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Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art? 正式書信寫作 : 一個死亡技術 ?

When was the last time you sent someone a letter by regular mail? Thanks to the speed and ease of using the Internet, sending e-mail--rather than mailing letters using the postal system (now often called 'snail mail')--is the preferred means of communication for many people.

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Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art? 正式書信寫作 : 一個死亡技術 ?

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  1. When was the last time you sent someone a letter by regular mail? Thanks to the speed and ease of using the Internet, sending e-mail--rather than mailing letters using the postal system (now often called 'snail mail')--is the preferred means of communication for many people. 你上次什麼時候用正規的郵件寄給某人信件?由於使用網際網路的速度和便易, 寄送電子郵件--而非郵寄使用郵政系統 (現在經常叫'蝸牛郵件') 的信件--是許多人通信的更好的方法(工具) Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art?正式書信寫作:一個死亡技術?

  2. In a survey of 2000 young people conducted by the e-mail provider MSN Hotmail, around half said they send thank-you notes by e-mail, not post. In addition to sending more personal e-mail, young people entering the working world today find themselves sending and replying to hundreds of business related e-mails every week. 在由電子郵件的供應者微軟公司網路Hotmail實施的 2000個年輕人的調查中,約一半說他們用電子郵件寄送感謝函,而非郵寄信件。 除寄送更個人的電子郵件以外,今天年輕人進入這個不停工作的世界經由每星期寄送和回答成千的有業務關聯的電子郵件找到自己。 Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art?正式書信寫作:一個死亡技術?

  3. However, many of these same young people seem to be unaware of some basic rules when it comes to sending e-mail at work. Most of the people who responded to the survey said they didn't check their spelling or punctuation before hitting 'send.' Even more surprising was that one in twenty of the survey's respondents said they sometimes end e-mails to messages to friends and loved ones, it is normally considered inappropriate workplace etiquette. 然而,許多這些相同的年輕人看來,不瞭解一些於工作中寄送電子郵件的基本規則。對調查作出回應的大多數人說他們沒檢查他們的拼寫或者標點在按下傳送鍵之前。更令人驚訝的調查回答的二十個人之中說他們有時在結束電子郵件時,對朋友示愛,這通常被看作不適當的辦公室禮節。 Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art?正式書信寫作:一個死亡技術?

  4. The main reason for this use of informal language in workplace e-mail is that a lot of young people have always communicated with others on the Internet--especially using e-mail--in a relaxed and friendly manner. For many, online communication outside of work involves talking with others in chat rooms, posting on message boards, and sending e-mail to friends--all for fun. 對於這個辦公室電子郵件成為非正式語言的主要原因是許多年輕人總是在網上與其他人通訊--尤其使用電子郵件--以輕鬆和友好的模式。許多在工作外的線上通信涉及在聊天室與其他人交談,在資訊板上郵寄留言,和給朋友寄送電子郵件--所有都是為了樂趣。 Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art?正式書信寫作:一個死亡技術?

  5. Another reason is that some young people now entering the workforce are unfamiliar with how to write formal correspondence, because they have never had to write a formal letter before. They have had no training in how to compose a basic business letter, and are unaware of the style and language that should, and should not, be used. This need for training has lead to a variety of books and websites being written, which all aim to familiarize people with appropriate business e-mail etiquette and style. 另一個原因是時下進入工作職場的一些年輕人不熟悉寫正式信件,因為他們以前從未有過寫正式信件。他們沒有接受訓練如何寫基本商業信件,和不瞭解應該和不應該的格式和語言的使用。對於打算用適當商業電子郵件的禮節和格式來親近人們來說,這有必要的訓練,導致這多樣化被寫在書和網站上。 Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art?正式書信寫作:一個死亡技術?

  6. With more business correspondence now being conducted using the Internet than ever before, it is important for people to be aware of the differences in language use between personal and business communication--especially when using e-mail. So the next time you send an e-mail at the office, remember you're not just online, you're at work. 更多的商業通信時下被引導使用網際網路,更勝以往, 這對於人們重要的是意識到個人的和商業的通信之間語言使用方面的差別,--尤其當使用電子郵件時。那麼下次你在辦公室寄送一個電子郵件時,記住你不只是在線上,你正在工作。 Formal Letter Writing: A Dying Art?正式書信寫作:一個死亡技術?

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