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New Church Leadership

New Church Leadership. Leadership is critical to the success of any venture, it is especially true of starting a new church. One may have resources, personnel, and even a sponsoring church

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New Church Leadership

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    1. New Church Leadership The key to the formation of missional communities is their leadership - Alan J. Roxburgh Missional Leadership

    2. New Church Leadership Leadership is critical to the success of any venture, it is especially true of starting a new church. One may have resources, personnel, and even a sponsoring church – but if the leadership is poor the new church is at a disadvantage as far as viable sustainability is concerned.

    3. What type of leadership is helpful in starting new churches? For this workshop we will deal with two: Transformational Leadership Relational / pastoral Leadership

    4. Transformational leaders NewStart leaders are to be educated in doing missional ministry rather than how to simply manage ministry. NewStart leaders should think of themselves as entrepreneurial and missional leaders with the ability to understand the context in which the church will do ministry and interpret the dynamic changes it has to contend with.

    5. Transformational leaders believe that they should start new churches using a different model than those of years gone by. The old model was to secure a piece of property or building purchased by the District in an area close to a few Nazarene families and try to get a church started. This is a franchise mentality that has outlived its usefulness.

    6. What are the disadvantages of this older model? 1. District sponsorship 2. Property may be too limiting and you may have difficulty securing the property in a timely manner. 3. Vision is limited to target a few Nazarene families.

    7. Transformational leaders must lead. Churches without good strong leaders will be run by dysfunctional ones. “People don’t quit their organizations; they quit their leaders.” – James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

    8. Transformational leaders must stay positive: * Angry leaders vs. gracious leaders * Cynical leaders vs. optimistic leaders * High expectation vs. low expectation

    9. Transformational leaders Transformational leaders must have a vision Where and how does a NewStart leader get the vision for a new congregation?

    10. Transformational leaders Transformational leaders must learn to communicate well. “Vision and purpose must be restated every twenty-six days to keep the church moving in the right direction.” – Rick Warren

    11. Transformational leaders must love the people they lead

    13. Relational Leadership What happens when we do not get along?

    14. 2/25/2012 14 Pastors and Lay leaders It’s All About Relationships A 1988 study among Southern Baptists found that 2,100 pastors were removed from their pulpits during an eighteen –month period, 116 each month, a 31% increase over the rate found in a 1984 study. About half of the ousted pastors leave the ministry and go into other kinds of work. Savannah news-Press, 10 Feb. 1990

    15. Pastors and Lay leaders It’s All About Relationships Cont… This is not unique to Southern Baptists, other groups reveal similarly tragic statistics. The top reason for many forced departures in pastoral ministry is relational problems between the pastor and lay leaders.

    16. Pastors and Lay leaders It’s All About Relationships Cont… In the secular world, 80% of the people who fail at work do so because they do not relate well with other people. - James A. Autry, Love and Profit, the Art of Caring Leadership (New York: Morrow, 1991), 40.

    17. Pastors and Lay leaders It’s All About Relationships In pastoral ministry, the most basic form of ineffectiveness and failure is an inability to build and sustain meaningful collegial relationships with the church’s lay leaders. This is so pivotal - it will make or break your ministry.

    18. Pastors and Lay leaders It’s All About Relationships Cont… The most fundamental responsibility of all pastors is to relate to people in such a way that the authentic Christian message becomes incarnated. Such relationships must be established, nurtured, and maintained.

    19. It is Biblical God created us in his own image, as relational beings... God intends for us to relate to Him. “For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” (Rom. 14:7-8).

    20. It is Biblical Cont… - Christ founded the church to be an Organic fellowship, a community of People who relate vertically to god in Worship and obedience and Horizontally to one another in Interdependence and unity

    21. It is Biblical Cont… - God’s people relate to one another as indispensable parts of a body. (I Cor.12:12-16) The church should be in “one accord” presided over by those who “set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” (I Tim. 4:12)

    22. It is Biblical Cont… - The communion of the saints includes the relational activities of sharing and carrying each other’s burdens (Gal. 6:2). - Encourage one another daily (Heb. 3:13) - Labor together in God’s vineyard (I Cor. 15:58)

    23. It is Biblical Cont… All Scripture pertains to relationships with God and neighbor.

    24. It is Biblical Cont… “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, in maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.” (NASB Phil. 2: 1-3)

    25. Pastoral Productivity and Relationships The productivity of pastors depends heavily on being surrounded by persons who are accepting, loving, encouraging and reproving. Believing in God’s best for us, supportive people stimulate us to godliness, mend our shattered egos, forgive our trespasses, tolerate our inconsistencies and model God’s grace for us. There is no room for Lone Rangers.

    26. Pastoral Productivity and Relationships Cont…. Some examples Onesiphorus who refreshes…..(2 Tim 1:16-18) Phoebe who helps… (Rom. 16:1- 2) Priscilla & Aquila risk their lives.. (Rom. 16:3-4) A Barnabas who encourages … (Acts 4:36-37)

    27. Pastoral Productivity and Relationships Cont…. There are many others who seldom receive the credit they deserve. Wise pastors cultivate such good relationships with lay leaders. Spiritual health and fruitful ministry depend upon quality relationships with those who join us as co-laborers in God’s work. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17)

    28. Pastoral Productivity and Relationships Cont…. Jesus wasn’t too busy to make good relationships Paul wasn’t too busy either. Maybe ... we too busy? We must learn to build and sustain healthy relationships with the people God gives to us.

    29. The Foundation of Relationships Know Thyself (Socrates)

    30. The Foundation of Relationships Cont…. Before excellence in ministry is possible spiritual leaders must diagnose their own world to discover traits that block the development of meaningful relationships.

    31. The Foundation of Relationships Cont…. Successful pastors have the courage to examine their own blind spots and character flaws. Self-examination enhances a person’s competence, identity, and relational skills, and reduces susceptibility to problems of ego and power.

    32. No Room for Scapegoating “In-here” problems rather than “out-there problems. “Core themes in a leader’s ‘inner theater’ cause him or her to choose certain courses of action, and these themes hold the key to success or failure as a leader.” Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Prisoners of Leadership (New York: Wiley 1989), 9

    33. No Room for Scapegoating Cont.. Scapegoaters fail, though they may be sincere as hard workers but practice their denial in ignorance. Pastors must come to grips with their own personality, correct glaring flaws, and seek to become whole persons.

    34. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry 1. LOW SELF-WORTH

    35. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… Low self-esteem breeds an abnormal desire for both affection and control, dangerous for those in ministry.

    36. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… 2. EGOCENTRICITY

    37. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… Egocentric people generally desire to avoid deep, substantial, and lasting relationships or, if they desire them, they are unable to develop and sustain them. It is not far unthinkable that many pastors would love their jobs if only they didn’t have to relate to people.

    38. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… 3. The GURU MENTALITY

    39. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” Lord Acton - King Saul - Hitler - Jim Jones - Napoleon - Idi Amin - Sadam Hussein

    40. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… The key issue is CONTROL and the NEED to wield power Peter warned against lording over God’s people allotted to our charge I Peter 5:3

    41. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… Power, advancement, and prestige take precedence over people, servanthood, and ministry. Gurus run roughshod over people in pursuit of their own interests. Their ambition, manipulation, exploitation, and intolerance make meaningful ministry impossible.

    42. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… 4. UNRESOLVED GUILT

    43. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… Ministry becomes an attempt at self-atonement. Often tongue-lashing preaching is no more than projections of the preacher’s own guilt.

    44. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… 5. FALSE EXPECTATIONS

    45. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… “Much in pastoral work is glorious, but the congregation, as such, is not glorious. The congregation is like Nineveh: a site for hard work without a great deal of hope for success, at least not as I want it measured….

    46. Five Character Traits that Hinder Effective ministry Cont… People who glamorize congregations do us a great disservice … there are no wonderful congregations… Parish glamorization is ecclesiastical pornography.” - Eugene Peterson, “The Jonah Syndrome” Leadership (Summer 1990)

    47. Characteristics that enhance meaningful Relationships A Non-confrontational Style An Attentive Heart (Prov. 18:13) Shallow relationships or relationships that know an early death result when people do not listen to each other.

    48. Characteristics that enhance meaningful Relationships Cont… A Transparent Manner “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another.” (NASB Ephesians 4:25)

    49. Characteristics that enhance meaningful Relationships Cont… Non - defensiveness How we act when mud flies greatly determines the quality of our relationships, and ultimately our ministerial effectiveness. By the way, mud brushes off better after it dries.

    50. Characteristics that enhance meaningful Relationships Cont… Diplomacy - Accept limited responsibility (Messiah complex) - Protect confidential information - Give perceptive counsel (know when to refer) - Avoid censure (judging people) - Play no favorites - Demonstrate patience (Col. 3:12-13)

    51. Steps to Healthy Relationships Study and preach on biblical texts stressing relationships with God and one another. Ask God for friends who will hold you accountable, refresh, nourish, rebuke, and encourage you in your ministry.

    52. Steps to Healthy Relationships Cont… 2. Identify your personality traits as well as your signature themes. You may need help to overcome those idiosyncrasies that form barriers to meaningful relationships and ministry.

    53. Steps to Healthy Relationships Cont… 3. Examine your leadership style. Be sure you are not confrontational or defensive. Learn the skills of interpersonal diplomacy. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you navigate well.

    54. Transformational leaders Transformational leaders must be risk takers “Effective leaders today reside somewhere between absolute order and chaos. The trick is to ride the wave of chaos to its crest without becoming engulfed by it. Instead of seeking order, leaders count the chaos. Risks are required in Turnaround Churches...”

    55. Transformational leaders The worst thing leaders can do today is to avoid the chaos of the moment for the order of the past. To do so signs one’s death warrant as a leader and consigns the organization to death.”- Bill Easum

    56. Transformational leaders are pastoral leaders ATTITUDES AND ABILITIES






    62. ABILITIES To communicate effectively on both a personal and corporate level. To manage and administer operations effectively To be able to establish “presence” with people To know when to delegate responsibilities

    63. ABILITIES 5. To understand the power of symbols and their role in worship and in the life of the congregation. 6. To be able to celebrate corporate life joyously. 7. To be able to study and grow.

    64. ABILITIES 8. To be able to find resources for support 9. To be able to accept people as they are 10. To serve as a model for the gospel and to enable the congregation to live out the gospel.

    65. ABILITIES To be able to live creatively with ambiguity and unfinished tasks 12. To have the ability to set priorities for oneself 13. To be able to preach with power

    66. ABILITIES 14. To be able to cope with conflict 15. To be able to think theologically and biblically about the church’s life 16. To understand and live out the servant role of a pastor 17. To be able to function effectively with multilingual and multiethnic groups.

    67. The Colossian Vision These leaders see that Christ dwells in heaven as firstborn of creation, the glue that holds the universe together, the Lord of all systems and structures in the world. Both creation and redemption serve as functional mandates. The church then becomes the base for the transformation of humanity.

    68. The Philippian Vision These leaders see that Christ left the power and glory of heaven and came personally to die and rise to give people personal, saving relationships with God and build churches that care for them. They feel at home with the powerless of the world.

    69. Discussion Questions How would you describe your leadership style? Are you encouraged by the present direction of your congregation? Are you thinking of starting a new congregation? Have you considered the NewStart Assessment?

    70. Discussion Questions 2. Explain your vision for ministry. Is it more “Colossian” or “Philippian”? Describe what you want it to be.

    71. Sources Bickers, Dennis, Intentional Ministry, Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City 2009 Malphurs, Aubrey, Planting Growing Churches for the 21st Century, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI 1998 Means, James, Effective Pastors for a New Century, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI 1993

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