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OPAC : Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control

OPAC : Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control. Simme Douwe Flapper OPAC master project coordinator. Research domains. Different (industrial) domains: Capital Goods Operations Physical Distribution and Logistics Management Healthcare Operations Process, Pharma , Food Industries

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OPAC : Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control

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  1. OPAC : Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control SimmeDouwe Flapper OPAC master project coordinator

  2. Research domains • Different (industrial) domains: • Capital Goods Operations • Physical Distribution and Logistics Management • Healthcare Operations • Process, Pharma, Food Industries • Accounting, Finance, and Game Theory • Linked to many research projects • Linked to many real-life decision problems within companies / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  3. Domains • Many mentors participate in more than one domain • Company involvement is usually based on our networks • Detailed information is available on: • OPAC website • http://w3.ieis.tue.nl/nl/groups/opac • http://w3.ieis.tue.nl/en/groups/opac • Personal web pages master’s thesis mentors / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  4. Capital Goods Operations • Some topics: • Design for complete life cycle (incl. maintenance, final disposal) • Planning and control actual production capital goods (job shop like) • Planning and control after sales activities, incl. servicing maintenance activities (parts, men, tools) ,leasing., • Location allocation decisions (parts, tools, service men). • People primarily involved: Geert-Jan van Houtum, SimmeDouwe Flapper, Hao Peng (Reliability), Tarkan Tan • Other: Henny van Ooijen, Marco Slikker (Game • theory) / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  5. Physical Distribution and Logistics Management • Some topics: • Network design for efficient transportation operations • Port and Hinterland logistics • Distribution Center and store location decisions • Planning and scheduling vehicles: Vehicle Routing Problems, Vehicle Fill rate improvements • In-store operations: e.g. handling, inventory. • People primarily involved: Tom Van Woensel, Jan Fransoo, Peter de Langen, Ton de Kok, DorotheeHonhon, Rob Broekmeulen, Karel van Donselaar • Other: Marco Slikker (Game theory), Nico Dellaert / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  6. Process, Pharma and Food Industries • Some Topics: • Planning and control of supply of input materials • Production planning and control (e.g., silos; technical batch sizes; sequence dependent setup times and costs; storage time restrictions; alternative recipes, routings; deteriorating stocks) • Distribution planning and control • Location allocation decisions (network design) • Investment decisions • Sustainable production and distribution • People primarily involved: Jan Fransoo, SimmeDouwe Flapper • Other: Tarkan Tan, Henny van Ooijen, Ton de Kok, Zűmbűl Atan / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  7. Accounting, Finance, and Game Theory • Some Topics: • Collaboration (between different parts of one company, different companies) • Contracting • Operations management and Finance (double degree Tilburg) • People primarily involved: Marco Slikker (Game theory), Matthew Reindorp, Fehmi Tanrisever, Arun Chockalingam / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  8. Healthcare operations • Some Topics: • Planning and control of supply to hospitals, incl. ambulances • Planning and control of patient flows (men, tools, materials; emergency, regular (repeat) visits) • Internal logistics (e.g., food delivery to patients in a hospital, daily help people in a nursery home) • Planning and control of helping people at home ("thuiszorg") • Planning and control of human resource availability, e.g., temporary workers, working in shifts (rosteringproblem) • Planning and control of materials, tools availability • People primarily involved: Nico Dellaert Other: Henny van Ooijen / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  9. Available OPAC mentors for thisround Mentor max # students to accept Broekmeulen 4 de Kok 2 de Langen 1 Dellaert 3 Flapper 4 Fransoo 1 Slikker 3 Tan 1 v. Donselaar 3 v. Houtum 1 (PDEng) v. Ooijen 3 v. Woensel 2 Atan 2 Chockalingam 4 Honhon 2 Peng 3 Reindorp 1 Tanrisever 4 / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  10. OPAC course requirements 1CM22 Integrated Financial & Operations Management 1CM25/1CM10 SCOP/MAMS obligatory for all OML Masters obligatory for OPAC Masters 1CM05 Design of Oper. Pl. Control Systems 1CM10/1CM25 MAMS/SCOP (the otherone!) 1CM15 Project andProcess Management 1CM30 Service Supply ChainsCapitalGoods 1CM36 Game Theorywithapplicationsto SCM 1CM40 Retail Operations 1CM55 Strategic and operational decision making in transportation and logistics 3 out of 6 for OPAC Masters, supervisor has to agree / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

  11. Information meeting research domains OPAC Date: Friday, November 23, 2012 (Upcoming Friday) Time: 13:30 – 15:30 Location: Pav. K10 If you would like to attend, please send an e-mail, preferably before the end of the day to M.Slikker@tue.nl It would be helpful if you use subject “Information meeting research domains OPAC”.

  12. Preliminary Program November 23, 2012 • 13.30: • •          Intro                                                                         Marco Slikker • •          Capital Goods Operations                                     Bas Timmermans • •          Process, Pharma and Food Industries                 Bart Corbijn • Break (around 14.15-14.30) • 14:30: • •          Healthcare Operations                                            Rik Mols • •          PPFI/CGO                                                                 Merel de Bruijn • •          Physical Distribution and Logistics Management   Roel Hoyer

  13. OPAC intake process • Contact directly potential mentors (try to limit #) • Be prepared! • Provide CV, interests, grades, etc. by email • Prepare your face2face meeting with the mentor • Advice: talk first with SimmeDouwe Flapper • Mentor availability • Interests matching • S.D.P.Flapper@tue.nl / School of Industrial Engineering - prof.dr. Tom Van Woensel

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