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Assessment Update Special Education Administrators Conference

Assessment Update Special Education Administrators Conference. Anne Mruz Suzanne Swaffield Office of Assessment Kim Watkins Office of Exceptional Children March 21, 2013. Assessment Update. Use of Accommodations on PASS, HSAP, EOCEP Instructional vs Assessment Accommodations

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Assessment Update Special Education Administrators Conference

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  1. Assessment UpdateSpecial Education Administrators Conference Anne Mruz Suzanne Swaffield Office of Assessment Kim Watkins Office of Exceptional Children March 21, 2013

  2. Assessment Update • Use of Accommodations on PASS, HSAP, EOCEP • Instructional vs Assessment Accommodations • Special Requests • Resources for IEP Teams • Smarter Balanced • Plans for State Assessments 2013-14 • NCSC

  3. Title I─Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2007 Section 300.160(b)(2)…State guidelines must: (A) identify the accommodations for each assessment that do not invalidate the score; and (B) instruct IEP Teams to select for each assessment, only those accommodations that do not invalidate the score.

  4. Instructional and Assessment Accommodations Instructional Assessment Student characteristics Individual test characteristics State accommodations policies and consequence of decisions • Student characteristics • Instructional tasks • Consistency between accommodations documented for use in classroom instruction and assessment

  5. Special Requests for Accommodations • Reviewed by committee • MUST be submitted two weeks prior to the start of testing window

  6. Resources For IEP Teams The Office of Assessment resources available online: • Accommodations Manual • Oral Administration FAQ • Guidance for IEP Teams on Determining Participation in the South Carolina Alternate Assessment (SC-Alt) http://ed.sc.gov/agency/ac/Assessment/

  7. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)Update http://www.smarterbalanced.org/

  8. Assessment System Components • Formative assessment • Optional interim assessments • Summative assessments • Computer-Adaptive • Performance task(s)

  9. Summative • Computer-Adaptive Tests (CAT) - Selected-Response (SR) - Constructed-Response (CR) • Technology-Enhanced (TE) • Performance Tasks (PT) - May include Extended-Constructed Response (ER)

  10. Selected-Response Items Select a single option from among a set of options (traditional multiple‐choice) 2. Select multiple options from among a set of options 3. Create a line 4. Move one or more objects to given set of locations (drag-and-drop)

  11. Selected-Response(cont.)

  12. Technology-Enhanced Items (TEI) • Computer-delivered items • Specialized interactions for response • interactions/responses that are not selected response • interactions/responses that are not text entry • may include digital media as the stimulus (sound, video, or interactive widget)

  13. Item Specifications Sample Grade 4 Technology-enhanced item with rubric

  14. Sample Technology-enhanced with rubric

  15. Sample Technology-enhanced with rubric

  16. Performance Tasks multiple standards, claims, and targets student-initiated planning oral presentations, exhibitions, product development, or more extended written responses real-world tasks multiple approaches relevant content 21st Century skills scoring that focuses on the essence of the task

  17. Smarter Balanced Accessibility and Accommodations Policies and Guidelines

  18. Smarter Balanced Accommodations Definition • A practice or procedure in presentation, response, setting, and timing or scheduling that, when used in an assessment, provides increased equity access to all students. • Consortium-approved accommodations do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, or intended outcome of the assessment.

  19. Accessibility and Accommodations Policies and Guidelines The development of a full array of Accessibility and Accommodations features is an ongoing project informed by • Research and best practices • Advances enabled by digital technologies • Review of existing state accommodations practices across partner states • Recommendations of panels of experts in testing students with disabilities and English language learners • Findings of the pilot and field tests

  20. DRAFT Accessibility Framework

  21. Access by Design • Needs of most students can be accommodated during the design process rather than in a post hoc manner after the original version of an item and task are developed. • Accessibility supports are embedded in a digital file.

  22. Accessibility Supports Embedded in a Digital File ASL tags Spoken (Read Aloud)Tags Braille Tags Language Learner Tags Text-Based Default Form

  23. Accessibility and Accommodations for the Pilot • Universal Digital Tools • Accommodations Supports • Research Forms

  24. Universal Digital Tools Built into the test administration software and available for all students. Can be activated by student. • Pausing • Variable font size (5 sizes) • Highlighting • Marking for review • Answer eliminator • Expandable passages • Tab-enter navigation • Calculator (on-line embedded) displays only for certain items • Note taking tool for ELA performance task • Universal Digital Writing Tools

  25. Accommodations Supports • Extended time • Frequent breaks • Quiet environment • Font background color alternatives • Black on White (default) • Black on Rose • Medium Gray on Light Gray • Yellow on Blue • Reverse Contrast • Print on request

  26. Pilot Research Forms • Small number of students for the 2013 Pilot • To investigate specific assessment accessibility and accommodation issues • Schools will assign forms on documented student need • IEP • 504 Plan

  27. Pilot Research Forms (cont.) • Online Refreshable Braille • Students who use braille for accessing content • Text-to-Speech • Students with identified need • Math • text-based content and graphics • ELA • test items only • Online English Glossary

  28. Personal Needs Profile (PNP) • Developed for all students • Matches supports to individual needs • Students requiring one or more accessibility or accommodations support will have this documented prior to test administration. • Digital delivery system will activate the specified options when the student logs in to an assessment. • For paper-based administration the PNP will allow the assessment program to deliver the appropriate materials to each school. • Provides information to the school regarding any special settings or conditions

  29. Preparation for SBAC • Include special education teachers in all CCSS implementation activities in the school and district. • A deep understanding of the CCSS is essential for instruction in and access to the assessment content. • Identify technology needs created by access needs and provide opportunity for use in routine instruction and assessment. • Use sample items for practice. • Encourage students with access needs to participate in the pilot testing.

  30. Status of State Assessments 2013–14

  31. HSAP/EOCEP(2013–14) HSAP ELA and Mathematics • No changes in the assessments (alignment or format) • Assessments will be aligned to the HSAP skills which are linked under the title “What does the HSAP assess?” at http://ed.sc.gov/agency/programs-services/43/ . EOCEP Algebra 1/Mathematics for the Technologies 2, English 1, U.S. History and the Constitution, and Biology 1/Applied Biology 2 • No changes in the assessments (alignment or format) • Assessments aligned to standards on the EOCEP Web page at http://ed.sc.gov/agency/programs-services/41/

  32. PASS (2013–14) ELA (Reading and Research) and mathematics • Constructed from items in the current item banks • Items will be selected that address the CCSS to the maximum extent possible • Selection design chosen so that teachers can feel confident that focusing their instruction on the CCSS for the school year will not penalize their students’ performance on these assessments ELA Writing • No changes in the assessments (alignment or format) • Students will respond to one section that requires an essay in response to the same style prompt as used in the past and a section of multiple-choice items. • The assessments will be aligned to the writing standards in the 2008 ELA standards at: http://ed.sc.gov/agency/programs-services/59/documents/StateBoardApprovedFinalMay14.pdf

  33. PASS(2013–14) Science and Social Studies • No changes • Science standards undergoing cyclical review • approval in fall 2013 • New social studies standards approved in 2011 • Social Studies Test aligned to the 2011 standards http://ed.sc.gov/agency/se/Teacher-Effectiveness/Standards-and-Curriculum • No changes in reporting

  34. SC-Alt (2013-14) • ELA and math • based on state standards that also link to the CCSS • Science • No change • Social Studies • Literacy skills for the 21st Century • Embedded in grade-level context

  35. National Centerand State Collaborative (NCSC)Update www.ncscpartners.org

  36. NCSC Project Goals To develop a comprehensive system of technically defensible summative assessments supported by • Evidence-based curriculum and instruction • Comprehensive professional development To ensure that students with significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options (college and career ready)

  37. SummativeAssessment • Coordinate with the general assessment used by each member state (in SC this is Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)); • Utilize alternate academic achievement standards strongly linked with the CCSS; • Yield scores that can be used for accountability purpose(s); and • Utilize a technology-based management system for assessment administration, documentation, and reporting.

  38. Status of Assessment Development • Currently developing tasks aligned to the CCSS • Committee members from partner states including SC will participate in content and bias reviews of items this summer • Pilots and cognitive labs will be conducted fall of 2013 and some field-testing spring of 2014 • Census operational field test spring 2015

  39. Curriculum and InstructionProfessional Development

  40. Curriculum and Instruction Aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) through Core Content Connectors (CCCs) and Learning Progression Frameworks (LPFs) Curricular materials and instructional modules will be provided to SC teachers as they are developed to review and provide feedback.

  41. Instructional Resources • Provide guidance on how to “unpack” the instructional and assessment content • Provide strategies and resources for teaching challenging academic content • Align challenging but attainable content that is observable and measureable to instruction and assessment

  42. Community of Practice (CoP) Community of Practice • Approximately 60 members • South Carolina teachers who have committed to being involved in the rollout of the Common Core State Standards in the state by • assisting with the review of curriculum and instructional materials and assessment tasks, and - participating in webinars and face-to-face training sessions

  43. Spartanburg 1,2,7 SC School for Deaf and Blind York 4 SC Public Charter Schools Lexington 1, 2, 5 Dorchester 2 Hampton 2 CoP Representation Highlighted

  44. Contact Information Anne Mruz amruz@ed.sc.gov Suzanne Swaffield sswaffie@ed.sc.gov Kim Watkins KAWatkins@ed.sc.gov

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