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High and Late Middle Ages 1050-1450

High and Late Middle Ages 1050-1450. Chapter 8. Royal Power Grows. Section 1. William the Conqueror. Who: King of England What: conquered England & set out to control the land Where: England (Normandy, France) When: 1028-1087; 1066*

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High and Late Middle Ages 1050-1450

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  1. High and Late Middle Ages1050-1450 Chapter 8

  2. Royal Power Grows Section 1

  3. William the Conqueror • Who: King of England • What: conquered England & set out to control the land • Where: England (Normandy, France) • When: 1028-1087; 1066* • Why: he conquered England to defeat his cousin & became king; change the power of England to the Normans

  4. William the Conq (wksht) • King of England- Edward- died w/o an heir • His brother Harold inherited it • But William said it was his • = conquer England to take the throne • = Anglo-Saxons gone- Normans are in charge

  5. Common Law • Who: Royal courts, Henry II • What: a legal system based on customs & court rulings • Where: England • When: 1154 AD • Why: unlike local feudal laws, this applied to all of England instead of just local; ppl brought disputes to royal courts instead of church; centralized the law

  6. Henry II (workbook) • Inherited the throne in England • Claimed rights to rule clergy (church officials) & the royal courts— • He developed common law & a jury system- unifying the legal system under one power • - no longer local law but one central law

  7. Jury • Who: group of men that spoke the truth, Henry II • What: group of men determined what cases would be brought to trial • Where: England • When: 1154 • Why: this was an early form of today’s Grand Jury; this led to trial jury- an accused person is judged by 12 of his neighbors

  8. King John • Who: son of Henry II, King of England • What: a clever, cruel, & untrustworthy ruler • Where: Enlgand • When: 1205 • Why: lost a war = lost land & popularity; argued w. the Pope over his choices; angered his nobles w. oppressive taxes & abuses = Magna Carta (limited his power)

  9. King John (workbook) • He abused power & overtaxed his nobles • = ppl unhappy • =Magna Carta = limited royal power

  10. Magna Carta • Who: King John, groups of rebellious barons (nobles) • What: a document that limited the king’s power due to his abuses • Where: England • When: 1215* • Why: this shaped the future of English government-- this said nobles had rights (eventually given to all ppl not just nobles), made it so that the monarch had to obey the law; also introduced due process of law & Habeas Corpus

  11. Due Process of Law • Who: King John, townspeople • What: a clause that prpotected freemen from arbitrary arrest, imprisonment, &other legal actions • WherE: England • When: 1215 • Why: formed the basis of the rights we know &have today- we have rights even when being arrested

  12. Habeas Corpus • Who: citizens, people that are arrested • What: a right that no person can be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime • Where: England, WE • When: 1215-today • Why: this right was later confirmed in the Petition of Right & is still around today protecting citizens from unjust arrest

  13. Parliament • Who: • What: • Where: • When: • Why:

  14. The Holy Roman Empire and the Church Section 2

  15. Holy Roman Empire • Who: Charlemagne; Otto I • What: empire that ruled throughout WE from Germany to Italy • Where: Central & Eastern Europe (Germany, Italy) • When: 1077- • Why: The Pope was the most powerful man on earth = he gave power of this Empire to the most trustworthy leaders (the Empire was “Holy”) ; largest Empire in Europe since the fall of Rome

  16. Henry IV • Who: King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor • What: leader of the HRE; was excommunicated by Pope in 1076 b.c. not following rules of Gregory VII • Where: Germany, HRE, WE • When: 1054- • Why: Henry fought w Pope Gregory VII; was excommunicated; later repented & was forgiven but he led an army to Rome to force Pope into Exile (fought about Lay Investiture)

  17. Henry IV (Workbook) • Actions: fought w. Pope Gregory VII about Lay Investiture; later repented but led an army to Rome to kick the Pope out • Effects: he was excommunicated by the Pope but later brought back into church; he signed the Concordat of Worms= took away his power to appoint religious leaders (= Pope more powerful)

  18. Gregory VII • Who: Pope • What: Pope that instituted many church reforms such as banning Lay Invest. • Where: Rome, Italy (WE) • When: 1054-1077 • Why: he banned the practice of Lay Investiture which caused an issue w. Henry IV; his policies created hatred & contempt b.c.ppl wanted to be independent from the church (secular)

  19. Gregory VII (Workbook) • Actions: caused controversy when he banned Lay Invest. ; excommunicated Henry IV for arguing about it • Effects: he wanted to make the church independent of secular rulers so he banned Lay Invest- making him the most powerful b.c. he now appointed all religious officials

  20. Lay Investiture • Who: Gregory VII vs. Henry IV • What: a church practice where an Emperor or lay person (not relig) vested a person as a religious official or presented bishops w. rings that symbolized their office • Where: Rome, Italy, (WE) • When: 1054-1077 • Why: this caused conflict b.n Greg VII & Henry IV which led to Henry’s excommunication; ppl were mad about Gregory VII banned this- they rebelled

  21. Frederick Barbarossa • Who: Holy Roman Emperor, known as “Red Beard” , ambitious German ruler • What: fought to bring cities into Italy under his control so he joined w. the Pope to have more control; he wanted to expand his Empire • Where: Germany, Italy • When: 1100-1200 • Why: he wanted to build an Empire from Baltic to Adriatic Seas ; he succeeds in expanding his Empire through marriage = German Emp. Are more deeply involved in Italian affairs

  22. Frederick Barbarossa (workbook) • Actions: he fought to expand his Empire & succeeded in bringing Northern Italy under his power • Effects: b.c. of his expansion Germany was more deeply involved in Italian affairs

  23. Pope Innocent III

  24. Pope Innocent III (Workbook)

  25. The Crusades Section 3

  26. Crusades • Who: European Christians vs. Muslims • What: a series of wars where Christians battled the Muslims over control of the Holy Land in the Middle East (ME) • Where: Middle East (ME) • When: 1096-1296 • Why: they learned that the world was larger than they thought & these encounters outside of Europe accelerated change w.in Europe – expand their economies (new goods); monarchs become more powerful;

  27. Crusades • Who: Christians vs. Muslims • What: a series of religious wars over control of the “Holy Land” for control of the Middle East • Where: Middle East (ME) • When: 1096-1291 • Why: European Christians found the world was much larger than they thought & their encounters outside of Europe accelerated change IN Europe- economies expand (new goods), monarchs increase in power

  28. Crusades • Who: European Christians vs. Muslim Turks • What: a series of religious wars fought over control of the Holy Land • Where: Middle East (ME) • When: 1096- 1291 • Why: Christians battled for control of land in the Middle East, West. Europeans learned the world was much larger than they thought & their encounters out of Europe accelerated change @ home- economies expand (new goods); the power of the monarchs increases

  29. Holy Land • Who: Muslims vs Christians • What: the land that Christians believed Jesus was from so it was the origin of their religion; Muslims believed it was the origin of theirs • Where: Jerusalem & Palestine (ME) • When: 1071 • Why: Muslims groups controlled this region which prevented Christians from being together; This land was fought over in the Crusades

  30. Holy Land • Who: Christians, Muslims • What: land in the Middle East where Christians believed Jesus lived & preached meaning it was the origin of their religious; Muslims felt the same about Muhammad here • Where: Jerusalem & Palestine, ME • When: 1071 • Why: this land was the start of both Muslim & Christian religions = Muslims had control here = Christians were prevented from being here = Crusades (war)

  31. Holy Land • Who: Muslim Turks vs. European Christians • What: loaction in the Middle East where Christians believed Jesus preached so it was their Holy Land; Muslim founder Muhammad was from here so it was theirs also • Where: Jerusalem & Palestine, ME • When: 1071 • Why: Muslims controlled this land= Christians couldn’t go here = Crusades (war) for control of the land

  32. Pope Urban II (3rd) • Who: Pope • What: got bishops & nobles to fight against the Muslim Turks for control of the Holy Land • Where: Rome, Italy, WE • When: 1095-1291 • Why: he wanted Christians to stop fighting each other & fight Muslims instead; he hoped this would increase his power; & he wanted to heal the split b.n the 2 churches (Orthodox & Catholic)

  33. Pope Urban II (6th) • Who: Roman Pope • What: gave Christian knights to the Byzantine Empire to help fight against Muslims in the Holy Land • Where: Rome, Italy, WE • When: 1095 • Why: he wanted to increase his power; he hoped to heal the schism (split) of the church & he wanted Christians to fight Muslims not other Christians

  34. Pope Urban II (7th) • Who: Pope • What: gathered Christian knights to fight for Christianity against the Muslim Turks • Where: Rome, Italy, WE; ME • When: 1095-1145 • Why: He hoped to increase his power in Europe; heal the schism (split) in the Byzantine & WE Christian churches; set the Crusades to fight Muslims instead of other Christians

  35. Reconquista (2nd ) • Who: Christian kingdoms • What: a campaign to drive Muslims from the Iberian peninsula (Spain) • Where: Iberian peninsula, Spain • When: 1085-1491 • Why: the Christians sought out to take over Muslim lands- by 1300 Christians controlled the whole peninsula, Muslim influence remained strong; Ferdinand &Isabella completed the Recon. By making Spain all Christian

  36. Reconquista (6th) • Who: Christians vs. Muslims • What: the Christians strove to drive the Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) and make it all Christian • Where: Iberian Peninsula, Spain, WE • When: 1085-1492 • Why: The Christian kingdoms wanted to push the Muslims out of Spain & they succeed- Ferdinand & Isabella complete the Recon. By getting rid of the Muslims

  37. Reconquista (7th) • Who: Christians vs. Muslims • What: Christians drive the Muslims off the Iberian peninsula to make it all Christian • Where: Iberian peninsula, Spain, WE • When: 1085-1492 • Why: Christians drove most of the Muslims out of Spain, they conquered most of Spain & tried converting them to Christianity

  38. Ferdinand & Isabella • Who: Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabella of Castile • What: they married & unified Spain; pushed the Muslims out of Granada & completed the Reconquista • Where: Spain • When: 1469-1492 • Why: The Christians wanted to take over Muslim lands in Spain & end religious tolerance of other religions- Isabella wanted to convert everyone to Christianity– “Inquisition”; wanted to bring political & religious unity to Spain

  39. Ferdinand & Isabella (6th) • Who: King Ferdinand of Aragon; Queen Isabella of Castile • What: they married & unified Spain under 1 political power; they completed the Reconquista • WherE: Iberian peninsula, Spain, WE • When: 1469-1492 • Why: their marriage unified Spain; they pushed the Muslims out in the Reconquista & Inquisition

  40. Ferdinand & Isabella (7th) • Who: King Ferdinand of Aragon; Queen Isabella of Castile • What: they married & created a unified country called Spain • Where: Iberian peninsula, Spain, WE • When: 1469-1492 • Why: their marriage unified Spain; they pushed back Muslim Grenada which fell & completed the Reconquista; They led the Inquisition (they wanted to unify politically and religiously)

  41. Inquisition • Who: non- Christians & Muslims; Ferdinand & Isabella • What: a church court set up to try people accused of heresy (against the church) • Where: Spain • When: 1492- • Why: Jews & Muslims were forced to convert to Christianity or else they were tried by the Inquisition- many who refused were burned at the stake or expelled from Spain; 150000 fled- Spain suffered

  42. Inquisition (6th) • Who: Queen Isabella of Spain, Non-Christians (Jews & Muslims) • What: the church court that was set up to try people of heresy (going against the church) • Where: Spain • When: 1469-1492 • Why: the Christian church in Spain accused all non-Christians of heresy & punished them with death by burning at the stake OR they were expelled- 150000 non Christians fled Spain

  43. Inquisition (7th) • Who: Ferdinand & Isabella; non-Christians (Muslims & Jews) • What: a church court that was set up to try people of heresy (against the Christian church) • Where: Spain • When: 1469-1492 • Why: if you were non-christian (heretic)= punished by burning at the stake or being expelled; expelled all Jews & Muslims if they didn’t convert to Christianity- 150000 fled Spain

  44. Causes of the Crusades(worksheet for the top 4 bubbles) • Christians fought Muslims for control of the Holy Land • Seljuk Turks (Muslim) invaded the Byzantine Empire = prevented Christians from traveling to the Holy Land • Religious zeal- really excited about Christianity & fighting for it • Muslims continually sought to destroy Christian states = Christians defended them

  45. Causes of the Crusades(top 4 bubbles on wksht) • The Byzantine Emperor asked the Pope for Christian knights to help fight off the Muslim Turks who were invading the Byzantine Empire • Christian men were encouraged to fight in the name of Christ for control of the Holy Land for the Christians • Christian knights had not been allowed to enter the Holy Land, went to fight for their right to be in the Holy Land • The Muslims repeatedly sought to destroy the Christians states which caused the Europeans to fight against them

  46. Causes of the Crusades (top 4 bubbles) 7th • Christian knights wanted to fight Muslim Turks for control of the Holy Land • Pope Urban & monarchs wanted to increase the power in WE

  47. Effects of the Crusades(bottom 5 bubbles on wksht) • Christians failed in the Crusades & did not succeed in taking over the Holy Land (Muslims had control of Holy Land) • There was a bitter legacy of religious hatred. Both Christians & Muslims committed atrocities in the name of their religion- massacring other religions • Christians learned the world was larger than they thought = curious about the rest of the world = traveling • Economy expanded & improved= Christians were exposed to new goods from ME = trade increased • Monarchs’ power increased back in Europe

  48. Effects of the Crusades(bottom 5 bubbles) • Encouraged the growth of the Economy b.c. the Lords allowed peasants to pay w. $ • Monarchs’ power increased • Crusaders experienced ME = other culture = curiosity about the world = travel • People had religious hatred towards each other= atrocities against other religions = massacres of other faiths • Helped accelerated/speed up the pace of things in Europe = ppl are encouraged by other cultures

  49. Learning & Culture Section 4

  50. The Universities (Cause, workbook) • The church wanted better educated clergy • Wealthy townspeople sons hoped to qualify for higher church positions • Royal leaders needed literate men for the growing bureaucracies

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