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DE Coordinator’s and managers March 2014 Telephone Meeting

LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs Chancellor’s Office March 21, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM. DE Coordinator’s and managers March 2014 Telephone Meeting. Audio Setup. Chat Messages. *.

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DE Coordinator’s and managers March 2014 Telephone Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs Chancellor’s Office March 21, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM DE Coordinator’s and managers March 2014 Telephone Meeting

  2. Audio Setup

  3. Chat Messages * If you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline the question and answer process.

  4. Participant Interaction * *

  5. Closed Captioning

  6. Save Chat or Whiteboard

  7. LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs Chancellor’s Office March 21, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM DE Coordinator’s and managers March 2014 Telephone Meeting

  8. Agenda • Meeting ground rules, chat window, questions, meeting feedback survey, etc. • Clearing up the Murkiness • Previous Meeting Evaluation • Q and A Session • “College Distance Education Profile” Request for April’s Monthly Meeting • College Distance Education Profile – San Diego Community College District, Kats Gustafson, Dean Online and Distributed Learning, Katie Palacios and Dave Giberson, Instructional Design Coordinators • Panel Discussion on “Regular and Effective Contact”, Patricia James, Belinda Scott, Mt. San Jacinto College, Melissa Colon, Columbia College, John Makevich, College of the Canyons • CCC Online Education Initiative (CVC Online Course Exchange) Update • State Authorization Update • CCC Coordinators and Managers Organization • 3CMeNow Presentation, Phil Cerda • Announcements • Meeting Evaluation

  9. @ONE Support • Micah Orloff • @ONE Staff • DE Coordinators and Managers Meeting and Archive Page • http://www.onefortraining.org/coordinators

  10. Clearing Up the Murkiness • Meeting evaluation for January 2014 • 33 participants

  11. Clearing Up the Murkiness • Two polls to help inform the evolution of the DE Coordinators and Managers meeting. • Length of meeting • College profiles

  12. Clearing Up the Murkiness • Should the meetings be: • 60 minutes • 90 minutes

  13. Clearing Up the Murkiness • I understand that sharing ideas and what is going on campus is a good idea, but I question if this is the right forum for it. I want to hear what is going on with legislation, at the Chancellor's Office, upcoming relevant conferences, the State Education Initiative, etc.

  14. Clearing Up the Murkiness • Should the “College Profiles” continue? • Yes • No • How many should be presented at each meeting? • 3 • 2 • 1 • 0

  15. Clearing Up the Murkiness • CVC is still murky for me. Please keep updating every meeting on where things are, what the charge is, what the goals are, who is doing what, etc. • Information related to OEI. Things are moving fast and quickly. Could Project Director provide brief updates each meeting? (Recorded or just slide would be fine—but this generates lots of questions we don’t have time to answer.)

  16. Clearing Up the Murkiness • Need more information on Alternative Attendance Accounting. I got somewhat lost during this discussion. • Missing presentation slides.

  17. Previous Meeting Evaluation • Please continue to provide your input and comments regarding the monthly meetings

  18. Q and A Session • The following questions are from fellow colleagues about DE

  19. Q and A Session • I would have liked to get info on what percentage of FT load online instructors teach at other colleges

  20. Q and A Session • The question of course shell backups with respect to the statute of limitations for distance education student grade and other grievances. As I recall, it was on the order of two years. • Today I contacted the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and their statute of limitations runs at 180 days. • Do you know of any language in Ed Code that speaks to this question? I wanted to provide appropriate guidance on the question of Blackboard backups for­­ the XXXCCD

  21. Q and A Session • § 59025. Class 3-Disposable Records. • All records, other than Continuing Records, not classified as Class 1-Permanent or Class 2-Optional, shall be classified as Class 3-Disposable, including, but not limited to, detail records relating to: • (a) records basic to audit, including those relating to attendance, full-time equivalent student, or a business or financial transaction (purchase orders, invoices, warrants, ledger sheets, canceled checks and stubs, student body and cafeteria fund records, etc.), and detail records used in the preparation of any other report; and • (b) periodic reports, such as daily, weekly, and monthly reports, bulletins, and instructions.

  22. Q and A Session • § 59026. Retention Period. • (a) Generally, a Class 3-Disposable record, unless otherwise specified in this Subchapter, should be destroyed during the third college year after the college year in which it originated (e.g., 1993-94 plus 3 = 1996-97). Federal programs, including various student aid programs, may require longer retention periods and such program requirements shall take precedence over the requirements contained herein. • (b) With respect to records basic to an audit, a Class 3-Disposable record shall not be destroyed until after the third July 1 succeeding the completion of the audit required by Education Code Section 84040 or of any other legally required audit, or that period specified by Section 59118, or after the ending date of any retention period required by any agency other than the State of California, whichever date is later. • (c) With respect to continuing records, a continuing record shall not be destroyed until the third year after it has been classified as Class 3- Disposable.

  23. College Distance Education Profile Request for April Meeting • Highlight your program or unique aspect of something you are doing • Intent is to showcase different colleges and the local solutions to accomplishing elements of distance education at a college • Each college will get up to 15 minutes • Up to three colleges will be highlighted each month

  24. College Profiles • College Distance Education Profile – San Diego Community College District, Kats Gustafson, Dean Online and Distributed Learning, Katie Palacios and Dave Giberson, Instructional Design Coordinators

  25. Online Faculty Training and Certification at SDCCD Kats Gustafson – Dean, Online and Distributed Learning Katie Palacios – Instructional Design Coordinator Dave Giberson - Instructional Design Coordinator

  26. Why the Need for Training and Certification? • Unique pedagogy of online environment • Accreditation and regulatory compliance • Good practice for quality assurance • LMS competence • Empathy with online students

  27. Goals • More than a Blackboard tutorial • Modeling of: • good online course design • effective online pedagogy • responsive instruction • effective communication • regulatory compliance • Faculty awareness of support resources

  28. Course Description • Fully online • Offered through District LMS (Blackboard) • Instructor-led • Self-paced • Open-entry/Open-exit

  29. Course Design • Modular – fully online • Extensive use of accessible media • Authentic and varied assessment • Active learning • Frequent and timely instructor feedback

  30. Course Tour

  31. Course Modules

  32. Course Modules

  33. Course Modules

  34. Course Modules

  35. Course Modules

  36. Like a Copy? The entire training course is available as an importable cartridge. http://www.sdccdonline.net/faculty/resources/package_download.html Intellectual Property Statement The SDCCD Online Faculty Training Certification Course and associated documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

  37. Panel Discussion“Regular and Effective Contact” • Patricia James, Moderator • Belinda Scott, Mt. San Jacinto College, • Melissa Colon, Columbia College, • John Makevich, College of the Canyons

  38. Regular and Effective Contact is central to DE effective practice, among other things! A five minute overview…..

  39. Correspondence (Feds) Correspondence course: (1) A course provided by an institution under which the institution provides instructional materials, by mail or electronic transmission, including examinations on the materials, to students who are separated from the instructor. Interaction between the instructor and student is limited, is not regular and substantive, and is primarily initiated by the student. Correspondence courses are typically self-paced. (2) If a course is part correspondence and part residential training, the Secretary considers the course to be a correspondence course. (3) A correspondence course is not distance education. 34 C.F.R. § 602.3.

  40. Distance EducationCalifornia Regulations Title 5 section 55200 Definition Distance education means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology.

  41. More Title 5: 55204. Instructor Contact. In addition to the requirements of section 55002 and any locally established requirements applicable to all courses, district governing boards shall ensure that: (a) Any portion of a course conducted through distance education includes regular effective contact between instructor and students, through group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions, supplemental seminar or study sessions, field trips, library workshops, telephone contact, correspondence, voice mail, email, or other activities.

  42. Language used in state and federal settings: • US Dept. of Ed: “regular and substantive interaction between the students and faculty,” • Title 5: “Regular and Effective Contact” • Used to be “Regular and In-Person Contact” ACCJC looks for “regular and substantive”

  43. Upshot? • All DE must have contact between the instructor and the student. (implied initiated by the instructor) • It has to be regular, effective, substantive, and engaged • Contact has to happen in fully and partially online courses.

  44. Regular and substantive interaction between student and teacher according to ACCJC: • Is central in determining whether a course is distance education rather than correspondence education. • Is needed in every course that is fully online and in the online elements of courses otherwise on-site. • Must be demonstrable and documented. • Is vital to a college’s relationship with the U.S. Department of Education for student financial aid eligibility. • Is key to quality education and the student outcomes required by the ACCJC Accreditation Standards.

  45. Who cares? • It’s really about effective practices!

  46. Regular Effective Contact Policy

  47. It started with the Curriculum Committee

  48. RECI have to do ………… WHAT? MSJC Faculty

  49. Development of the MSJC REC Policy • Initiated Interaction • Frequency • Establishing Expectations and Type of Contact • Threaded discussion forums, blogs, wikis (within Blackboard) • MSJC email • Weekly announcements (Blackboard) • Timely feedback • Suggestions for additional activities • CCC Confer • Polleverywhere • VoiceThread • Faculty Development • Stay current with emerging technology • MSJC Academy • Online Faculty Mentorship • Twitter (student voluntary ) • Facebook (student voluntary) • Google Docs • Edudemic • Online Teaching Conference • The Faculty Project

  50. Melissa Colón, Distance Education Coordinator Regular & Effective Contact Instructor to Student & Student to Student

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