would easily go on to happily living the blessed life god had already granted us. Soon heading into retirement… Moving into our dream home on the Gulf Coast of South West Florida… Riding out our golden years under the sun in peace and harmony. But boy was I wrong. 

  22. Susan began living life with a victim’s mentality. Frustration, anger, and resentment ruled her life. It began to take a huge toll on the emotional well-being not only on her but myself and the rest of our family. So much so that our grandkids were not visiting as much as before.

  23. What used to be the highlight of our weekends had now become a rare occurrence. So I asked my son Stan and daughter in law Rachel- “Why don’t the kids want to come visit Grandma and Grandpa as much as before?” They told me bluntly- “The kids tell us grandma always seems to complain every time they want to play with her and she never has the energy to do anything with them.” This I knew to be true as I saw it ?rst hand. Her doctor’s solutions of … Feeding her pills … Daily insulin injections and… Restrictive bland diets never improved her condition. Unfortunately, our entire family's hope for Susan to live a healthy and happy life heading into retirement began to dwindle as well.

  24. Nothing was helping to improve her blood sugar levels they kept getting worse. Her doctors told her- “Type 2 diabetes can only be controlled, and it is something you will have to live with for the

  25. rest of your life.” Her hope and optimism lessened with each passing year. She felt helpless. Everyday she was stressing about which foods to eat and which ones not to…. Then feeling guilty afterwards if she enjoyed some donuts or chocolate chip cookies. With each passing year after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes things kept getting worse and worse… More layers of fat being packed on her body…

  26. Higher doses of insulin and metformin… Aches and pains from her diabetic related neuropathy… Blurred Vision… No energy… We were watching her health deteriorate right before our eyes. Medical bills were stacking up and starting to eat a hole into our retirement savings. No matter how much I tried to help and motivate her she did nothing about it… She kept sinking in a deeper hole of depression and loss of hope. It literally all came to a crashing halt that day at the fair with our grandchildren. The Doctor in the emergency room told Susan- “You should have died today”. “Your blood sugar levels reached 512

  27. (mg/dL) I have never seen anyone with blood sugar levels this high.”  “You are lucky to be alive. If you don’t start to take better care of your blood sugar levels, you might not be so lucky in the future.” After her seizure Susan spent a few days being monitored in the ER and then she was discharged. Our entire family was excited to have her back home... We also realized there was a good chance something like this could happen again. On our way back home, Susan seemed defeated. She told me- “I’m sick of being a burden on the entire family. I am embarrassed things have come to this point with my health Dan.” I told her- “Honey I understand but please don’t give up hope. Our entire family loves you and we will do whatever it takes to help you get back your

  28. health and the life we all know you deserve.” As we sat down for our ?rst dinner back home… She looked me in the eyes with a look of determination… That I had not seen from her since she was ?rst diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 8 years ago and she told me- “Dan I can’t continue being a burden on our family. I can’t continue struggling through life every day. We have so much more life to live happily together and so many future plans.” “I will no longer let type 2 diabetes control me. I cannot go on living like this any longer. It is time for a change.”

  29. This was music to my ears that shot a bolt of adrenalin and optimism through my entire body. I was ecstatic! I told her honey “We will defeat this disease together.” That is when I began my mission. To ?nd a lifelong natural solution to destroy type 2 diabetes. We knew it was not going to be an easy battle, but we believed it was possible.  After spending months on end researching online for a solution...I couldn’t ?nd anything new. The same old diets, low carb, low fat, keto and paleo. The same old treatments, medications, injections and pumps. I did not let that discourage me though. I continued my pursuit for a solution. Searching libraries all around our town…

  30. For any literature and documents that could give us the breakthrough we were desperately in search of. I visited universities, doctors you name it! I even spoke to other diabetics and holistic doctors looking for some type of remedy…. Still nothing… After months in search of a solution with no success I became discouraged and didn’t know what else to do. I began to wonder if it was just a matter of time until something bad

  31. would happen to Susan again… Only this time she would wake up with a foot amputated or even worse...not wake up at all. One of my last resorts was to speak to one of my co-workers Dr. Mat Carter … He worked with me at the research lab I was an of?ce manager at and was one of our head research formulators. He also happened to be one of my best friends at the of?ce. I knew this was going to be a bit of a stretch as all the medical laboratory scientists at my workplace were under strict NDA’s.

  32. They were not allowed to discuss any of their past or on ongoing research. In the 12 plus years I worked with him and the countless lunches and outings we had together… He had never spoken about nor disclosed to me anything that went on behind closed doors in the research lab. Our conversations were always social in nature and never involved anything work related. This, even despite his knowledge of the suffering and near-death experience Susan had. I knew I was going to have to demonstrate to him how desperate my wife and I were…. In order to obtain some sort of information that might help her restore her health and save her life. So, one chilly autumn day Dr. Carter and I went to our traditional Thursday lunch break spot Chilis… This lunch though ended up being different then all the other lunches we had together. I remember it as if it was yesterday. After the waitress completed our order, I told Matt-

  33. “Matt, I know our company’s policies with non-disclosure agreements. In the 12 plus years that we have been co-workers I have never asked you about anything that goes on behind the scenes.” “This despite my wife’s ongoing complications with type 2 diabetes.” “But today is different. I need to ask you a favor. Susan is suffering, and I fear she is nearing her ?nal days.” “Can you please share with me any insight or knowledge on what we can do to get her health back?”  Matt looked at me as if I should have known better. He said- “Dan you are one of my best friends and I have known you for years, but I cannot jeopardize my career by disclosing any company info and you know this.”

  34. I then pleaded with him and told him how desperate I was, and that Susan’s life was at stake. With a look of guilt on his face he said… “I will do this for you once and one time only, because I love you and Susan, and I know the suffering the two of you have been experiencing.” “I am going to tell you a secret that your doctors and big pharma do not want you to know.” “Type 2 diabetes is a business and a BIG ONE. It is a 50-billion-dollar industry annually in the U.S. alone.” “The only way this industry stays a?oat and makes this kind of money is

  35. by managing type 2 diabetes in patients and never curing it. “If we had an effective solution big corporations would go out of business. They do not want a solution.” “In fact, on countless occasions myself and other researchers proposed funding further research on studies that showed the potential of eradicating type 2 diabetes.” “Every time we proposed funding for this it has either been ignored or I was told there was no budget available for it.” “As you know Dan big pharma funds and backs all the clinical research done at our lab.” “So all of our research is dictated by them and it is all based on coming up with new synthetic drugs that are bene?cial for their bottom line. That quite frankly are meant to only to maintain it to a level where diabetics have to keep coming back for more.” “And this is the same case for hundreds of other research labs across the country.” “I like most medical researchers. I am just a spoke in the big wheel that is the big pharma industry.” “I do the research and tests that the big pharma bosses mandate and fund. Unfortunately, my hands are tied when it comes to doing anything beyond what they mandate me to do.” “But there is one giant piece of knowledge I will tell you.” “Info that should give you exactly what you are looking for.”

  36. “That knowledge comes from an ancient doctor by the name of Sushruta.” “We came across his writings and research in the lab over two decades ago.”   “I had heard about his writings since I was in medical school most thought his writings were a thing of legends.” “For centuries his writings were either lost or mistranslated. When they arrived in medical circles in the western world it ?ipped everything on its head. Forcing us to re-evaluate everything we thought we knew.” “The writings described what he called the “Three Invisible Enemies” of high blood sugar levels.” “But once the corporate heads got wind on Sushruta’s game changing writings. They pulled the plug on all the proposed research we requested based on his writings.” “I believe they did so because within his writings were dozens of all- natural treatments for type 2 diabetes.” “One of the other things I will tell you is, his writings in the Susruta- Shamita are the foundation for almost all the medical breakthroughs in modern medicine over the past 40 years.” “As a friend and someone I love, I am going to give you the copies of the documents I have and help you with the clinical research and investigation of his writings.”

  37. I was in shock. You mean to tell me big pharma has been hiding the truth on how to reverse type 2 diabetes and heal hundreds of millions of people across the globe? All in the name of money. The thought of this made me sick. I felt betrayed. I grew up and lived with the utmost trust in our doctors and our medical system. The thought that Dr. Carter and hundreds of other medical researchers are puppets for big pharma enraged me.

  38. The fact that I proudly worked in the medical industry almost my entire career now disgusted me… Almost to the point that I wanted to quit my job at the research lab. I now began to realize that none of this is my wife Susan’s fault nor is it yours or any other type 2 diabetic. We have been lied to this entire time. My anger though was quickly overcome by joy and optimism.

  39. As there was now hope that we could save my wife’s life. What Dr. Carter had given me access to could potentially be the solution I have been desperately searching for. It made sense that an ancient disease as old as type 2 diabetes… Can be defeated with ancient remedies that our ancestors used in the past… When type 2 diabetes was eliminated in humans much more effectively. So Dr. Carter and I went on a mission… To discover what were the 3 invisible enemies of high blood sugar levels that Sushruta mentioned in his writings. We knew in order to save Susan’s life along with millions of other type 2 diabetics… We needed to ?gure out how to attack all three of the invisible enemies at their root cause and eliminate them from the body for good. Right away I could tell our work was cut out for us as the amount of Sushruta writing was endless.

  40. His writings in relation to type 2 diabetes and other medicinal ailments in the Sushruta Samhita… Are some of the most thorough and important surviving ancient dissertations on medicine. In its surviving form the complete 184 chapters in the Sushruta Samhita contains…

  41. Descriptions of 1,120 illnesses with treatments for each one… 700 medicinal plants with their application and usefulness… 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources. It’s considered the foundational basis of all modern medicine. Around the 5th century BC he identi?ed type 2 diabetes by using the term “madhumeha” (honey-like urine). Becoming one of the ?rst ever to do so. He pointed out not only the sweet taste of the urine in diabetics.. But also its sticky feeling to the touch and its ability to attract ants. He discovered that type 1 diabetes is due to genetic factors and type 2 primarily being due to lifestyle factors. Sushruta further found…

  42. That type 2 diabetes affected the rich castes in his land more so than others, and it was related to the excessive food. As you can see their is a reason he is known as the “father of medicine” and the “father of surgery” His abundant inventions and developments for surgical procedures garnered him that name. Sushruta practiced medicine in northern India in the region of modern- day Varanasi (Benares) near the banks of the Ganges River around 400bc to 800bc. His original literature remained preserved for many centuries only in his mother language…    Which prevented the spreading of his knowledge and ?ndings to the rest of the world for centuries. Later the original text was lost then rediscovered in the eighth century A.D. where it was translated into Arabic in (A.D.753 -774). The ?rst complete English translation was in 1907. Even then, the text was unknown in the West until the late 20th

  43. century… When the “Bower Manuscript” exhibited it in the famous Oxford museum. The Bower Manuscript was named after Hamilton Bower, the English army of?cer who purchased the Sushruta Samhita in 1890 CE. Even before Sushruta Samhita writings were brought to the west in Bower Manuscript … British of?cials and soldiers in India had written home about the startling ?ndings of Sushruta. Despite this Sushrutas conclusions remained relatively unknown..

  44. They did not receive international attention until recently. This is around the time Dr. Carter and other fellow U.S. based doctors got their hands on the ?ndings. Dr. Carter and I spent months living, breathing and researching the ancient writings of Sushruta. Unfortunately, we could not completely put together what exactly were the three invisible enemies of high blood sugar levels… And more importantly how to treat them. The English written copies also did not translate his writings and ?ndings exactly how they were originally… Making it more dif?cult to ?gure out. In addition… Throughout the centuries his writings were lost or left out… As different versions moved their way throughout the globe. We did come across clues.  Clues that led us to believe we were close to putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. But each time we thought we had it all put together something was missing.

  45. There were several herbs, ?owering plants, minerals and spices… That were consistently being mentioned in his writings as it relates  to type 2 diabetes. So we started to put our research and energy in that direction. We knew it was going to be a tough feat to ?gure out. Which exact ingredients to use… In what combination…. And exactly how much to use of each ingredient. Despite it being quite trivial we took a shot at it. My wife at this point had nothing to lose.  Her health was deteriorating with each passing day. It pained me to see her in this state knowing that she was so desperate for a solution.

  46. We began testing various combinations of the super powered ingredients from Sushruta’s writings.  Different blends and combinations of the all-natural spices, herbs, minerals and ingredients…. With hope that it would destroy the 3 invisible enemies of high blood sugar levels Sushruta wrote about. We gave the blended formula to my wife. The results were mixed. Some days she experienced stable blood sugar levels.

  47. Other days her blood sugar levels were erratic jumping from 140 mg/dl to 190 mg/dl after meals. This while not the remedy we were looking for did have potential.  We all remained with hope and god as we were making progress. This combination of ingredients at the very least… Was having a positive short-term effect on her blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, though she had no consistent long-lasting results.

  48. We had a sense as to which ingredients we needed but without knowing what exactly the three invisible enemies of type 2 diabetes were… It was going to be very dif?cult to develop the exact formula that we needed. We knew this was a test against time. My Susan’s health was withering away at each passing day. She was becoming immobile and could hardly walk up our stairs to go to bed at night without help. We knew we needed to get the perfect mix of ingredients…. As it could be her last and ?nal hope to taking back control of her health and stabilizing her blood glucose levels. We did not give up hope.

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